delta green need to know trove

The Handlerdescribes what happens next. SKU. Traumatic background:A brilliant FBI forensic pathologist. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. The Character Sheet Most Agents stay in the group until retirement age if they live that long. Traumatic back-ground: captivity or imprisonment.>> What Brought Your Agent to Delta Green (Choose One)Traumatic Background Occult Skill SAN Penalty NotesExtreme Violence +10% 5 SAN LYoo3suiCnagHreA3.ACdHaAptemdeatonsVio3lefnrcoem. And it reduces HANDLER: Its all run-down and water-damaged. Swim, whatever makes sense. We track that vulnera- 0/1D4bility in Sanity Points (SAN). ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. If youre the Handler,your job is to present a mystery to theplayers, some terrible event that theirAgents must investigate, a horrificthreat that they must thwart, as well asthe consequences if they fail. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Kurtz Computer Scientist 3. Delta Green Previous Next Deception is a right. An astrophysicist scarred by exposure to unnatural forces. Type. If you find signs that Baughman violated Delta Green security, report them. "Kali Ghati" includes a complete scenario and six ready-to-play Agents. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 40% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. 42// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // A well-worn couch faces an archaic, squat televi- Janowitz is curious but not immediately suspi- sion that carries basic cable only. The more youevoke that mood at the table, in large ways and small, the more memorable and thrillingthe game will be. 18// Delta Green: Need to Know // // What Is an Agent? An Armor-piercing weapons: If a weapon has anan Agent resting safely gets a CON test once a day to Armor Piercing rating, it reduces your Agentsrecover 1 HP. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED Despite years of psych training, the research and clinical work left you cold. The experience increased your Occult skill but reduced your SAN. For Delta Green books and games, please visit: Published by Arc Dream Publishing 12215 Highway 11, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA ISBN 978-1-940410-20-3 Printed in China// OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a //The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and 6. Aim: Add +20% to your next attack roll. Its damage roll isouch. The interior is dark and only slightly damp, with a A large iron knife. Social Share Disorders from HelplessnessDisorder Depression Obsessive/compulsive disorderAn Agent whose SAN score reaches the Breaking Point Anxiety disorder gains a long-term mental disorder. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. he or she loses 1 SAN, but can act normally. 16. The ladder has it as of Anglo-Saxon manufacture. Remove one Bond. Describe each Bond. Ask the Handler what else happens. The BreakingPoint is the exact point of SAN at which your Agent The skills are defined in detail in the Delta Greenhas been worn down enough by trauma to develop a core rulebook and the Agents Handbook. It is clear that the tank is not being engraved with Ogham markings which cannot used for its intended purpose. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handlers screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. In Delta Green: The role-playing game, you are one of those agents! Craft is the mastery of some difficult trade such as electronics, carpentry, or plumbing.Bonds HUMINT is human intelligence, the study andA Bond represents the most important human re- deciphering of behavior and motivations.lationships in your Agents life. Baughman, distraught and ashamed, told no allowed to ask about it. He repeatedly tried to work up the nerve next day at a conference room in the post office head- to destroy the thing that had once been his wife, but quarters in Baughmans city. Its about Lovecraftiancosmic terror. A Medicine or Surgery roll, whichever is protections Armor rating by that much forappropriate, restores 1D4 HP once a week. Using sedatives: Liquor or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond and 1 SAN. The control officer is played by gram: a top-secret, highly restricted project that draws the Handler, not by one of the players. 16. SEX 6. One player is the players describe their Agents reactions and investiga-Handler, responsible for presenting and managing tions, a narrative emergesa tale of secrets and dread,the game. You lose control. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED experience left you adapted to helplessness. The control offi- cer gives instructions, acts as the Agents go-between with Delta Green, and provides logistical support, but never joins the Agents operations. with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or govern- 2. A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. You're the one they call when unnatural horrors seep into the world. Our focus is health, education, and sustainability for the betterment of our community, which is the core of why we do . DERIVED ATTRIBUTES Hit Points (HP) Willpower Points (WP) Sanity Points (SAN) Breaking Point (BP) 10. EMPLOYER 4. Truth is a privilege. Basic camping gear (adds +20% to Survival for three days). Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or ad-itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the vertise the Open Game Content using the name of any ContributorOpen Game License by the Contributor (g) Use, Used or Us- unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translateand otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. ISBN 978-1-940410-27-2; Delta Green: The Star Chamber (July 28, 2017); The Star Chamber is a 42-page long book written by Greg Stolze. You are an Agent of DELTA GREEN, an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment, tasked to hunt and destroy the Cthulhu . The Handler decides catch another, thats one or more opposed tests: Driv-which skills apply. Six characters, ready to play. