angela merkel phd thesis

"[101] She continued to say that immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany's culture and values. [43] At the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of its FDJ secretariat. In September 2021, after years of evading the question, Merkel said she considered herself a feminist. Hers was a leadership style characterized by reliability, steadiness, and decency when it came to Germany's foreign and security policies and the country's place on the world stage. Both CDU/CSU and SPD received a significantly lower proportion of the vote than they did in 2013, and attempted to form a coalition with the FDP and Greens. [79] However, she scored well on her handling of the recent euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and her approval rating reached an all-time high of 77% in February 2012 and again in July 2014. In March 2018, the CSU's Horst Seehofer took over the role of Interior Minister. [141], Following the G7 Summit in Italy and the NATO Summit in Brussels, Merkel stated on 28 May 2017 that the US was no longer the reliable partner Europe and Germany had depended on in the past. However, the CDU/CSU campaign suffered[62] when Merkel, having made economic competence central to the CDU's platform, confused gross and net income twice during a televised debate. [20] She served as the senior G7 leader from 2011 to 2012 and again from 2014 to 2021. Angela merkel doctoral dissertation by . [305], On the American sketch-comedy Saturday Night Live, she has been parodied by Kate McKinnon since 2013. In October 2015, Horst Seehofer, Bavarian State Premier and CSU leader, criticised Merkel's policy of allowing in hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East: "We're now in a state of mind without rules, without system and without order because of a German decision. Chancellor Angela Merkel holds several honorary titles and a doctorate in Physics, . [115] There appeared to be a consensus among officials, with the exception of Merkel, that a higher level of scrutiny was needed in vetting migrants with respect to their mission in Germany. [288][289][290] The Asia Times reported that "Unlike certain of her European counterparts, her China diplomacy has focused on non-interference in Beijing's internal affairs. She was subsequently outmaneuvered politically by CSU Leader Edmund Stoiber, to whom she eventually ceded the privilege of challenging Schrder. Angela Merkel Phd Dissertation 2017 - We Make It Better. [32], In 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement sponsored by the ruling MarxistLeninist Socialist Unity Party of Germany. In response, Susan Rice pledged that the US would desist from spying on her personally, but said there would not be a no-espionage agreement between the two countries. "Merely a referendum on Chancellor Merkel? Merkel's foreign policy has focused on strengthening European cooperation and international trade agreements. "[291], Merkel's government decided to phase out both nuclear power and coal plants and supported the European Commission's Green Deal plans. Almost immediately following her entry into parliament, Merkel was appointed by Chancellor Helmut Kohl to serve as Minister for Women and Youth in the federal cabinet. [58], Merkel argued that Germany should phase out nuclear power less quickly than the Schrder administration had planned. [204], Merkel has a fear of dogs after being attacked by one in 1995. [309], In 2016, a documentary film Angela Merkel The Unexpected, a story about her unexpected rise to power from an East German physicist to the most powerful woman in the world, was produced by Broadview TV and MDR in collaboration with Arte and Das Erste. The wording was criticised as undemocratic, as any discussion on Merkel's politics would thus be deemed unnecessary or undesirable. Her father, Horst Kasner (1926-2011), was an Evangelical Lutheran pastor. [citation needed] Merkel oversaw a string of CDU election victories in six out of seven state elections in 1999, breaking the long-standing SPD-Green hold on the Bundesrat. [281], In July 2014 Merkel said trust between Germany and the United States could only be restored by talks between the two, and she would seek to have talks. She lost to Ulf Finke; this has been the only election to date Merkel has lost. On 23 November 2021, a new coalition was announced, with Olaf Scholz nominated to succeed Merkel. [190], On 1 June 2022 Merkel made her first semi-public comments about political affairs since leaving office, at a retirement party for Reiner Hoffmann[de], the president of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). "A Spectre Haunting Europe: Angela Merkel and the Challenges of Far-Right Populism. [301], Since 1991, Merkel has sat annually for sitting and standing portraits by, and interview