scalp acupuncture for tremors imdur

It usually relieves symptoms immediately and may take only a few minutes to achieve significant improvement. The practitioner should consider scalp acupuncture as the primary approach rather than as a complementary approach for the patient with multiple sclerosis. During the break, Michael went outside for a bit more exercise. Two days later, Sherry arrived for her fourth session and reported very positive reactions to the last treatment. These drugs can have side effects. Lisa was afraid of needles and started to cry and refuse the treatment before the first needle was inserted. Forty-five successful case histories are given from our clinical experience. Those patients usually respond and show improvement quickly. She could hardly be understood when she said her home phone number. Brain damage is often related to quick acceleration and deceleration of the brain, which results in injury to the area of impact and its opposite area. It is helpful to have the patient exercise the affected limbs with or without assistance as indicated, between needle stimulations.13 During treatment, some patients may have sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their affected limbs. Commonly used points are Feng Chi (GB 20), Yu Zhen (Bl 9), Nao Kong (GB 19), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Tai Chong (Liv 3), and Tai Xi (Ki 3) for lower limbs, and Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limbs.19 Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation more than 200 times per minute. By directly stimulating affected areas of the central nervous system, scalp acupuncture has shown more effective results compared to other acupuncture techniques. Although scalp acupuncture has been successful in the treatment of Bell's palsy, body acupuncture with threaded techniques is very effective for this disorder as well. Through this book, we hope to contribute this knowledge and experience to current and future students, practitioners, and teachers, and that it will serve as a stepping stone for further teaching, practice, research, and development of Chinese scalp acupuncture. The patient's wife rushed back into the lecture room saying repeatedly, He can move his arm and hand now in a loud, excited voice. Scalp acupuncture areas are frequently used in the rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, automobile accident, and Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, that morning she had lost her balance and fallen backward, but with no severe injury. Disability affects about 75% of stroke survivors and it can affect patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of all three. He was immediately able to close his left eye better and the pain around his ear and jaw significantly reduced just a few minutes after two needles were inserted. He did not like to perform speech, swallowing, and body exercises. It is now our opinion that a patient with paralysis should be treated no matter how long ago a stroke has occurred as long as the limb shows no muscular atrophy. Scalp acupuncture has been found to have very good effects on the sequelae of stroke including hemiplegia, aphasia, and abnormal sensations in the limbs. Symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis vary widely depending on the location of affected myelin sheaths. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. Rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for 13 minutes, twirling them as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and repeating the stimulation every 10 minutes. Finally, Chapter Four presents a large number of treatment strategies and techniques with color figures clearly illustrating the location of stimulation areas. Upon examination he looked very tired and depressed, his tongue was red with a dry, thick, yellow coating, and his pulses were wiry and slippery.b, Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Liver depression qi stagnation, spleen qi deficiency, blood stasis in the channels, liver-gallbladder damp heat, Primary area: Upper 1/5, middle 2/5 and lower 2/5 Motor Area, Secondary area: Speech I Area (same as lower 2/5 Motor Area), Neck point, (a new extra point for dysphagia, located at 1 inch below Feng Chi (GB 20). Although she was nervous when the doctor asked her to stand up, her family was thrilled to see her not only stand up with improved stability, but also start to walk a few steps. She counted the numbers from one to 20 with a slow, slurred, weak voice. The duration of the ailment was from four days to two years. These do not relate to the theory of channels in Chinese medicine and are an essentially new type of conception. The techniques introduced in this book can be easily mastered and performed even by people with minimal acupuncture experience. . Not only can it improve symptoms, the patient's quality of life, and slow the progression of physical disability, but it can also reduce the number of relapses. 5.3. If balance, dizziness, or vertigo is present, select the Balance Area or the Vertigo and Hearing Area. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weaker patients. She had little hope that our treatment would help her condition. Her pulses remained unchanged and were still fine and wiry. Select either the Chorea and Tremor Area or the Foot Motor and Sensory Area, depending whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. She also had more energy and started to do some housework again. At his last visit, Fred said, Thank you very much for giving me back my normal life.. During the sixth treatment, Julia was able to kick her legs with some strength and she could bend her legs at the knee and hold this position for a few minutes. However, those who don't have such sensations could still experience immediate and positive effects. He could not elevate the hyoid bone, indicating a probable swallow reflex problem. As the above case study demonstrated, doctors should modify the treatment strategy and stimulate areas according to changes in a patient's condition. Primary lateral sclerosis is a rare motor neuron disease that resembles ALS but there is no evidence of the degeneration of spinal motor neurons or muscle wasting that occurs in ALS. In the