If the pilot lights, but will not stay lit after 20 seconds, repeat the lighting instructions and hold the gas valve knob in for one full minute after the flame appears. Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files. :). The gas fireplace pilot light is a knob that usually has the word "pilot" on it with the ability to turn it to the "on" and "off" positions. If your valve is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer for instructions on getting a replacement part sent to you free of charge! Maybe it was just luck? I thought maybe you got locked for DUI over the weekend or worse ..killed in a traffic accident. Stuck or Non-Working Fireplace Dampers. Ask the plumber what the root cause of the problem was and have it itemized on the invoice. If your gas fireplace knob is stuck or wont budge, there are a few possible reasons why. In some places within the US, though, an individual can own an individual apartment while the remainder of the building is still owned by a corporate entity; this is distinct from a "condominium", which is jointly owned by the tenants. If you have a wood burning fireplace, you may need to remove the Gas Log set before proceeding. When the knob is in the off position, gas stops flowing to your fireplace and the pilot light goes out. Try pulling the plastic knob off. The average gas fireplace produces around 30,000 BTUs of heat, which is enough to warm up a 500 square foot room. How to divide the left side of two equations by the left side is equal to dividing the right side by the right side? Isn't the answer always supposed to be "hire a pro, lest you hurt yourself or endanger your family" ? can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? Unlike the style of damper located immediately above the firebox, a retrofit model is mounted at the top of the chimney and is operated by a long chain that hangs down the chimney. Locate the pilot light on the Gas Fireplace and turn it to the off position as well. It's an apartment; make the landlord fix it, that's why you're paying him. Does a gas fireplace warm a room? Once youve confirmed that the knob is in the off position, try gently wiggling and pulling on it to see if it will budge. Or, am I going to have to break open the wall and replace the valve? Since you bought the house expecting it to have functional plumbing, it is not unreasonable to be compensated for replacement of faulty parts or poorly installed controls. It regulates draft and prevents the loss of heat up the chimney. In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? @BMitch "Condo", an "apartment" within a condominium. They also appear regularly on CBS News Saturday Morning.
","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/9991"}},{"authorId":9992,"name":"Morris Carey","slug":"morris-carey","description":"James Carey and Morris Carey Jr. share their 55+ years of experience as award-winning, licensed contractors with millions of people nationwide through a weekly radio program and syndicated newspaper column, both titled On The House. What could a smart phone still do or not do and what would the screen display be if it was sent back in time 30 years to 1993? Pictured is the quarter turn key valve that will come with your kit if you've ordered it. In this case, firstly, you need to turn the gas fireplace knob to the off position. Smart Stove Knobs Turn Off If They Detect Gas or Smoke. Once youve found it, turn it to the pilot position. Just be careful not to overheat the area around the gas valve as this could be dangerous. Locate the pilot light on the Gas Fireplace and turn it to the off position as well. btwmuch to your likely chagrin, I was able to "talk" Joe through his repair no gas leak, no explosions, no fires, no deaths, no injuries, no problem :), (actually via private email to avoid your insistent, annoying & useless kibitzing). Getting an extra large crescent wrench (expensive). If its truly stuck, you may need to use a pair of pliers or another tool to loosen it. Best to attempt a repair without holiday deadlines. I live outside the US, where people can own their own apartment :). I don't frequent bars (you're projecting again). Do you have a home warranty. I know it would be cool to get the fireplace running for Xmas eve & Xmas..but personally, I'd give up on trying to get it working today. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. As a fire requires both fuel and oxygen in order to burn, this means that gas fireplaces need to be supplied with a source of fresh air to work. Gas fireplaces utilize a real fire inside the firebox to burn the gas. More about us. Before examining the inner workings of a natural gas fireplace, its best to make sure the gas and pilot lights are on. Doing so allows the chimney to exhaust all the smoke that is created by the fire, without losing all the heat. Lets start with troubleshooting the valve first. As a result, the gas fireplace will not work properly. In any case, here are some tips for troubleshooting a gas fireplace knob thats stuck in the off position. If not, please go through the guide on why the gas fireplace knob not working and how to fix it. A pair of pliers or a wrench can sometimes do the trick. PRIYA JOJO 2 Burner Regular Black Gas Stove. But what happens when that knob gets stuck and you cant turn it? Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. If you cant get it lit, contact your local Gas Company or home warranty provider for assistance. In this case, youll need to replace the valve with a new one (you can find replacement valves at most hardware stores). Both this problem occurs for damaged plastic housing. If you have a gas fireplace, you may have experienced the frustration of a stuck gas knob. Don't force it too much as it may break. The. When its clean and in good working order, spray-paint the damper with a black high-temperature paint to prevent future rusting. Sometimes, your fireplace knob will not turn but the pilot light can be on. You can also pay me now or pay me later. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? After all, doesnt turning off the main gas supply to your home suffice? rev2023.4.17.43393. You need to move the knob to the on position and turn on the gas fireplace knob. . The gas fireplace knob turns sometimes, and other times it does not turn. Do this: push the knob down, that is depress it, while turning it to the ON position. I will never pay you because I will never have a need for your services; I can either do it myself or hire one of the pros from my "stable" competent & reasonable w/o the "attitude". The peg is jammed so hard that it feels like i am pulling the entire stove out of place. One of the most pervasive causes of a stuck damper is rust, often caused when rainwater enters the chimney through a faulty or nonexistent chimney cap.
\nKeeping your damper working properly is important. Turn the knob to the "off" position.Once the gas is shut off you can remove the access panel to the fireplace. Then, with the wire brush in one hand and a flashlight in the other, use the brush to remove soot and rust buildup. Grow some gonads. Thanks, but i tried that already. They also appear regularly on CBS News Saturday Morning.
","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/9991"}},{"authorId":9992,"name":"Morris Carey","slug":"morris-carey","description":"James Carey and Morris Carey Jr. share their 55+ years of experience as award-winning, licensed contractors with millions of people nationwide through a weekly radio program and syndicated newspaper column, both titled On The House. Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? Call the gas company. If your gas fireplace knob is stuck in the off position, it is likely because of a safety mechanism. I have a set of gas logs, the knob will depress to be able to light the pilot, but it will not turn any further to set the temperature. "I (bob) wont be needing that tutor or step by step instructions." Most people never have any problems with their gas fireplaces but if you do run into trouble, dont hesitate to reach out for help from a professional who can take care of everything for you quickly and safely! To ignite the pilot light, press your finger into the center of the control knob and hold it in place. Once youve turned off the Gas Line Valve (GLV), wait about 15 minutes for all of the pressure to dissipate from within the system before relighting your pilot light and turning on your gas fireplace again from scratch in other words, start from square one. Its possible that something was out of alignment when you last used your fireplace and that simply re-lighting it will fix whatever was wrong in the first place. This could be debris from previous owners (such as nails or pieces of wood) or even something as simple as dust buildup over time. The five reasons behind this problem are a faulty gas control valve, a safety mechanism issue, damaged plastic housing, a jammed shaft, and a stiff gas fireplace knob. The fireplace has been on for about 2 hours and when I go to turn it Ask an Expert Home Improvement Questions HVAC Questions My gas fireplace knob won't turn to off position. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? Next, locate the gas control valve. If your gas fireplace knob is stuck, dont panic. 6.5 Lakh/ Piece Get Latest Price. It happens because of a faulty gas control valve. Dont mess with what you dont know about, find a gas shutoff before the bad valve in the basement, or call someone. Still, if it hasnt been fixed or any more assistance is necessary, then you can let us know in the comment box to troubleshoot your gas fireplace problems. Using WD40 i was able to release three knobs, but the fourth remains stuck. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? I have a problem turning my gas fireplace valve counter clockwise into the pilot position. At the same time, he/she can lubricate . What are the benefits of learning to identify chord types (minor, major, etc) by ear? The wall shutoff is a 2 inch circular mount into the wall and the center contains the valve stem control which requires a key that looks like an old roller skate key. We will elaborately discuss these causes and their resolutions in this guide. No worries, the gas fireplace flame goes out troubleshooting will help you in this case. This can be caused by dirt or debris build-up over time, or simply wear and tear from useage. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. In this instance, a homeowner can check their circuit box and reset any tripped breakers to get power restored to the gas fireplace. Now the knob which controls the flow of gas will not turn, it won't budge. That was before I realized there was an off-valve underneath the fireplace. This is usually located near the gas line or the gas fireplace. Well, no because if theres ever a problem with your chimney or flue (or any other part of your gas fireplace), having an easily accessible shut-off valve can help prevent dangerous gases from entering your home. Using PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench can help loosen things up. That may have helped indeed. Safety Mechanism Issue 3. Maybe you should go back and type yourself some more step by step instructions with that tutor that you dont seem to need. I really dont care which. The gas company came out and restarted service and lit all the appliances, including the fireplace pilot. The steps undertaken to remove a gas fireplace include: Isolating the gas supply from the fireplace by using the dedicated shut-off valve for that fireplace and/or by shutting off the gas supply to the house using the mains valve. So if you ever smell gas coming from your fireplace, make sure to turn off the main shut-off valve immediately and then call a professional to come take a look at it. Wear safety goggles, work gloves, a hat, and old clothing. If that doesnt work, you may need to replace the gas log set with a wood-burning one. Kitchenaid gas stove - burner knob won't turn. In this circumstance, remove the fireplace knob first. Business listings of Bakelite Knobs, bakelite industrial knobs manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Mumbai, , , Maharashtra along with their contact details & address. I hope this works for you. As a result, you can not turn on your gas fireplace. Usually, there is a valve near the gas main. Its a gathering place for family and friends, a source of warmth and comfort, and a way to add personality to your space. I overpaid the IRS. Just moved in to an apartment with a gas stove which was not in use for three months. Often, a damper becomes difficult to operate or sticks in one position. This problem happens because of the safety mechanism issue. The culprit of a malfunctioning fireplace could be the spark igniter. There are a few things you can do to try to fix it. My question is what is more We live in coastal NH and renovated out house a couple of years ago.The one Hi -- wondering if anyone can help me with my gas fireplace issue. The way in which fresh air is delivered to a fire inside a gas fireplace can differ between the different types of . Thats right Bob. If you have a gas fireplace, its likely that youll need to replace the gas knob at some point. If it not all that pricey, then write it off to experience and if you must have warranty 'insurance' go shopping for a more highly rated company via A., M. Best. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? Gas fireplace valve stuck. When its clean and in good working order, spray-paint the damper with a black high-temperature paint to prevent future rusting.
\nFireplaces without dampers or with faulty dampers can be retrofitted with new dampers. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Then, you can turn off the gas fireplace knob situated under the fireplace. If the pilot doesnt light or stay lit, there may be debris between the lighter and the thermocouple. Now, you need to turn the shaft with pliers by using brute force. It kind of stuck earlier when I was blowing heater out getting ready for winter, then released and I was able to turn freely. Theres a knob on the wall that controls the flow of gas to the fire. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. First of all, make sure that the knob is in the off position before trying anything else. To start a fire, you must have the damper in the full-open position. But if you dont have the right fireplace grate,, light is a small flame that ignites the gas when you turn on your fireplace, The Best Fireplace Screen Inserts to Keep Your Home Safe, What is a wood burning stove? Gas fireplace won't turn on?Leave it to the pros. Then, with the wire brush in one hand and a flashlight in the other, use the brush to remove soot and rust buildup.
\nIf, after cleaning the damper, it still sticks, slide a short length of pipe about 20 to 24 inches over the damper handle (this extends the damper handle); then beat on the pipe with a sledgehammer to break the damper loose. As an affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. You are not required to move the lever off whether it is in the basement or under the gas fireplace. Call us now at 1-800-398-4010 to order service parts today! Nothing will let the gas fireplace knob turn over to the actual running positions. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The gas knob is what controls the flow of gas to the fireplace, and over time it can become stuck or damaged. It works. If theres no change after youve checked and reset both the igniter and gas valve, then there may be an issue with either the gas line or pilot light. It could be that the gas control valve is turned to the off position, or there may be a problem with the gas line or pilot light. This article will help you identify and fix the issue. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? As the work progresses, take a few pictures of the operation. Gas stove sparks but wont light. We receive monetary benefits in return for showing ADs on this website and by linking to Amazon and affiliate sites at no cost to you. :(. How do I know if my gas valve is bad? Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Then, with the wire brush in one hand and a flashlight in the other, use the brush to remove soot and rust buildup. Using PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench can help loosen things up. Solved! And the water chem in my city is noted for being very benign to water heaters. Anyone know what I can do to fix it? The Rick, HVAC Supervisor Satisfied Customers Related HVAC Questions satisfied customers Lyndon journeyman If the damper still refuses to budge, use a rust- and corrosion-cutting oil such as WD-40 to help dissolve the rust and corrosion at the dampers hinges.