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED20. Only the Handlerthem. The owner of anyContributor, and means any work covered by this License, including Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifical- title and interest in and to that Product excludes Product Identity. Nobody reads people like you do, or is so good at convincing witnesses and suspects to cooperate, or is as good at unraveling conspiracies and black markets. 21. The interior of Baughmans small apartment is Spartan and grim. tank while they light the gasoline, her dying gasps and pleading shrieks are hideous, horrified and plain- Talking to it for an hour or two adds +1 percen- tive. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. Sometimes common sense says a charac-ter can be kept alive with prompt medical care such Cover: Causes a Lethality roll to automaticallyas Surgery or First Aid. Success: +1D6 SAN. Ill get to your SAN HANDLER: Things are quiet and under control loss in a minute. If you like the gory details of what the POW 14 would have 13 HP, 14 WP, 70 SAN, and aunnatural does to human anatomy, play a Physician. It contains a set of basic rules, six pre-generated . This is only the beginning. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content mental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Materialthat contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may so affected.only be Used under and in terms of this License. Things Man Was Not +20% Meant to Know +10% to any four skills (except Unnatural). It is playable with the core rulebook for DELTA GREEN: THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME, the player-facing rules in DELTA GREEN: AGENT'S HANDBOOK, or the quickstart rules in DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW, all available from Arc Dream Publishing. Introducing a quick start guide for Delta Green. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reduces the damage of an ordinary attackHandler says otherwise. It was Craft (Plumbing) or Craft (Construction). Delta Green Official Website. None of the weapons can be legally taken on a civilian airplane.EQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. apartment of a massive heart attack. Last Things Last written by Bret Kramer with Shane Ivey, 2016. You agree not to indicateute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registereddisplay, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)Open Game Content Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Con-means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, tent except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreementprocesses and routines to the extent such content does not embody with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This is only the beginning. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another daybut often at a shattering personal cost. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILYREMARKS Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. SAN loss: 0/1. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 12 Motivation: Figuring people out Willpower Points (WP) Motivation: Protecting the American people Sanity Points (SAN) 13 Motivation: Following the law whenever possible Breaking Point (BP) 99 60 Motivation: Rooting out dangerous conspiracies Motivation: New romance 52 10. Delta Green: Agent's Handbook. Reviewing the papers reveals that Baughman owned a cabin in a rural area, about four hours away Ten yards away from the house, near the edge of by car. 80%99% A lifetimes mastery Each time SAN hits the Breaking Point, replace amotivation with your Agents new mental disorder.Incidents of SAN Loss WithoutGoing InsaneThere are three check-boxes each for Violence andHelplessness. 6// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Welcome to Delta Green // How to Be a Player Respect the MoodA Delta Green game begins with the Handler asking Mood is everything! Why do you say yes?20. Is your Scientista university professor or an EPA specialist? If it suc-Agent still has at least 1 WP, reduce the SAN loss by ceeds, your Agent stifles the symptoms of insanity, andthe amount of WP spent (to a minimum of zero) and you retain control of your character after all. If it fails, your Agent suffers an irretrievably insane. lee Weapons damage rolls, to a minimum of 0: Miss: Everyone who would have been in the Kill 2 for STR 34 Radius is suppressed. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED You've forged a solid career in anthropology, the field THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION you love most. They figured out that it was someplace down- onto a Bond,right? NATIONALITY 5. If you can make the players sympathize with their enemies, the terrors of Delta Green become more pronounced. INTERPRET THE RULES FAIRLY Sometimes theres disagreement about how a rule should work. (Remember: Taking the Aim action for a turn adds +20% to hit.) experience (probably from a force like the U.S. Army Rangers), now working as a security contractor.Special Agent Cornwell Bonus skills: Dodge (twice), First Aid, Foreign Lan- guage (Arabic), Foreign Language (Pashto), ForeignAn FBI agent whos expert at reading and manip- Language (Urdu), Persuade, Stealth. Hit Points never go below 0. inflicts Hit Point damage. Most human adults have 10 or 11pologist or Historian, Computer Scientist or Engineer, in each. If your roll beats the attack, the attackers action has no effect and your Agents action affects the attacker. Fumble: 1 SAN. They accepted you right away. the end of the hall. No Agent can adapt to the Unnatural. Legend, 2011, Mongoose Publishing. They only work on behalf of Delta Green when the group needs them. 19PERSONAL DATA 1. Instead it pectedly assigned to a joint terrorism task force. The dangers are lethal. SEX 6. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Each Bond has a score that begins equal to yourAgents Charisma stat. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Enjoy the bleak humor that oftenthe players to introduce their Agents. You have If its a crisis and things are rapidly spinning out a 50% chance of success.of control, roll the dice.If You Must Roll the Dice Bonuses and PenaltiesRoll percentile dice to get a result from 01 to 100. Make sure everything is clean by then. 2022 The Dragon's Trove. EMPLOYER 4. Bonus skills: Craft (Lens-Making), NavigateKurtz (twice), Occult (twice), Science (Astronomy), SIGINT (twice). To this day you can't remember the details. The Handlers next job is to in-troduce the operation: the events that will lead your Work With the Other PlayersAgent to confront unnatural horror. 7. But it didnt work the way The Other is a formless intelligence from dimen- he thought, so he locked her in this tank. Describe how your Avoid arguments. Sanity Points (SAN): Equal to POW 5.If youre most interested in criminal investigations Breaking Point: Equal to SAN minus POW.and uncovering cults and conspiracies, play a FederalAgent. meters wide (six feet), and three meters long (ten feet). 2016's Five Best RPGs You Didn't Play (But Should) - Bell of Lost Souls, They May Take Our Lives, But Theyll Never Take Our Free RPG Day!! You takethe roles of all other characters thatAgents encounter. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. ATTACKING OR FIGHTING BACK: Opposes each Fight Back: Roll Melee Weapons or Unarmed hand-to-hand attack that turn. Sometimes you add or subtract a number from the roll. No kidding. * A Delta Green operation, "Last Things Last," ready for the Handler (the game moderator) to introduce your team to Delta Green tonight. 16. If they dont, point it out to any Sky Devils: Archetypical Figures in Native Agent with INT 14 or with 20% in a skill such as American Mythology, by Karen Barr. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Whats something that people often dislike about your Agent? WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Its unlike any the Agent has strength, and attacks the Agent holding the gas-can. If the quarryit requires inner fortitude, and so on. 45// Last Things Last // // Delta Green: Need to Know //clawing at the walls. . If the pinning character is DODGING: Opposes all hand-to-hand attacks that not attacking, the escape is opposed by his or turn, and lets your Agent duck behind cover to evade her Unarmed Combat or STR5 (whichever is all ranged attacks that turn. Copyright 2022 The Dragon's Trove. Here a few possibilities. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 40 Doctorate in cultural anthropology 8. No direct linking please. When your Agent fa- See or hear a friend beingces one of those threats, make a SAN roll. 20 from the rating). ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. 12PERSONAL DATA 1. This is especially important for characters who are the least sympathetic, such as people who willingly embrace unnatural horrors to get what they want. It was a good life for a while. Marshals, or some other agency? If you have a PDF file, you can usually make a new PDF with pages trimmed out by printing to PDF.I believe this should be standard on Windows and Mac these days, otherwise you can easily find ways to set up a PDF printer on your PC. Delta Green mostly recruits Agents in their thirties, old enough to be established in challenging careers. Bonding with Delta Green Improve a Stat or Skill: Test a stat or skill. lene, perhaps at a 40% penalty for trying to move a massive weight or break a chain.If They Suspect the Other Likewise, if the Agents bring Marlene out of theMarlene keeps up this act as long as it works. The Handler will determine the Fugues details of your Agents new disorder later in the opera- Paranoia tion or perhaps in between this operation and the next. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 11 55% Current (third) spouse 12 Constitution (CON) 12 60% First spouse and 2 kids 12 Dexterity (DEX) 11 55% Intelligence (INT) 13 65% Insightful PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 13 65% Stubborn Charisma (CHA) 12 60% 9. a turn. You came to Delta Green after an encounter with theREMARKS unnatural that subjected you to extended captivity. // Need to Know //Who knows the end? The operation went south, people . The character whether and when the target can speak.with the highest DEX goes first. Its drawn like AMBER: OK, I can take off 3 for my body armor.the artist was having a seizure. Thats still 14 damage. known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. The game plays best when you have a few of each on The tens die comes up 6 and the ones die the table. NATIONALITY 5. Athletics, Swim vs. and lives at home. See DEFENSE against ranged attacks unless your Agent physically in- ROLLS for details. Why does your Agent help Delta Green despite the terrible risks?Wounds and Ailments Developments Which AffectIf your Agent is hurt, make a note here. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Help theplayers see the world through their Agents eyes.PORTRAY INTERESTING CHARACTERS Present every non-player character (NPC) as a fully realized human being. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. On digit. Demanding professions allowfewer Bonds. Or you can find automated dice rollers on the Web and as mobile apps. Some of her adheres to the other AMBER: No! THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 21. Called Shot: An attack that ignores cover or Your Agent can Dodge or fight back against an in- armor but at a 20% penalty, or 40% for an coming attack even before your Agents DEX order in especially hard shot. You can take the pistols on a civilian airplane if you make arrangements ahead of time using your FBI identification.EQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. If it says1D6+2, that means roll one six-sided die and add two to the result. Make up gibberish names and viola- If the Agents find some way to restrain her in thetions of physics. action. After failing to get a good nights sleep, or work- it. Dragon's Trove ID. A machine gun, explosive, poison, Small club or knife: 1D4or heavy weapon has a Lethality rating. Black markets for weapons (Note that many countries' armies do not officially allow THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION women to serve in combat branches, particularly in special forces. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cornwell and Palm- roll. In this book youll find rules for creating to get a number from 1 to 100. You may use any authorizedteams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, en- version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Gamevironments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content originally distributed under any version of this License.or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trade-mark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names,mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify 11. 7. In a pursuit,think, ask questions, plan, and prepare, the random- a critical success counts as two successes and aness of a die-roll probably isnt appropriate. Describe what comes from seeing the trouble that Agents fall into,your Agents day-to-day life is like: work, friends, but dont let your eagerness to get a laugh ruin thefamily, the mundane but critical things your Agent is suspense and the chill of confronting cosmic terrors.willing to die for. Baughmans Apartment Baughmans address is an inconspicuous apartment building in a declining, working-class neighborhood. Marlene fights for only one or two turns, just long enough to hurt one or two Agents. The Sex and Agerules define Agents in great detail to help the playersbring them to life. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. Each typically lasts a Unarmed Combat and Melee Weapons attacksfew seconds, but a given turn might represent a split on a pinned target are at +20%. An anthropology professor and amateur photographer with deep experience in the occult. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- Delta Green: Agents Handbook, 2016, Dennis Detwiller,tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze.that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have Delta Green: Need to Know, 2016, Shane Ivey and Bretsufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Body armor: No effect on a successful Lethality At 0 Hit Points, your Agent diesunless the roll. Dodging never inflicts damage. Earn the players trust and keep it. Like this book? This acts as a defense roll against the unaware cant Dodge or fight back. The 19. 16. Whatever hesions outside of our own that can inhabit the corpse did kept her from dying.of any creature that had an INT of 1 or greater in life.The reanimated corpse is unnaturally strong and fast. If you think its critical, talk to Sometimes you want your Agent to do things that the Handler about it.may not succeed. How As a player, you speak in your Agents voice and you behave at the table affects how everyone en-work with your friends at the table to make sure its a joys the game. Give enough details to If your Agent gets in trouble atmake it interesting. Is the warehouse dusty fromdisuse? Ill roll for how much you fail. Only 4! SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED After medical school you spent a few years in internal THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION medicine. | Forbidden Panel, Delta Greens Worst Fears Return in The Conspiracy and Convergence, Host Games and Win Rewards at GenCon 2023. Make sure you hear what the players have to say. many suggestions and guidelines to make that easy.A Role-Playing Game The ResultDelta Green is played by a handful of friends around As the Handler describes unnatural terrors and thea table or in an Internet conference. (SAN loss: 0/1D6 from suffering Violence.) Unlicensed and illegal MP5SD fully automatic submachine gun with built-in suppressor and four extra magazines in a lead-lined aluminum case. ThatsPoints (SAN) indicate a connection with humanity your Agents percent chance of using the skill in a crisis.and reality as most people perceive it. Written by Shane Ivey based on rules by Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze, 2016. Fumble: 1 SAN. Where are the damn cops? gore and debris around the shape. Palmer, you come around TABITHA: Im looking for anything strange. the corner and see all this horror. Breaking Point of 56.If youre interested in figuring out weird manifesta-tions, play a Scientist. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game; Call of Cthulhu Sourcebooks; The Unspeakable Oath; Fiction; Digital. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. an enemys attack roll with your Agents Dodge skill,The core rules of the game revolve around that last or you want to defeat someones Alertness with yourstep. All rights reserved worldwide. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You 14. You see Cornwell scream and raiseright now, so you dont need to roll. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 46 Medical degree with pathology certifications 8. She says that shell recover. NATIONALITY FBI U.S. 5. that attack.Lethality Rating Sample Damage RollsSometimes a threat is so dire that an ordinary damage Unarmed: 1D41roll isnt enough. Tabitha: Im looking for anything strange or sleeping pills give Fumble: 1D4 from the Bond 1! The last injury players to introduce their Agents see the world through their eyes.PORTRAY. Recruits Agents in great detail to help the playersbring them to life protections armor rating by that much forappropriate restores... Wounds and AILMENTS has First Aid been attempted since the last injury the... The research and clinical work left you adapted to helplessness with Ogham markings which can not USED for its purpose... 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delta green need to know trove自律神経に優しい「YURGI」