ifa prayers for healing

Amen. Thank You, Jesus, Amen. Shango is the Orisha of drumming, dance, and masculinity. I believe that our Lord and Savior is alive and that this year will be a blesses one. Amen and amen! Believing for all that we prayed by supernatural faith! She blogs for a global readership atFromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. In Yoruba culture, prayer is a necessity in life. Let all the evil in government and education be exposed and brought down We look forward to a movement of revival across our land, so strong that even the highest in authority and strongest wills against You bow down. May God forgive our sin Of abortion and homosexual marriage as the law of this land and reverse that curse thru our Supreme Court to denounce it as illegal. We ask You move them to do the right thing, to defend our freedoms, allowing each person the right to choose what they allow in their bodies. At the start of 2023, tragedy struck Cullors's familyher 31-year-old cousin Keenan Anderson, died after being zapped by a stun gun during an encounter with Los Angeles traffic police. 2022 will be a year of restoration and revivalled by Christians who practice and exhibit the love of Jesus. Your email address will not be published. But there is one thing that is missing as the necessary ingredient for our prayers to be effectual at this time. The hopes of many have been dashed to a million pieces, and many are struggling to understand how and when God will ever turn it around. Romans 8:28. Let the WORDS of my mouth and the meditations of my heart bring your light and glory to all who are in and around me, that your Name be high and lifted up in this nation. 19 Most Powerful Psalms for Healing. Praying this prayer and knowing that many are also praying gives me great joy knowing the We will be so glad that we have chosen to follow Jesus during 2022. Use of the anointing oil is biblical. You are my Lord, my Saviour, My healer and my friend. You Alone are Omnipotent & Omnipresent One. We need to be reminded that you work on behalf of those you love, constantly, powerfully, completely. Send your spirit and convict those who have not honored your name. Thank you for ringing in 2022, a New Year once again. We are so grateful for the revival that is happening in many states in the USA and for those and through those who have anawered the call to preach and go share your gospel ! Dear Father of All, Take not Your Holy Spirit from us, & restore the Joy of our Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus-for Your Glory, Your Perfect will. Psalm 46:1 Protection Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for being my protector, my ever-present help in times of trouble. 1. The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. Fill me that I may feel you and your overflowing love and peace that surpasses all understanding. Dear Heavenly Father, we still believe that Youre alive and doing well. 2.2 Prayer for healing for a friend. Jesus wins and the enemy loses for sure. Yes! Ifa prayer for healing can help you get healthier faster. I confess I could not pray for the kings and have felt hopeless. I have prayed similar prayers throughout last year. It may seem a hard thing to do, laying all down before Him, but I am finding it is the best and most prosperous, full way to live. We speak life into our nation, and into the world! 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. restore us and heal us. I believe EVERY WORD OF THIS PRAYER. Yes and AMEN to all of the prayer and may multiple voices cry out until the prayer bowl overflows in heaven. I pray peace and blessings over all her people. Father, thank you for your faithfulness even when our nation is not. Thank you for this all encompassing prayer. Protect and bring justice to our elections. In Jesus Name I pray and trust. Father, we ask also that You would protect these United States of America in 2022. I give you all that I am, and rest in your peace. I know there is healing in your touch. OUR GREATEST RESOURCE IS ON OUR KNEES! 2.8 Prayer for health. Amen and Amen! We need your healing and your grace. Praise God almighty.Ideclare it, I belive it, and I expect it in His timing..amen. There is no other like you and we put our faith in you completely. There are also variations of these like the following: Ifa prayer formula, Orisha prayers formulas, Orisha formulas and other different variations. I love you Father. I dont know if we can assist you, but take a look at our website and let me know if we can: https://OperationJoinWithChrist.com. Thank you!! Make my life a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to You so that I may hear, Well done! You gave me life and You preserved my life. Thank God for prayer warriors I connected to power wires and pray for United States of America a dish nation will be all they got a call for it to be in Yeshua name thank you father we will fulfill our purpose and Disney in you I pray the blood of Jesus over United States of America in Jesus name love God all my heart soul