There is potential for a significant economic plummet the likes of which we have not experienced since the 1929 Great Depression. There are 8 chapters from the original draft which weren't included in the final edit. May God bless you for your faithfulness in helping us to reach, Prophetic Light International Church base Restoration Project: We want to thank all of our partners who helped us to accomplish this miracle project. or fasted. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. So fear not, neither be dismayed, for []. The enemy will use the chaos to attempt to install puppet leaders in government. And its not going back to normal.2020 was a pivotal year in reshaping and redefining life on earth as we know it.While so-called conspiracy theories abound, it would be difficult for anyone to dispute that a huge amount has happened in the past 12 months to set the stage for the events we see painted in the book of Revelation. You and both books have been heaven sent! Evil will overplay its hand. Great shaking will lead to greater glory. In 2021, Jesus has been looking at his church. Around four weeks later, in January 2022 news outlets were already using the words false flag in relation to Russias activities in eastern Ukraine. How to know if its really God speaking, or simply you making it up (or even the enemy trying to deceive you). How do I find my tribe - the people that God is aligning me with in this next season? Expect things to begin to turn between Easter (April) and September. Patiently wait for Me to direct your path.. The is no middle ground. At the time, I honestly had no idea of the significance of that word. Break free from containment and confinement. ebook. How will I recognize them? Who is the dragon and the beast? He will lift us up. Daily Prophetic Word 14 April 2023 2 of 4 Kevin Bridges 8.7K subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago ONE WORD FROM GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Get your Personal Prophetic word. Revive Me Daily - Prophetic Word. Enough of the downturn. We must see the big picture from Gods Word and the big picture of history - our God is sovereign and all of history and humanity are moving irreversibly towards the feet of Jesus. Prophetic Word: You will be Rich! Lion Bites - Daily Prophetic Words Every day our team publish a daily (Monday-Friday) personal prophetic word which encourages tens of thousands of believers all over the world. Patiently wait, You will be made to forget, says the Lord. The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. Seek Heavens wisdom and you will prosper. The only name that should be lifted up is Jesus.The Holy Spirit is going to make Himself tangibly manifest and powerfully present among those who are seeking Him with a pure heart and a passionate pursuit. How do I break off previous alignments that God is calling me away from? I raised my voice, and they ran off. However, this is also a time for personal confrontation - to ruthlessly deal with the things in our own hearts that have been hindering us and holding us back from full devotion to Jesus. A common statement this year will be: Thats not how it should happen.. Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for April 2023 and more. What lies ahead? Is the rapture biblical? latest prophetic word. They seek the face of the Lord above all else. It has never been more vital for Gods people to realign themselves with the right people and in the right places. The earth is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. Expect to see significant shifts in leadership in the body of Christ in 2022. You have lost some sense of the essence of who you are. I have given you of My substance, says the Father. The epicenters of power are being redefined. You have taken what God has given you and ran with it. Its the same with the volatility in the world around us. Prophetic Word for 2021. Through a fresh study of prophecy in the Bible, many interactions with prophetic people, stepping out and making mistakes, reading and studying many books from seasoned prophets, praying with and ministering to hundreds of people in various settings, and a year of intense spiritual warfare in our own family situation, God revealed to me how he was speaking to me every day. How important is the right environment' to the fulfillment of destiny? Our nearest neighbors havent experienced them. Daily Prophetic Words of God. To see things from his perspective and vantage point. The LORD says today, Broken cisterns. Ask for Katie. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 explains it this way: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. or was more obedient. There will be many instances where people will talk about unusual or unheard of events, especially in relation to nature/creation/weather. I see a clear distinction between the Righteous and unrighteous in this year, 2022. You are going to need real-time wisdom from the Holy Spirit. We must discern the now Word of the Lord and obey immediately. Great deception will be exposed. Lift up your hands, Be patient, says the Lord. Who benefits? Share. Determine your priorities. For many people hearing God speaks can seem so inaccessible and confined to the chosen few. Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and our international Next Gen Prophets Team deliver prophesies to your inbox. But they are the voice of the Lord calling in the wilderness. That process has now become 'SPIRIT SPEAK: 100 DAYS OF DAILY PROPHETIC'.This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation. Nor do I think Biden will serve for any significant length of time. The first draft of THE BLUEPRINT is now complete and available as a PDF E-book. Wait for My Voice to speak to you, and follow My lead. Be encouraged in Me, says The LORD. I heard the Lord say: Say Goodbye to powerless Christianity.. How do I find the confidence to stand firm in times of intense opposition and resistance? This is going to build up to such an extent that it will be like an earthquake or eruption in 2020.In fact, dont be surprised if the Lord affirms this in the natural. Among many other things, this was part of what the Lord spoke to me: The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL". I would that you enter into joy this day and enter into peace. You can subscribe to receive Lion Bites as an email every day or you can simply browse the archive of words here, that come from over a decade of us listening to God . A false flag is an event/crisis designed to create a desired response or divert attention away from something else. Believers will split into wise and foolish. ), If you would like to order the book, all you have to do is CLICK THE LINK BELOW. To effectively navigate through this season and flourish, very believer must know how to hear God's voice and interpret what He is saying. How was He at work in our lives? They will speak to leaders and governments. But like in the day when the Pharisees and rulers and scribes used My own Word to disprove the truth of who I AM and said - is no different than today. More. And food shortages? As the woke/liberal demonic agenda is pushed to extremes, the pressure to conform will intensify, especially in the area of human sexuality and gender ideology. His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. We need more of Him. Craig Cooney | DAILY PROPHETIC (@daily.prophetic) Instagram photos and videos 100k Followers, 688 Following, 182 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Craig Cooney | DAILY PROPHETIC (@daily.prophetic) My dealings will sometimes seem caustic, but it is necessary, for My land will be cleansed. We have never been this way before. Have you been sensing that there is a SHIFT OF SEASONS in your life? A holy fear of the LORD is returning to the church. The Father says today, do you love Me? Are we moving towards a completely digital/cashless system? During the first 100 days of 2022, the Lord is searching to and fro throughout the earth for those whose hearts are fully devoted to him. (2 Chronicles 16: 9) When he finds them, He will promote them. Do [], The Father says today that the Baal spirit is being broken in your midst. But God will not protect it from the wrong ears (if you Reveal it) ShaneikaUniting4Christ 75K subscribers Subscribe Share 1 view 59 seconds ago #YouWillBeRich. His powerful messages stay with his audiences long after hearing him. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.. Our lips have the power to bless or to curse, to tear down or to build, to heal or to destroy, to speak life or death. In the form of daily devotions, shares the words of the Holy Spirit as heard by the author, and includes relevant Scripture references and prayer starters. Or you're praying and longing to see His PROMISES or PROPHETIC WORDS fulfilled in your life? I will only share the highlights of a few of them: The LORD is coming to anoint His Bride. 96 Likes, TikTok video from Receive a prophecy (@receiveaprophecy): "Receive this daily prophetic word #DailyPropheticWords #PropheticWord #MessageFromGod #WordOfGod #PropheticRelease #ILoveProphecy #DailyPropheticWords2023@receiveaprophecy". Be edified with the latest Prophetic Words for April 2023 and more. In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season. #prophetic #dailyprophetic #propheticword #dougaddison #hearinggod #prayer #supernatural #encouragement We are with you every step of the way. Thanks so much for this word., Craig this is so in tune to what my life feels like.THANK YOU Craig - you explain things in such a way that, we feel the emotions and the chaos but aren't always, sure how to explain our thoughts. The virus. The Lord is cleaning His house. Powered by Psalm 33 , 1 John 1:5-10 1 John 2:15-17 Luke 21:36 Keep your eyes on Me and you will watch great exploits happening all around. It is a sign that God is turning things upside down. These 129 pages include teaching on abundance and financial provision, healing, favor, risk-taking, expectation and much more. How God spoke throughout Scripture to and through less-than-perfect people. Have you ever read or heard a prophetic word - perhaps online or in a book - and you knew it was just for you? You're UNSETTLED and UNSURE what the future holds. hiskingdomprophecy.. 