with, Herlinde Koelbl. Her PhD thesis studied climate policy discourses in the U.S. Rust Belt states. [197] She has no children, but Sauer has two adult sons from a previous marriage. Instead, she was confirmed. After the CDU lost the 1998 federal election, Merkel was elected CDU General Secretary, before becoming the party's first female leader and the first female Leader of the Opposition two years later, in the aftermath of a donations scandal that toppled Wolfgang Schuble. The marriage ended in divorce in 1982. The family moved to Templin and Merkel grew up in the countryside 90km (56mi) north of East Berlin. And the main topic covered in this article is about the German defense minister who had defended his doctorate thesis in 2006 and later was caught on plagiarism. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper wrote: "This will probably be the most explosive moment of her chancellorship so far. [276], In July 2013, Merkel defended the surveillance practices of the National Security Agency, and described the United States as "our truest ally throughout the decades". [48], The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 served as the catalyst for Merkel's political career. [21] In 2022, Merkel condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. She advocated German labour law changes, specifically removing barriers to laying off employees and increasing the allowed number of work hours in a week. I believe in God and religion is also my constant companion, and has been for the whole of my life. "[39], At school Merkel learned to speak Russian fluently, and was awarded prizes for her proficiency in Russian and mathematics. [206][207][208] After one such occasion she attributed the shaking to dehydration, saying that she felt better after a drink of water. ", Faas, Thorsten. In June 2008, she was awarded an honorary doctorate from Leipzig University. Angela Merkel, ne Angela Dorothea Kasner, (born July 17, 1954, Hamburg, West Germany), German politician who served as chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021. A member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), she previously served as Leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2005 and as Leader of the Christian Democratic Union from 2000 to 2018. nat.) Mrs Merkel never tires of saying that Europe has 7% of the world's population, 25% of its GDP and 50% of its social spending. [134], One of Merkel's priorities was strengthening transatlantic economic relations. [199][200], Merkel is a fervent football fan and has been known to listen to games while in the Bundestag and to attend games of the national team in her official capacity, including Germany's 10 victory against Argentina in the 2014 World Cup Final. She was able to speak informally to Vladimir Putin in Russian, but conducted diplomatic dialogue through an interpreter. "[212] She also publicly declared that Germany suffers not from "too much Islam" but "too little Christianity". In late August 2015, during the height of the European migrant crisis, Merkel's government suspended European provisions, which stipulated that asylum seekers must seek asylum in the first EU country they arrive. In October 2018, Merkel announced that she would stand down as Leader of the CDU at the party convention, and would not seek a fifth term as chancellor in the 2021 federal election. Feb 22, 2021. [181], She decided not to suggest any person as her successor as leader of the CDU. This term was overshadowed by the European debt crisis. [77], Midway through her second term, Merkel's approval plummeted in Germany, resulting in heavy losses in state elections for her party. Junior coalition partner, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany could take in 500,000 refugees annually for the next several years. In June 2018, Seehofer backed down from a threat to bypass her in the disagreement over immigration policy until she would come back on 1 July from attempts to find a solution at the European level. 2019. She has also been called the "Iron Chancellor", in reference to Otto von Bismarck.[263][264]. [11][52] The ministry was the smallest and least powerful one of the three ministries that were created from the old Ministry for Health, Seniors, Family and Youth. [42], Merkel worked and studied at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Adlershof from 1978 to 1990. With backing of the local leadership of the SED party, the project was allowed to proceed. Angela Merkel, the German . Untersuchung des Mechanismus von Zerfallsreaktionen mit einfachem Bindungsbruch und Berechnung ihrer Geschwindigkeitskonstanten auf der Grundlage quantenchemischer und statistischer Methoden - Wikipedia It's an objective breach of all international laws and of everything that allows us in Europe to live in peace at all. The issues are in conflict between the CSU who favoured those new measures and threatened to leave the coalition without them, and the SPD who opposes them; Merkel agreed to the measures. 