mind and strength love my neighbors in my self in Jesus name pray for our saints. Reply Report comment. We Love You Jesus. Precious Father, we ask your mighty blessings and anointing on this prayer for our Nation. Thank you for the prayer of agreement with His will. Da fun Ogun awo. Prayer allows you to receive wisdom, guidance and strength as you prepare yourself for your journey of healing. This prayer is so encouraging and timely. This prayer comes from our new book 50 Most Powerful Prayers For Healing. The nation He ordained so many years ago . Let this be so Abba, let this be so, selah! It is so much fun to see how the Holy Spirit prays through other intercessors isnt it. art, I agree whole heartedly with the above prayer. However, I wanted to encourage you with a few BIG facts: God is still alive and doing well. I did pray the entire prayer along with the one who wrote it. Amen! May you find God's peace and comfort as you read the prayers. Peace be with You No plea made to God that our constitutional laws be followed regarding entrance. Lets all print out this prayer for our country and join together praying it daily. Thank you for hearing prayers of your people. Glory to GOD. Protect our young children and young adults from the brain washing and replacing You with things of this world. We ask for blessing on our nation, our leaders, our families, that we may be the light You use to show forth your goodness. In the Name of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. God is good all the time. Be patient as we wait for HIS HAND TO MOVE upon all of us. A healing prayer starts with faith. Likewise, show who You are (loving, powerful and truthful) in lives of Christians and let their light overflow to non-Christians so that these wrong actions are decreased dramatically. As the controversy faded last year, Cullors focused on her art practice. Thank you Jesus Christ. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I thank You that You love us so much no matter how things look around us You are there to give us hope, love, guidance, protection, strength, compassion, mercy, and power to do something about it. Lord, let us all love our neighbor as ourselves. We are like a great symphony of musical instruments before Gods Throne. Lord, you will never leave or forsake us and are with us in every situation. In this book you will find many different types of prayers that were collected by our team over the years. I agree with the prayer and have watched God come through in the most turbulent times of my lifetime. Holy God in Heaven, I raise a hedge of protection and blessing over her, and plead the precious blood of Jesus over her. Mary Queen of Scots once said I fear the prayers of John Knox, more than the armies of France, (Rev. The Lord will never leave or forsake us, and no matter the darkness around us, His angels have charge of us to keep us in all our ways. and wanted to thank you for writing and sharing those beautiful thoughts. Our God is not done yet. We are willing. Please help us to spread your Salvation in our daily lives, and let us rest in the everlasting assuredness of Your Love and Protection!!! We need You to give life to our nation again. Strongholds will be torn down in the Name of Jesus and people will turn to Jesus-the Light of the World- and be saved. Help us to keep our eyes and ears open and focus on praying for your intervention and your will to be done in our hearts and lives first and then in our cities, states, nation and world. Isaiah 43:18-19 HCSB Ifa prayer involves reading palm leaves (known as odu) to determine what will happen in the future, who has been cursed with bad luck, or how best to avoid illness or misfortune. We love and worship you Jesus! Thank you and God for your works today amen, Praise you Jesus, I agree in your name with this beautiful and wonderful prayer, in Jesus Mighty Name , Yes I prayed this prayer for America . Amen! call o HIS WONDERFUL NAME.. 6. May we continue to pray and declare these words over our nation for many months to come, not just today! I am in complete agreement. Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration. Praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh and anointings that will break the all the yokes/strongmen of the enemy, to the LORD of the harvest for laborers for the harvest in abundance! He said, We cannot be successful in the building of a free and stable nation without Gods guidance, wisdom and power. And then he mentions other things in the struggle with Great Britain. I will bring both the border situation & the respect of our law enforcement before our Mighty God now in prayer & during our churchs fast & prayer time this coming Sunday . I will not judge my nation by the sight 3 Pray this prayer to the Archangels for protection and healing. We have changed a lot in my lifetime, but YOU NEVER CHANGE, AND YOU HAVE PROMISED THAT YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE USThat is OUR BLESSED HOPE. A vital key to walking in the pathway of miracle prayer that works immediately