\nWhen the damper is operational, work it back and forth while applying a high-temperature lubricant at all the joints and moving parts. If theyre damaged or stripped, youll need to replace them before reattaching anything. There is no gas odor, I do know what that smells like. If your gas fireplace knob wont turn, then your gas fireplace will not work. If your gas fireplace knob won't turn from the pilot light to the on position, there may be a safety mechanism preventing it from turning. Try pulling the plastic knob off. So now that we know how a gas fireplace works, lets talk about how to fix a stuck one! By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Christ man. If, after cleaning the damper, it still sticks, slide a short length of pipe about 20 to 24 inches over the damper handle (this extends the damper handle); then beat on the pipe with a sledgehammer to break the damper loose. If it is, turn it to the pilot position and wait a few minutes for the pilot light to re-ignite. Everything You Need to Know, 18 Inch Fireplace Grate: Choosing the Right Size, How to Fix Delayed Ignition on Gas Fireplace: Easy DIY Guide, Mantel for Electric Fireplace: Choose the Perfect One. You can sometimes find out that the knob is not turning past the pilot. You push that down, turn it to pilot, get the pilot lit and hold for 30. up to allow the pilot to stay lit when the gas valve knob is released. You can turn your gas fireplace back on in many different ways. The answer to a problem is often the simplest. The thermocouple may also have accumulated dirt and soot and could benefit from a quick cleaning. rev2023.4.17.43393. To solve it, you are required to change the gas control valve. Some of these valves push in 1/4" then turns. Thats where fireplace screens come in. Wall is normally "straight". Color Printing: Yes. I tried putting a channel locks on the outer mount and tried turning the valve stem but it won't budge. The previous owner said that the stove worked just fine, however when I tried to use the stove, all four knobs were stuck. 2,799. At some point, the gas fireplace knob just will not turn anymore. In this blog post, well cover everything you need to know about wood burning, Theres nothing like a wood burning fireplace to make your home feel warm and cozy. If it is difficult to turn or stuck on at that point you can always turn off the manual turn off in the gas line and change the gas control valve then. You might change more than 20 or 30 failed gas fireplace valves in 30 years. You'll be hard pressed Bob, to find a water heater that lasts 20 yrs anymore. Services can cost anywhere from $100 to $150, depending on the problem and how much time or new parts it takes to fix. Then, try lighting the pilot light. I had a gas log set that my wife had me "disable" so that we could use real wood. 7,819 - 76 %. How can I make the following table quickly? Share The gas fireplace pilot light is a knob that usually has the word pilot on it with the ability to turn it to the on and off positions. Its stuck about 3/4 of the way to completely open. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? First, make sure that the gas valve is in the off position. Is this gas range ventilation setup dangerous? Noritz Tankless Water Heater Code 16 [Why + How To Fix], Noritz Tankless Water Heater No Water Flow [Reasons + Fixes], Noritz Tankless Hot Water Heater Codes 11 And 12 [Why + How To Fix], Bradford White Water Heater No Status Light [Why+ How To Fix], Noritz Tankless Water Heater Code 14 [Reasons+Solutions]. Don't force it too much as it may break. Remove the trim around the edge of the gas fireplace, if available. If the pilot does not stay lit after holding the gas valve knob in for one minute, then check the :), uh huh. Some go 40 years and some go 3 years. Run the round tube that fits over the gas tube and get some soap chips inside the hole that fits over the gas tube.
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