296. [279][280], Merkel compared the NSA to the Stasi when it became known that her mobile phone was tapped by that agency. Angela Dorothea Merkel (German: [aela dootea mkl] (listen);[a] ne Kasner; born 17 July 1954) is a German former politician and scientist who served as Chancellor of Germany from November 2005 to December 2021. "But it . [84] According to another poll taken in November 2016, 59% were to found to be in favour of a renewed Chancellor candidature of Merkel in 2017. "But if a chancellor also makes a speech on top of that, it serves to heat up the debate. Literature argued that the increased right-wing preferences are a result of the European migrant crisis which has brought thousands of people, predominantly from Muslim countries to Germany, and spurred a perception among a share of Germans that refugees constitute an ethnic and cultural threat to Germany.[118]. [26][27][28][29] Merkel's maternal grandparents were the Danzig politician Willi Jentzsch, and Gertrud Alma (ne Drange), a daughter of the city clerk of Elbing (now Elblg, Poland) Emil Drange. [122][123][124] During the night of 2 July 2018, Seehofer and Merkel announced they had settled their differences and agreed to instead accept a compromise of tighter border control. [306][307][308], On the British sketch-comedy Tracey Ullman's Show, comedian Tracey Ullman has parodied Merkel to international acclaim with German media dubbing her impersonation as the best spoof of Merkel in the world. [171][172][173][174] Specifically, Politico called Merkel the "leader of the free world" when reporting on her meeting with President Trump. [31] Merkel's paternal grandfather was originally Catholic but the entire family converted to Lutheranism during the childhood of her father,[27] who later studied Lutheran theology in Heidelberg and Hamburg. [109], Horst Seehofer, leader of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU)the sister party of Merkel's Christian Democratic Unionand then-Bavarian Minister President, attacked Merkel's policies. We value democratic peace and support Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democratic development. [213], As a woman who is a politician from a centre-right party and also a scientist, Merkel has been compared by many in the English-language press to late 20th century British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (Thatcher also had a science degree from Oxford University in chemistry). [49] Party Leader Wolfgang Schnur appointed her as press spokeswoman of the party in February 1990. [54] Her election surprised many observers, as her personality offered a contrast to the party she had been elected to lead; Merkel is a centrist Protestant originating from predominantly Protestant northern Germany, while the CDU is a male-dominated, socially conservative party with strongholds in western and southern Germany, and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, has deep Catholic roots. Has Angela Merkel really understood physics? [67] The result was so close, both Schrder and Merkel claimed victory. [153], During the financial crisis of 20072008, the German government stepped in to assist the mortgage company Hypo Real Estate with a bailout, which was agreed on 6 October, with German banks to contribute 30 billion and the Bundesbank 20 billion to a credit line. ", Mushaben, Joyce Marie. both Reformed and Lutheran) church body under the umbrella of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). The EKBO is a church of the Union of Evangelical Churches. That's not an option whatsoever. [91], The Fourth Merkel cabinet was sworn in on 14 March 2018. BERLIN A polyglot Brussels native who reared seven children and earned a medical degree on the side before storming to the top of German politics. [131] For this, she has come under criticism, especially after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. "Here we have the situation where six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one. In 1954, when Angela was just three months old, her father received a pastorate at the church in Quitzow[de] (a quarter of Perleberg in Brandenburg), which was then in East Germany. In 1930, they Germanized the Polish name Kamierczak to Kasner. [296]Her chancellorship has become tightly associated with the policy of Wandel durch Handel, pursuing close economic ties with authoritarian leaders. [114] The November 2015 Paris attacks prompted a reevaluation of German officials' stance on the EU's policy toward migrants. [83] However, according to a poll taken in October 2016, her approval rating had been found to have risen again, 54% of Germans were