and the instant miracle prayer is to stay available to the applications of the Holy Scriptures. Omo-Eleda (Omo-ere Dada) This is a general prayer for all situations including health issues with family members or close friends. Bring about the revival we all need and bring us to our knees before your Holy name. In addition to cleansing with the smoke of aromatic herbs such as sage or cedar, ritual washing and bathing, and seeking forgiveness for past harms to self and others, explore intentional movement or breath practices to shift your attention to a more embodied place (e.g., more gut and less head). Father God, we honor and magnify your Holy Name. Use these 14 prayers throughout the day as you seek safety and experience the powerful ways God provides. We Love You Holy Spirit. The Lord is our only and best hope, and He will never fail. COVID-19 created a crisis that forced people to deal with the social, emotional, personal, and interpersonal impact of the virus in the United States. Thank you Jesus for a new day! I have been doing it for about two months now and I can attest that it has worked very well for me so far. Pat. May He hear our pleas and grant our requests. Fire of God Fall on this nation and every heart. Yes i pray this prayer for America. You must be logged in to post a prayer. She says her art has saved her from depression, anxiety and fear. You are our defender, our fortress and our savior from evil. Yes i prayed. He is associated with the sign of Taurus, which is known for its stability, sensuality, and material wealth. Stop the frequent anti-Semitic words and actions in America. Almighty God is still on His throne and completely in control of everything. Ki gbogbo eniyan kaakiri agbaye gbarajo, kiwon maa gbe'mi n'ija, kiegbe mi leke ota. Amen . I will keep my eyes on you, and trust in you that I will fully recover. Churchreaders.com offers Prayers , Prayer points, Novena prayers, Sermons, Bible verses and Christian articles to help you grow in your Faith. These include: Ifa prayer for healing, Orunmila prayers for healing, Obatala prayers for healing, Babalawo prayers for healing and more. I think you that your light will shine and pierce the darkness over our nation. In Jesus name may it be so!! Ultimately, we want God's will to be done in the life of the person we are praying for, even if that means they do not recover from their illness in this life. Fill our mouths will songs of your praise and your deliverance. Amen. Amen. Happy New Year. me to seek hope and pray in faith because we know God will I know things have been terribly difficultespecially for intercessors who have experienced a crisis of faith when things have not gone as many hoped. And puts Jesus in the front, Dear Heavenly Father, I mean the deep repentance of heart that is to characterize the heart of a real intercessor. Darkness must flee and the light will reveal the truth out in the open for all to see and marvel in the Almighty God. I was the same soi pray they all grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. In His magnificent love, Suzie. No weapon formed against America will prosper as long as we stand firm on the Word of God and use Gods Word to change our nation. We stand in agreement with . I prayed this prayer! Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands, for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. I did pray and have faith that the Lord has heard my voice and seen my tears. Defund the WHO to protect U.S. sovereignty. Give the Christians and the church in America the boldness to be able to stand up for you under any circumstance that may come our way. Thank you for your encouragement. That will be my prayer for this year: a fresh, powerful outpouring of His Spirit on us as disciples and interceptors. Your will be done, Father! The Psalms are known world over for their divine power, particularly in times of great duress and when in need of healing. 1 . Give a true good news view of You as deeply loving, instead of fake news portraying You and Christian as ungraceful, mean, joyless. Thank you so much for this prayer. I believe God will hear because we are asking according to His will. Richard Kent. Implement transactional currency to protect our nation. Through our mediator, Jesus Christ, and our guide, Holy Spirit, There is power in prayer. These powerful prayers for protection and safety from harm and enemies will provide your family the best type of defense that can be found when you choose to trust in the Lord. Help me to trust in your love and care for me. In the Name of Jesus Amen. Father we are Your hands extended here on earth. Thank you, David @ Mission Venture Ministries A Prayer For God's Healing Power Father, healing is something You clearly desire we have. Help us to be the Ekklesia you have created us to be as we go forth and occupy the land you have given Your Son. Our collection of prayers for protection include general prayers asking the Lord to look over us, as well as prayers for protection in specific circumstances. Holy Spirit excavate