52.1K 3K 7 posts / day Jul 2010 Get Email Contact More 3. You will be rewarded for your patience as you slow down and listen. You speak to my heart and soul especially for the season that I am going through in my life right now, and I feel the Holy Spirit every time I read., Ive been SPEECHLESS!!! To navigate this time of unprecedented challenge and change, we need real-time wisdom, direction, and prophetic revelation. This is the first year that I would not publish a Prophetic Word for the year as I had in every previous year. My land will be cleansed, and I will renew the hopes of the prisoners and lift up the heads of those who [], The Father says today come up higher. "Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.". In the midst of all of the crises and shaking, the Lord has been working behind the scenes to reposition and re-mantle his people. How can I be part of the rising, radical remnant in the new wineskin that is emerging? Perhaps thats you. The Gathering is happening. The Lord says, tell the righteous. God is bringing His people back into a holy reverence and fear of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 14:3) Imagine you're standing on a beach looking out at the ocean as wave after wave rolls in. This will lead to unrest, looting, mass protests, uprisings, and the overthrow of governments. The spiritual gift of prophecy is one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. . REJUVENATION, VITALITY and STRENGTH comes into you now! So, below are what I have called 10 sobering words for this prophetic season.. Places that are usually warm will be uncommonly cold. The problem was - we had nowhere or nothing to go to. Conviction, confession, and disciplined living are central to our ability to prevail. When you walk in Disbelief, you are merely dropping My Promises on the Ground. Lord, we are assured that there is a beginning, middle and end to every trial and test that we are to endure. We are being called to seek His face and pursue His presence above all else. NEW LIFE and FRESH ANOINTING! If so, how will I know where to go? I will make you forget the former things in light of My glory to come. We are experiencing the first season of a whole new era. (The Ebook also includes an additional book 'The Missing Chapters'. This includes Russia, Hong Kong and even possibly Iran and mainland China.The United States will find itself on the brink of civil conflict as the push to remove President Trump becomes more and more desperate. However, over the last few days, I have felt a sense of release from the Holy Spirit to share what I have written. Prophetic Words - Lana Vawser Ministries Home Join Mailing List About Us Prophetic Words School Sowing Resource Table Connect / Social Media Policies Prophetic Words Search Search March 2023 February 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 And you will be equipped and empowered to be part of the great harvest that we can expect to see as Gods Spirit is poured out. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Daily Prophetic Rhema Words from the Lord to support, encourage, and strengthen your daily walk with Christ You [], The Father says today My child, do not be satisfied with just a taste of My goodness. What does Kingdom leadership look like in this new era? The dry bones will respond to the Word of the Lord. What about the climate crisis? Light will shine into the darkest corners of corruption. In the Bible, we are told that the sons of Issachar stood out in their time because they understood the times and knew what Israel should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32). Rapping for Jesus! There are 10 prophetic promises and points that you can fully expect to receive over these next 40 days! I will stop the mouth of the mocker, and I will stay the hand of the striker, says the Father. Others that were at the forefront of power will see their importance significantly decline. This is through ongoing weariness, attacks on our weak spots, and insecurity about the future. The Lord is going to bring deep conviction to His people. I see hot spots all over the globe. In many places, this will lead to a total dependence on governments for handouts to survive in return for giving up of personal freedoms. To be honest, I was also reluctant to share it because what I was receiving wasn't exactly uplifting for the most part! I so want every believer to really grasp how easy it is to hear from God. Rising prices. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.. What is Gods process of promotion? Throughout 2022, we will find ourselves on a cusp. Remember: You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. You can PURCHASE IT NOW and download 100 days of Daily Prophetic words, inspiration, Scriptures and personal stories IMMEDIATELY. Much of 2022 will be spent trying to pull nations back from the brink of devastating conflicts. In Mark 11, we are told that Jesus visited the temple and looked around. It could have been written at a different time, and even for someone else, but, in that moment, the Holy Spirit applied it directly to your situation. I have made it my mission to attempt to break down exactly what is going on in my mind, heart and even my whole body when God is speaking to me. I then took time to carefully write down what I sensed He was saying and compiled it with specifically selected Scriptures and some personal reflections/devotions. Dont presume or make assumptions based on your previous experience. At the beginning of each year, many prophetic voices release a word for that year. I asked Him what it meant. Your prayers and prophetic decrees will pull down strongholds, liberate captives, and shift the atmosphere. There will be a longing to get Gods vantage point on the events we are witnessing around us and to understand the events of the end times. A 50-Day Journey Through the Book of Revelation. Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers.
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