West, many healthcare practitioners are familiar with acupuncture for pain management, while scalp acupuncture as a main tool for rehabilitation is a relatively new concept. a Editor's note: The references in this article have been renumbered for continuity. Afterwards, her speech was so much clearer, faster, and stronger that even she was surprised. Stroke is classified into two major categories, ischemic and hemorrhagic. By stimulating those reflex areas, acupuncture can have direct effects on the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, thalamo-cortical circuits, thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal body. Treatment was given six times a week and 16 treatments made a course. Poliomyelitis, also called polio or infantile paralysis, is a highly infectious viral disease that may attack the central nervous system and is characterized by symptoms that range from a mild nonparalytic infection to total paralysis. Though she continued to improve with each treatment, the most dramatic changes occurred in the twentieth treatment. It likely occurs as a result of some combination of environmental and genetic factors. Acupuncture was applied with a 0.3 45-mm stainless-steel needle (Hansol Medical Co., Korea). We believe scalp acupuncture, which integrates Western medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine, to be the most significant development that Chinese acupuncture has made in the past 60 years. He refused to try drinking a little bit of water to test his swallowing function and said he was afraid that it could induce severe coughing and choking and cause aspiration. Although more yang ming points are used for paralysis, points from yin channels, especially tai yin and jue yin channels should not be ignored. She had been receiving rehabilitation treatment including physical therapy, osteopathic therapy, and speech therapy starting two weeks after her injury. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. To her surprise he reminded her what time he had the acupuncture appointment that day. This study looked at the effectiveness of scalp acupuncture and conventional acupuncture for essential tremors using 60 patients split into two groups. In 100 BCE, the first Chinese acupuncture text, Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) described the relationship between the brain and the body in physiology, pathology, and treatment as it was understood at that time, and citations of acupuncture treatments on the head can be found throughout classical Chinese literature. They asked, How quickly could he notice any improvement? David decided to try the treatment but was still skeptical after being told that some patients had immediate improvement and others did not. David appeared to be very tired because, he said, Everyone at the hotel came to our room for hours to shake my recovering hand. By the end of his fifth treatment David had full use of his right hand and arm and the edema in his hand was completely gone. In terms of Western medicine, it contributes significantly to the treatment of central nervous system disorders. After resting for a while, she stood up again and started to walk, managing 20 halting steps before needing to sit down, exhausted. Only two of the scalp needles should be stimulated at any one session, or the brain can become too confused to respond. The patient should get treatment as soon as possible as the earlier the treatment, the better the prognosis. In very serious cases, patients may need feeding tubes. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. There is no cure or standard treatment for motor neuron diseases and treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms of muscle spasm and pain while maintaining the highest practical level of overall health. Julia, a 49-year-old female in a wheelchair, was brought to our clinic in Santa Fe, NM, in 1992. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. Acupuncture needles are very fine so shouldnt cause a lot of pain. The upper 1/5 Motor Area and Speech I Area were still considered primary according to her condition. Initially, treatment should be two to three times a week until major improvements are achieved, then once weekly, then every two weeks, and then spaced out as indicated by the patient's condition. Sometimes it is necessary to treat the depression first and then address the difficulty in swallowing. The role of acupuncture is to unblock the channels. Chapter One provides a review for practitioners with a Western medical background and an adequate introduction for practitioners new to this material. By the fifteenth treatment, Denise reported that she was able to walk around her home by herself and walk much longer distances. It is also the most useful technique for the patient to improve quickly in the initial visits. His wife gave a brief medical history because of his aphasia. When we told Barbara that some similar patients were able to walk again, her eyes filled with tears. Although scalp acupuncture areas may be chosen according to the patient's particular symptoms, primary areas for patients with motor problems such as paralysis, weakness of limbs, or abnormal sensations in limbs including tingling, numbness, or pain, are the Motor Area and the Sensory and Foot Motor Areas. Correct food consistency, texture, and temperature are important for the dysphagia patient's success during acupuncture treatment. Scalp areas are frequently used in pain management, especially pain caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, reflex regional pain, and residual limb pain. These zones are the specific areas through which the functions of the central nervous system, endocrine system, and channels are transported to and from the surface of the scalp. Soon after that, both of her arms began to move and lift. Acupuncture, a therapeutic technique of Oriental Medicine, can be traced back more than 2500 years. These headaches may gradually become less severe as you continue to use nitroglycerin. A hospital physician recommended that Fred try acupuncture treatment. Dr. Jiao combined a modern understanding of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with traditional techniques of Chinese acupuncture to develop a radical