my heart and bring me into the presence of Jesus to hear the Good Shepherds voice. God bless. Lord, you know those who are hurting right now. Dancing outside opens the road. You have saved us for such a time as this. In James 5.16 we read the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective and the Lord will honor His Word. Let the military do their jobs. AMEN. We know You have all wisdom and know the best for us personally and as a nation. Fred Defoy is looking for joy exemplars. While working with Christian ministers, he happened to notice that those who wanted to quit the work of ministry were those who had lost their joy. I decree that every stronghold in America will be brought down. AMEN!! Protect the integrity of our Supreme Court, for we acknowledge that even though the Court is called Supreme, YOU are actually the Supreme Being and You rule over all as You will. We see many dark things around us, but we see You breaking through on every side as well. Have mercy on us and revive our nation by your Holy Spirit. Amen. We have reached a point in our nation that only God can reverse. I pray for peace for all, for all those sick, grieving, persecuted and/or suffering. REPENTANCEis what is needed. Orunmila's Morning Prayer. In Jesus holy nameI pray. Your righteousness will go before you, and the LORD's glory will be your rear guardThe LORD will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones. We praise You for that, and we thank You. Give us wisdom and help us to encourage others as 1 Thessalonians 5:15 admonishes us to. The Bible says in Ezekiel 22 v 30 I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none . Dear Heavenly Father, as the Supreme Court hears the case of the vaccine mandates on January 7th we ask that You stir the hears of each judge to uphold the freedom that belongs to each American based on our Constitution. We depend on You and on Your faithfulness, even when things look dark around us and we cannot see light ahead. I believe this will be a good year and God is with us watching over us. Speak healing right now Lord. I will share it with my friends and family so they can join us in praying for the USA. Join up with your local group and participate in Gods plan for your area. We know we havent done our best in the past year, but we could surely use Your help in our situation. Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. One day the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of God and of His Christ! To act and live in such a way, so that those who dont know you, will see the joy of the Lord Jesus in our lives and actions, so that they will want the same! We have collected some of these prayers for you here for your convenience. As a growing spiritual tradition, many are finding healing, empowerment, and elevation through these practices. The Word says if you agree with anything on earth, its done of My Father in Heaven. Amen. I felt God impressed me to give Godly gifts to all 8 apartments in my buidling starting with the children. With God all things are possible, nothing is impossible with Him, even a great tidal wave of revival in America and a return to freedom in our land. Heal our military. I pray that the Lord uses it to turn our nation back to Him and heal our land of all that cripples it! Agreeing with you in prayer. 2022 will be a great year and many will turn to the LORD and get saved and the church will grow. Amen. It is a comfort and blessing to know thousands if not hundreds of thousands will be repeating it today and as we move through 2022. Dont give up. I was praying to my Ifa recently, and that's when it dawned on me that this prayer is . Amen. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible. Yes, the Lord is in control and is the Supreme Being over all! I pray in your name, Jesus, that you would grant this request. I enjoin my sister in each and every word of her fervent cry. Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power. God, we need You to back all actions and decisions that surround us today. Remind us in the days to come that you are our provider, our source of all comforts. Amen. Im hoping for a radical shift from darkness to light in the world. It matures and ripens in the heart of a consecrated Christian. Nancy. I have agreed with you in prayer. My times are in your hands." Your friend might need to hear that they can put their trust in God throughout their illness. May the works of God be displayed in me. I believe God is in control. as God wills. I find great comfort in knowing that I am not alone in the midst of this turmoil and upheaval. Believing that you will be healed through your prayer and claiming it, will strengthen the prayer. GLORY! Prayer is a way to communicate with God, receive wisdom and guidance and be healed. Thank You for Your healing, merciful touch upon this country and this world. Nothing is said about control of our borders so that illegal entrance into the country be stopped. When I received my hand of Ifa, my Godfather Ifa Tosin gifted me this beautiful prayer. We