karsus 5e stats

Few creatures catch glimpses of this titanic beast, though many see its efforts in the shape of oddly familiar clouds, which it twists and crafts in its endless curiosity. When you reach into this space, any item you intend to take is magically on top. Staff, legendary (major tier) (requires attunement by a sorcerer or wizard with a 9th level spell slot). Of course, the DM is capricious, and may think of something more interesting or thematic to do instead. In some cases, that connection becomes so powerful that it changes who the Warlock is at their core. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Spells Wizard, Epic magic (10th+ level magic) Variant Rule, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Karsus%27_avatar_(5e_Spell)&oldid=1580761, V, S, M (the stone-filled gizzard of a gold dragon into a mixture of Tarrasque blood and 12-headed hydra bile to enchant a platinum dragon scale worth 1,000,000 gold). You are able to draw power directly from the sun to bolster your abilities. This causes creatures who strike you to take 1d4 fire damage, and for creatures that you strike to take 1d6 fire damage. Following a round in which you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you become wreathed in flames for 1 round per level of the spell. The Beloved lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. In addition, you also gain the following benefits: You've struck an eldritch bargain with a titanic corporation, and their CEO has bequeathed you sinister powers and occasional discounts. By 6th level, you regain all of your expended dread dice when you finish a short or long rest. Human[1] When you are targeted by a harmful effect, as a reaction you can cause that effect to be resolved as though you were standing anywhere within ten feet of your true position. Vecna, also known as the Whispered One, the Undying King, and the Lord of the Rotted Tower, is a powerful, mortal-born archlich who achieved godhood. Your patron is you in a decades-distant future. Fiends. Standing on its pristine clouds and gazing down on the universe with its glowing gaze, it sees and understands all. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a successful save. His skin was weathered and decayed, pulled taut against his skeletal frame; there was no hair on his spotted head. Maybe something that holds concentration for him or makes casting times shorter like instant summons. You must finish a long rest before you can use this reaction again. As an action, you can choose one creature within 60 feet of yourself that is not immune to being charmed, and force them to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or become consumed with a single emotion you choose from the options below for the next minute. Your ability to process big data opens new possibilities seen only by you. This cannot make instantaneous spells last 1 minute. Youre able to tap into a portion of your patrons wealth. You've made a pact with a strange creature that even the gods barely understand, the creator of all reality. The die becomes a d6 at 6th level, and a d8 at 14th level. You determine the path of its movement, which provokes normally. Secondly: during the time of Netheril, magic could go above 9th level, which is why he currently has spell slots above the normal limit. You gain proficiency with two skills of your choice, of which one can be a tool proficiency. In addition, once per day you can cast the spell Control weather. You can communicate simple thoughts and concepts with cats, and they can do the same back to you. These count as warlock cantrips for you but do not count against your number of cantrips known. He was not simply Karsus the Ravenkin; he was the Raven Queen, who for a time incarnated in the form of Karsus. The Brand's reach is wide, its influence pervasive, and its motives anathema to all mankind. Your patron gives you a secure place to store your valuables. Instead, you talk to a spiritual intermediary that facilitates your own growth with spirits. Choose two relevant spell modifiers from below. You can use spells such as stone shape on clouds to alter their density and change their shapes, but can also create weapons out of them as if they were stone. You learn two languages and gain expertise in one skill of your choice, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. Karsus is the only mage to have ever successfully created a 12th lv spell and cast said spell. Then there's a big drop to 36 (Shoon VII). You have incorporated enough reinforcing materials into your body to become somewhat resistant to physical damage. When you choose this patron, at 1st level, you can force the mental state of others to change at your whim. You can see and hear through the targets senses for up to 1 minute, ending early if you dismiss it (no action required) or are incapacitated. You can have only one humanoid under the effect of this feature at a time, and you cant use this feature again until you finish a long rest. In either edition, however, she has at least some levels in wizard and is known as one of the most powerful spellcasters in Faerun. You can take the Dash and Disengage action as a bonus action. You do not need to pick the same emotion to influence for both creatures. You can use Karsus Dream as an arcane focus. You can add your charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. Gifted with magic, but lacking the necessary . Starting at 10th level, your dealings with the arcane give you a measure of protection from spells. It is believed to be an aberrant god of some sort, though good and evil seem not to be within its goals, and instead it watches and wishes to partake in minor divine acts that push and edit human evolution. The creature is unaffected on a successful save. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals damage of that type, you can treat a 1 on a damage die as a 2. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. This spell cannot damage or effect a friendly creature in any way. You learn the spell suggestion. During these rounds, creatures that take flight while in this weather other than yourself or other clerics of the Sky titan must succeed in a wisdom save or become frightened due to the sight of the titan beyond the clouds, and as a bonus action you can cause the titan to gaze from beyond the clouds and inflict this fear on a number of creatures equal to your charisma modifier for 1d6 rounds. You should exercise caution with ability: using it too often will easily inspire the wrath of the DM, who will be inclined to force your player to destroy you and select a new, less capable, champion. Beginning at 10th level, your knowledge of the future allows you to exploit some of the rules of spacetime. Symbol That's just a starter, but it's what I thought of on the spot! Any creature this effects/summons has their movement speeds increased by 15 ft. and their armor class increased by your spellcasting ability modifier(this cannot increase their armor class over 22) until the spell ends. Whenever you make an ability check using Intelligence, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the d20. At 1st level, you can ask your patron to aid you in small tasks. The containers opening stretches to accommodate items of any size which can fit within the space, and items within the space are weightless until removed. When you select this patron at 1st level, you permanently replace one of your hands (your choice) with a mechanical battlefist. These casters often change the world with every step they take. [1][4][8], Karsus was born in Netheril in 3163 NY (696DR). Still, the DM will never brook with a creature that tries to abuse this sort of power; once you use this ability, you must take a long rest before doing so again. You may select any two spells of each of these levels from the Wizard spell list to be added to your spell list. At 6th level, if a creature is frightened by you it takes psychic damage at the start of each of their turns equal to your charisma modifier. He had to pull some strings and con his family into pulling others. with them. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You may also make a second reaction before your nexty turn, if applicable. This form lasts for 1 minute, or until you dismiss it (no action required). Your patron is able to transport other versions of yourself to aid you in battle. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. [16], Exposure to heavy magic and Karsus's own proximity also led to the creation of the karsites, a race of people born with an inherent distrust of magic as well as a natural resistance to it. However, Vecna still uses the trappings and abilities of a wizard just far beyond what almost anyone else can match. . Additionally, you may choose to reroll a failed concentration check, intelligence saving throw, or wisdom saving throw, taking the second result. When choosing targets, this targets 3 additional creatures of your choice. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. As such, Fizban can wield the power of a god when he truly wants to. It's for Archwizard Karsus - otherwise known as Karsus the Mad - from Forgotten Realms lore. The instant you transform, other creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you for 1 minute. By 1st level, your loyalty to the Brand affords you a level of supernatural protection. The wearer can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its turn inside a creature or an object. Your can discuss potential future events with your patron. Now he offers his patronage to lesser reality-shapers in the hopes that one of them will discover the means of his escape. At 14th level, when you deal damage to a creature, you can roll a d100. That's the reasoning behind his abilities - I'm looking for a particular experience for this big ending fight. A common goal warlocks have with such patrons are to be able to meet each other and be finally united, though there are always subtle nuances that only you and your patron share. After using this feature, you must take a long rest before doing so, again. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. An important part of the Greyhawk setting on the planet Oerth is the Circle of Eight. Despite this, Alassra wins the respect of many for how much raw power she can channel when she wants to. Did you ever finish this stat block? By 14th level, you are more machine than man. Spells cast through your Pact Magic or warlock class features, as well as objects created by your warlock class features, are not affected by this antimagic field. It counts as a warlock spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of spells you know. Be warned, though: the DM is capricious, and may revoke this ability when he feels that it is not appropriate. At 6th level, your future self prepares you for unexpected attacks. [18], Folly of excessive arrogance and ambition, endless hubris, Ah, yes. Aspects/Aliases RELATED: D&D: 10 Characters To Inspire Your Next Wizard. Your family has served this patron for generations. On a failure, the additional damage dealt by the spell increases to a d8, they suffer additional necrotic damage from all sources equal to your proficiency bonus, and they have disadvantage on saving throws against your spells and abilities. Its wizards are more regulated and regimented. In fact, your patron has many spiritual guides that monitor a warlock's growth, and each guide has their own unique personality quirks that you need to contend with. Expanded Spell List. Your legs have been infused with magitech components, allowing you to run longer and faster. Studios' The Seasons Have Teeth #1, REVIEW: IDW Publishing's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: WhereWhen #1, D&D Party Finds a