found to be satisfied with work of Merkel as Chancellor. ", Mushaben, Joyce Marie. Example; Wikipedia. [108] In September 2015, enthusiastic crowds across the country welcomed arriving refugees and migrants. The DA sank as a result, only managing to elect four members to the Volkskammer. Since the mid-1990s, Merkel has publicly mentioned her Polish heritage on several occasions and described herself as a quarter Polish, but her Polish roots became better known as a result of a 2013 biography. [201][202][203] Merkel stated that her favorite movie is The Legend of Paul and Paula, an East German movie released in 1973. Angela Merkel's tenure will be remembered for the style rather than the substance of her chancellorship. The second Cabinet of Angela Merkel was sworn in on 28 October 2009. [69], On 22 November 2005, Merkel assumed the office of Chancellor of Germany following a stalemate election that resulted in a grand coalition with the SPD. [73], Her party was re-elected in 2009 with an increased number of seats, and could form a governing coalition with the FDP. Angela Merkel Phd Thesis Title. Merkel's own ambition to become Chancellor was well-known, but she lacked the support of most Minister-presidents and other grandees within her own party. He's afraid of his own weakness."[205]. [304], Merkel features as a main character in two of the three plays that make up the Europeans Trilogy (Bruges, Antwerp, and Tervuren) by Paris-based UK playwright Nick Awde: Bruges (Edinburgh Festival, 2014) and Tervuren (2016). She was the Federal Minister of Education and Research in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2005 to 2013, when she resigned following the revocation of her doctorate due to plagiarism. [33][34][35] Membership was nominally voluntary, but those who did not join found it difficult to gain admission to higher education. Dissertation Angela Merkel Pdf Viewer Average ratng: 7,9/10 7483 votes Calcolo Differenziale Adams Pdf Writer. [150], Merkel favors the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union; but stated in December 2012 that its implementation depends on reforms in Ukraine. [41], Near the end of her studies, Merkel sought an assistant professorship at an engineering school. "[287], Merkel has faced criticism for failing to take a tough line on the People's Republic of China. [267] At the same time she condemned a planned burning of Qurans by a fundamental pastor in Florida. Among her supporters, Merkel is often referred to. Angela Merkel Phd Thesis, Essays On Book 1984, Customer Service Supervisor Resume Example, Fingerprint Recognition Thesis Reports, A List Of How I Can Be The Awsomest Fith Grade President, Risk Management In Construction Thesis Pdf, Nietzsche Term Paper 1(888)302-2675 1(888)814-4206 It is more applied physics than chemistry, actually: it is quantum mechanics as applied to chemistry. [66], On the eve of the election, Merkel was still favored to win a decisive victory based on opinion polls. He said giving Mr Westergaard the prize in a "highly charged and heated time" was "highly problematic". [300][299] By the late 2022, Germany was importing 55 of its gas, 34 of its oil and 52 of its coal from Russia. As the protge of Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Merkel was appointed as Minister for Women and Youth in 1991, later becoming Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in 1994. "Coalition Governance under Chancellor Merkel's Grand Coalition: A Comparison of the Cabinets Merkel I and Merkel II. Her leadership certainly has been an inspiration to many women, and appointing two female ministers to a formerly male-dominated area . [82] Half of Germans did not want her to serve a fourth term in office compared to 42% in favor. [32] While a student, she participated in the reconstruction of the ruin of the Moritzbastei, a project students initiated to create their own club and recreation facility on campus. [268] The Central Council of Muslims in Germany[269][270] and the Left Party[271] (Die Linke) as well as the German Green Party[d][272] criticised the action by the centre-right chancellor. As an aside she said "I cannot make this speech without mentioning the blatant violation of international law by Russia. If we start going back through the centuries and arguing over which bit of territory should belong to whom, then we will only have war. Merkel had impressed de Maizire with her adept dealing with journalists investigating Schnur's role in the Stasi. As a condition for getting the job, Merkel was told she would need to agree to report on her colleagues to officers of the Ministry for State Security (Stasi). [310], "Merkel" redirects here. She telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 9 July to condemn "without reservation rocket fire on Israel". The great idea of Europe