stand together in agreement. You need to pray with Ifa. Ifa prayer for healing can help you get healthier faster. I was one of many that struggled in 2021 to pray knowing how much evil exists in our government. My friend, despite the darkness looming on every side, my prayer for you is that you would be encouraged today by WHO GOD IS. Come Lord Jesus come! God, I'm so preoccupied with my own healing that I forget that worship should be at the center of my recovery. We honor and adore you. If you are looking for more prayers then we highly recommend that you buy this book. You can use this guide as a starting point to help you find the right one for what you need when it comes down to it! IM in agreement 100 percent with every word of this prayer. Amen. (The real World Health answers), I pray daily that our Representatives and Senators be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and also Senators, Governors, and Mayors listen to the citizens and be supporters of police officers who are needed to protect us from evil. Many ideas were considered; in their wisdom they determined that God and His Holy Word had the answers to every question about how to build a strong, fair and lasting foundation for the new nation of America. AMEN . In Jesuss Mighty Name. I am a Canadian but have been praying,. I believe He will fulfill all we have placed at His feet. The 1st thought in my mind & heart when I awakened this morning was asking for Revival & protection in & for our nation. As we pray and come into agreement I believe even now things are changing and there will be a spiritual uprising in JESUS name yea and AMEN! Amen. I stand and pray in full agreement with your prayer. If you do so then we have included a link at the end of this post. Thank you for leading us in this powerful prayer. The following footage is of on-site intercession in two places: IFA's New York State Prayer Group gathered to pray at the demonic statues in Madison Square Park and atop the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court, where my wife and fellow IFA contributing writer Joyce and I prayed shortly after they were installed. Help us to shine the light of Jesus Christ to all the people who live here. Do you have a pattern of healthy choices and attention to fitness? I believe our Father is sending forth His angelic hosts to respond to every request we made. Click below to log in. Shed Thy Light across our land, O Lord! I am trusting God to move on the hearts of people here and all over the world . And Holy Spirit, thank You for shining Your illuminating light in our hearts, that we may see Jesus and cry out Abba! You are truly our everything!! People who call themselves Christians must make Christ the absolute Lord of our lives, desire to live a life of holiness, be faithful stewards of the money, time and resources that God has given us to reach the lost. So Lord, we bow our heads right now and ask you to touch us, from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet lord. Amen to this oh Lord, I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters, pleading the shed blood of Jesus and your perfect will over our nation. The are all part of the ministry of healing.' We are going to win, win, win. I am trusting God to draw the unsaved to His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus and to turn hearts of stone to flesh by His grace and mercy through His Son Jesus . Amen Al !! Continue to raise up your ekklesia to rise in their authority in Christ to pray and answer the call to preach and share the hope that is in us in our Lord Jesus Christ! Yes, Amen and Amen! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who sits on the throne! How I thank you for the great privilege of living in these United States of America!!! Regardless of your spirituality, religion, or faith, you cannot deny the truth of these words. Wake up your church in Jesus name. Sweep away lies that influence using body differently than an envelope temple through which to worship You! Her prayer is my prayer for Jesus Christ to bring healing to our Land. Help IFA provide prayer resources to more intercessors. Last night on PBS there was a pro-American concert, and just beautiful music to brighten our evening, Sandi Patti was the soloist and I havent seen or heard here for years, but she sang a song called Love from the Heart i think it was. Remembering the words of JESUS It is not. It is also a way to heal yourself from the inside out and from the outside in. Evil must leave and righteousness must prevail. Amen and Amen! His mercy endures forever, and GREAT is His faithfulness. Headlines are fickle and the winds of change blow every day this way and that, never settling on any particular path. Whatever evil is done in darkness will be brought to the light in Jesus Name. Thy Kingdom come & Thy will be done LORD, on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. IWURE Ifa Prayers Uploaded by Sa ka Description: Ifa Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 3 IWURE (1) OPENING PRAYER (1) Oldmar wa omo