Beautiful Way to Honor a Player That Passed Away. As a bonus action, you can give yourself an AC of 13+your charisma modifier for 1 hour. Karsus was a Mentalist which meant that he focused on mind affecting spells so maybe he would be an enchanter in 5e terms. You are unaffected by all effects of this weather, as are up to one ally per point in your charisma modifier. If you succeed on the check and the creature isn't hostile to you, it is charmed by you for 1 hour. You are unable to be surprised and have advantage on initiative rolls. While you are transformed, the following rules apply: You regain all usages of this feature after you take a long rest. Each ability also has a modifier, derived from the score and ranging from 5 (for an ability score of 1) to +10 (for a score of 30). Any successful magelord must be willing to overpower his fellows. Those who are might find themselves drawn to the mysterious Showman, believed a minor trickster deity (who most often takes the form of a white rabbit), long forgotten and bereft of worshipers. Starting at 1st level you gain advantage on attacks made against any creature that is frightened. Your pact with this individual is a binding contract that promises you great wealth and prosperity. The Doomsayer lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. He wasn't content with the mere power of a wizard. Your AC equals 13 + your Constitution modifier. The annals of history for many D&D settings are filled with immensely powerful wizards. Its gods are less involved in day-to-day affairs. Those creatures with fear in their hearts see you as an agent of death, and sense that you are its herald. Privacy Policy. The Warlock can choose the Will O Wisp to be the origin for any of it's spells, as if the Will O Wisp cast the spell, however it still uses the Warlock's saving throws. Ultimately, it takes Elminster himself to bring down Undarl due to his raw power. Karsus. (Karsus attempting to usurp godhood from the goddess of magic was responsible for the 9th-level limit, actually. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. At 6th level, you can re-roll an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the cat. This ability refreshes during a long rest. Vamrans Karsus), this group of foes has the coalescence of scorn statistics reflect these spells being previously cast. When you cast mage hand, you can make the spectral hand invisible. Race At the end of the duration, you gain a parallel die, which is a d4. At 1st level, you have elastic, fantastic limbs. While some claim a rational, scientific understanding of its inner workings, others claim a transcendent connection to The Machine that it is a powerful being, a construct of immense design that embodies itself through those who carry the Heart. If you spend 10 minutes in an area under dim light or darkness, you lose these benefits. Adventuring was an amusing way to entertain himself before life came to an end. The spell lasts for 120 days before the cumulative 5 percent chance for the spell to end occurs. Your alternate self imparts upon you valuable knowledge from their time as a patron. You gain resistance to acid and psychic damage. You regain HP equal to 1d6+ your charisma modifier if you end your turn in combat with fewer than half your HP remaining. He's an avatar of Paladine, one of Dragonlance's most benevolent and powerful gods. Starting at 6th level, your grimoire is capable of drawing in and negating harmful magical effects. Alignment: Chaotic neutral. At 6th level, you may grow burning wings to shield yourself from harm and ignite the healing magic within you. Updated 17th of January by Isaac Williams: The player characters are the main characters of D&D, but that doesn't prevent a very powerful supporting cast. Lord Karsus was the Netherese creator and caster of the Karsus's avatar spell that triggered the Fall of Netheril. As an avatar of death, Karsus incarnated the death aspect of his deity. Starting at 1st level you learn the Toll the Dead cantrip. The same can't be said for your respective kinds. Fizban the Fabulous is a wizard from the Dragonlance setting. To these mortals she sends a special boon - a raven-shaped shadow whose appearance is a sign of her favor. Now, you have entered a pact with your alternate self in the hopes of further achieving your own mutual ambitions. Youre able to draw conclusions from repeating patterns. If the cat has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the cat's bonus instead of yours. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. To the beleaguered regions under Krampus's tyranny, the creature has simply always been around. Your goal, as a Player Character, is to succeed, and hopefully look as impressive as possible while doing it. The wearer gains proficiency in one skill it isnt proficient in. Once you use this feature in this way, you may not do so again until you complete a long rest. The primary caster takes on the full power, features, abilities and spells of that god, in effect replacing the chosen god by becoming . Your pact is with the spirit of an extremely powerful spellcaster, a legendary master of the arcane. Prime Material plane He's been a bartender and a waiter, and now he writes lists for CBR. When you are the only target of a ranged spell attack of 5th level or lower, you may roll a d6. However, his magic is incredibly powerful and always seems to help carry the day. The Heart of the Machine's mechanics are not entirely well understood. Starting at 1st level you learn the Hex spell if you did not know it already. You learn the spell mage hand cantrip and can cast it as a bonus action. Furthermore, due to their iconic place in fantasy tropes, wizards often play major roles in the fiction of many settings. Furthermore, Tasha shows her power in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. When you roll fire or radiant damage, you can choose to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling. 2010.03.03 07:43 meinsla A community for 2D & 3D RPG Making, Sprite design, and miscellaneous game making. A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. When your own hand sends a soul to your patron they see, through your eyes, a vision of their own demise. If you do so, you also take this fire damage. You have constructed a pact with a being that addresses itself as "Artificial Intelligence". Instead, his soul was bound to the Material Plane. Such patrons might be ancient vampires who have studied mortal minds for centuries, devils whove tricked hundreds of beings, parasites that feed on the emotions of others, or some other similar being. Karsus. After using this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a short or long rest. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can manipulate it in one of two ways: Conceal. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. As a bonus action, you can give yourself resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. The skill you choose must be one that isn't already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus. Lastly, once per day when you finish a short rest, you can recover a spell granted to you by an invocation which normally recovers on a long rest. They fear that they are next and such fear spreads easily through the hearts of the cowardly. Starting at 10th level, you are immune to disease, and when you use your Spriggan feature, you gain the following benefits: Starting at 14th level, while using your Spriggan feature, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. The Wild Guardian lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. At 10th level, your parasite is able to take on the cognitive load when you falter. I want it to be hard, but not impossible. Faernian[1] If you take one of these latter forms, you must take a short or long rest before you can use one of those forms again. I have some homebrew spells for levels above 9th ported back from earlier editions, but I'm still working those out, so for right now, I want to ask how 1) the fact that it gives him four 9th-level spell slots and 2) the fact that it means he can upcast lower-level spells to levels above 9th will affect combat. Your patrons vast intellect makes it impossible for others to influence you. An unused parallel die expires when you finish a short or long rest. He often appears foolish, incompetent, or downright unhelpful. When you reach 10th level, Lady Luck smiles upon you. You can use an action to gain the following benefits for one minute: Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. The Karsus Avatar spell was, I think, a 12th level spell which is now beyond mere mortals with the changing of the weave. Any creature who is frightened automatically fails the save. Overcharge. In addition, you now have the Construct type. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Starting at 10th level you may use an action to beckon to a frightened enemy that can see you. This resistance does not affect damage from magical or silver weapons. Paladine is Dragonlance's equivalent to the god Bahamut in other D&D settings. Occasionally, one of the voices in your head becomes clearer and will impart knowledge you may not have known yet. If you MUST have Improved Binding, that's the place to get it. During this duration, you move at half speed and gain resistance to all Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage. You cant use armor or shields made of metal. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it with a bonus action. After using this feature, you must finish a long rest to use it again. Krampus stands 14 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds. At 10th level, your connection with animals has improved drastically from your patron. Once you use this feature, you cant do so again until you finish a long rest. Karsus was the mortal incarnation of a deity who holds sway over death. You learn the eldritch blast cantrip if you havent already. You get the following benefits depending on the elemental nature of your patron. The wearer and its allies within 10 feet of it have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. After reducing an enemy to 0 HP, you can use your bonus action to regain a number of HP equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level. Once you use this ability you may not do so again until you complete a short or long rest. Karthus creates a wall that lasts for 5 seconds. Starting at 1st level, the Grimoire can be used as a spellcasting focus for your Warlock spells. ), and your aging seems to stop altogether. Karsus was perhaps the most powerful wizard who ever lived. The cantrip counts as a warlock cantrip for you and doesnt count against the number of cantrips you know. Sparks of Life remain for 1 minute or until they heal a creature, after which they vanish. It holds no fear for Karsus beyond the concern that it would cause him to miss opportunities to serve the Raven Queen. They train their magic to be versatile, fast, and powerful. idk if you are still running this one shot of if you have the stat block anymore, but here is what I would do. After using this feature, you must take a short or long rest before doing so, again. Archived post. Because you are aware of this, you can gain the unique ability to pull victory out of your ass when you otherwise should have failed. Officially Ioulaum and Karsus are the highest-level casters in recorded history, tied at 41. Source: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft Main Benefit: Access to handy spells like False Life, which grants some extra temporary hit points. His powers have reached their peak, and almost nothing can help them grow. You choose which number the target uses. 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