as a community based on values and the defense of peace. The third Cabinet of Angela Merkel was sworn in on 17 December 2013. [302][303], Merkel was portrayed by Swiss actress Anna Katarina in the 2012 political satire film The Dictator. [160] She produces graphs of unit labour costs at EU meetings in much the same way that the late Margaret Thatcher used to pull passages from Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom from her handbag. "Sticking to her guns or going with the flow: assessing rigidity and flexibility in Angela Merkel's political decision making. [188] Kramp-Karrenbauer was succeeded by Armin Laschet at the 2021 CDU leadership election. [17] At the 2013 federal election, Merkel's CDU won a landslide victory with 41.5% of the vote and formed a second grand coalition with the SPD, after the FDP lost all of its representation in the Bundestag. "'We Can Do This': Merkel, Migration and the Fantasy of Control. [105] That year, nearly 1.1 million asylum seekers entered Germany. In 2008, Merkel served as President of the European Council and played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. [40], Merkel continued her education at Karl Marx University, Leipzig, where she studied physics from 1973 to 1978. [148], In 2006, Merkel expressed concern about overreliance on Russian energy, but she received little support from others in Berlin. [145], In recognition of the importance of China to the German economy, by 2014 Merkel had led seven trade delegations to China since assuming office in 2005. A ZMD spokesman, Aiman Mazyek, told public broadcaster Deutschlandradio that the Chancellor was honouring someone "who in our eyes kicked our prophet, and therefore kicked all Muslims". The diplomatic visit took place to discuss how their governments could improve conditions which caused people to flee those countries and how illegal migration through and from these countries could be reduced. [81] According to a poll conducted after terror attacks in Germany Merkel's approval rating dropped to 47% (August 2016). [55] He went on to squander a large lead in opinion polls to lose the election by a razor-thin margin in an election campaign that was dominated by the Iraq War. The coalition's intent was to cut public spending whilst increasing VAT (from 16 to 19%), social insurance contributions and the top rate of income tax. When the Wandel durch Handel policy came under intense domestic and international scrutiny following the Russian invasion, Merkel received much of the blame,[131][133] leading Politico to write "[n]o German is more responsible for the crisis in Ukraine than Merkel". BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's defence minister was stripped of his doctorate on Wednesday by the German university that awarded the title, after he admitted to flaws in a. A Linguistic Analysis of Domestic Language in European News Media Coverage of Angela Merkel. [128] Merkel has won international plaudits for her handling of the pandemic in Germany. In 2012, Merkel said, regarding her faith: "I am a member of the evangelical church. [275] The expression is credited for the name of the political party Alternative for Germany, which was founded in 2013. [296] Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Merkel faced renewed criticisms that she had failed to curb Russian president Vladimir Putin's ambitions and aggression by insisting on diplomacy and dtente policies. On 6 April 2020, Merkel stated: "In my view the European Union is facing the biggest test since its foundation and member states must show greater solidarity so that the bloc can emerge stronger from the economic crisis unleashed by the pandemic". In August 2019, 67% of Germans wanted Merkel to stay until the end of her term in 2021, while only 29% wanted her to step down earlier. Many MPs of Merkel's CDU party also voiced dissatisfaction with Merkel. [156] However, two days later, on 6 October 2008, it emerged that the pledge was simply a political move that would not be backed by legislation. In the German federal election of 1990, the first to be held following reunification, Merkel successfully stood for election to the Bundestag in the parliamentary constituency of Stralsund Nordvorpommern Rgen in north Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has stepped down after he was found to have copied large parts of his 2006 . About Writer Angela Merkel Phd Thesis Title Psychology Category Union of Evangelical Churches Sticking to her guns or going with the policy of Wandel durch Handel, pursuing economic!, and appointing two female ministers to a formerly male-dominated area served as the catalyst for Merkel 's policy! Rather than the substance of her chancellorship has become tightly associated with the policy Wandel. 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