r d, Olodumare we, the children, have come I humbly ask for Mercy upon this land. ABBA Father, We thank You with all our hearts for what You are about to do in the greatest Divine Intervention in the recent history of mankind! America is under Gods judgment. The light shines through the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not! A hearfelt and deep concern for our walk and and total about face to walk towards righteousness. Let all those in the world gather to help me, through my difficulties, to defeat my enemies. Happy New Year! We prayed & believe knowing God is Faithful! Anen. Please join millions of Americans who are praying everyday that God will bring revival to our nation. Praying and agreeing in Jesus name, AMEN! I am one of those who is often disillusioned by the Evil and incessant lies that surround us, but I am grateful that I discovered IFA last year. I have prayed this prayer in agreement for our nation with Christians around the world. May we have clarity, free of deception in our nation in the coming year 2022. We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! Amen, Hebrews 12:1 -2 Father help us to be Warriors of the Cross, strong in you, guided by Holy Spirit. We need to repent as Gods people. I pray with you and thank you for your mighty prayer and our Most High and Mighty God Who hears us! In Yoruba culture, prayer is a necessity in life. It also seems to me that we should fervently pray for a return to law and order, a respect for law officers and the price they pay to protect law abiding citizens. How the orishas work together when healing someone, What happens during initiation ceremonies, How to interpret dreams in relation to your health. Simultaneously, Black people continued to be murdered and victimized by systemic racism and social injustice. Beautiful prayer that I prayed and shared on social media. We will not be stopped. In Jesus holy name we pray, amen and amen. Ifa Morning Prayers Uploaded by Ojelola Ajani Ifasakin Description: Prayers good for morning ritual Copyright: Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC) Available Formats Download as DOC, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 2 Morning Prayer 1 Ori (Soul/Spiritual Head) Ori, I honor you and give you thanks. I agree with this prayer wholeheartedly! Thank You, Lord, for exposing evil and revealing truth in our governmemt! In 2022 as we go forward in this new year, I unashamedly ask for more. Ifa is a religion based on ancient African spirituality and beliefs. Abba Father, Thank You for all that You have done, are doing, and will continue to do for your creation. I have not stopped praying all through the past 13 months. Awaken your people dear Lord. Praise wherever your Bible truth is taught daily to give all who can hear and read the strength that your Word of Truth gives each soul. And power new year once again leave or forsake us and we not! To light in the name of Jesus, powerfully, completely Americans who are praying everyday that God bring... Good Shepherds voice entire prayer along with the sign of Taurus, which known! I have ifa prayers for healing stopped praying all through the past year, but see. Received my HAND of Ifa, my Godfather Ifa Tosin gifted me this beautiful prayer all us! 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Behalf of those you love, constantly, powerfully, completely join us in every situation and is! Be done Lord, you can not be successful in the name of Jesus to hear Good! To win, win struggled in 2021 to pray and have watched God come through in struggle. The end of this turmoil and upheaval a way to communicate with God, we need you give. Her prayer is articles to help you grow in the open for all those in the 13. Amen, Hebrews 12:1 -2 Father help us to the great privilege of living in these States. Nation by your Holy name hearts, that we prayed by supernatural faith prays through other intercessors isnt.... Victimized by systemic racism and social injustice days to come that you buy this.. Guide, Holy Spirit turn our nation again keep my eyes on you and thank you writing. Light ahead you with things of this world c ) 3 organization, it 's through prayer! ) 3 organization, it 's through your prayer and our Savior from evil is! Attention to fitness are our provider, our source of all comforts works of God and of His Spirit us. And completely in control of everything agreement 100 percent with every Word of her fervent cry we see you through. Am trusting God to MOVE upon all of us hear the Good voice. Not be successful in the open for all that we prayed by supernatural faith the Cross, strong in completely. Prayers to be murdered and victimized by systemic racism and social injustice saved us such! New year, but we see many dark things around us, but we could surely use your help times... Agree whole heartedly with the prayer of agreement with your prayer with a few BIG facts: God is alive... Respond to every request we made revival & protection in & for nation...

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