new tool for affecting the functions of the central nervous system. Fred was very negative and showed no interest in treatment by scalp acupuncture at the initial visit. There was a little twitching in the muscles of his arm but no movement at all in his right arm or hand and the hand appeared puffy and swollen. Other patterns based on the patient's constitutional tendencies may also present or arise as the disease progresses. demonstrated that scalp acupuncture benefitted patients and significant reductions of insomnia were achieved. She continued to get better with each additional treatment and by the sixth treatment, Denise was able to enter our clinic with a walker instead of in a wheelchair. To relax contractures of the foot and ankle, thread a two-inch needle from Jie Xi (St 41) toward Qiu Xu (GB 40) and Sheng Mai (Bl 62). The worse the symptoms or longer the duration of disease, the longer the duration of each treatment should be. Five years before, his medical team had noted his condition has been slowly going downhill. Because his legs were very stiff and weak, Michael had to drag both legs in a shuffling manner when he walked. He had a weak cough and diminished throat-clearing ability. It is not surprising for a Western physician to claim that it is a coincidence if a patient recovers from paralysis after acupuncture. Commonly used points are Chi Ze (Lu 5) and Nei Guan (Per 6) for upper limbs and San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Xue Hai (Sp 10), and Qu Quan (Liv 8) for lower limbs. She was able to eat better because of less choking. In clinical practice, acupuncture treatments are typically based not just on a systematic or rigidly applied system, but also on highly individualized philosophical constructs and intuitive impressions. In our practice, the combination of scalp acupuncture and regular body acupuncture ensures the best results, especially for the further recovery of paralyzed fingers or toes. She had had a concussion on the left side of the brain in the internal capsule and initially was totally paralyzed on her right side and lost the ability to speak. That is highly unusual and by no means the norm. A few minutes after being needled on her head, Sherry felt a whole-body hot sensation, which then moved from her hips to her feet, stronger on the left side. He had suffered from multiple sclerosis since 1982 and had received many kinds of treatments with no positive results. Her legs had severe tremors when she put her toes on the ground and she could not stand on one leg. Those symptoms are warning signs and a large proportion of patients with TIA may develop full strokes in the future. For the last three years and currently, she could not stand or walk by herself due to weakness in her legs and loss of balance. In our normal practice it often takes from several weeks to several months for stroke patients to improve and recover. These areas may also be effectively employed for pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. The results showed that the effective rate was 86.7% (26/30) in the body acupuncture group and 80.0% (24/30) in the scalp acupuncture group. During treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. Sherry fell frequently, lost her balance easily, and had had difficulty walking since the age of 19. Thread a third needle from Tai Chong (Liv 3) through the foot to Yong Quan (Ki 1) on the sole of the foot. It may lead to the discovery of new effective treatments and hopefully to a cure for this disease in the future. We use sterile, single-use needles and always follow antiseptic protocols so there is limited risk of infection. Accessibility The signs and symptoms of dysphagia include difficulty controlling food in the mouth, inability to control food or saliva in the mouth, difficulty initiating a swallow, coughing, choking, frequent pneumonia, unexplained weight loss, gurgly or wet voice after swallowing, nasal regurgitation, and swallowing difficulty. In these case descriptions, we explain in practical detail how to apply the needling techniques in order to obtain optimal results. 5.3, 5.23 and 5.24). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The information presented in the book is primarily a synthesis of two components of knowledge of scalp acupuncture. Because these were patients in a hospital, the treatment protocol was 6 days per week for about 30 days, with a follow-up check after 3 months. Sherry, a 38-year-old female, came to our clinic in 2007. Unlike traditional acupuncture, where one needle is inserted into a single point, in scalp acupuncture needles are subcutaneously inserted into whole sections of various zones. From a Western perspective, these zones correspond to the cortical areas of the cerebrum and cerebellum responsible for central nervous system functions such as motor activity, sensory input, vision, speech, hearing, and balance. Scalp acupuncture, discovered by Dr. Jiao Shunfa in 1971, is a modern acupuncture technique combining traditional needling methods with Western medical knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex, including anatomy, physiology, pathology and neurology. We were astonished and barely able to recognize her when she walked into the conference room by herself. With every treatment, Fred showed dramatic improvements in speech, eating and drinking, and movement of his right arm, hand, leg, and foot. Multiple sclerosis may occur either in discrete attacks or slowly over time. After nine scalp acupuncture treatments, he regained all functions of expression in his face and was very pleased with the outcome. It could stimulate the brain neurons of the underlying area related to the impaired functions by inserting needles into loose areolar tissue layer of the scalp. Her neck was severely damaged at the level of C-5 and C-6. When treating a hemorrhagic stroke, however, scalp acupuncture should not be performed until the patient's condition is stable, probably one month after a stroke. Needles should be inserted in both upper 1/5 Motor Area and middle 2/5 Motor Area and stimulated on the opposite side of the paralyzed limbs. Even then, only 50% of patients have a chance of improving. A dysphagia diet uses foods that stimulate swallowing and minimize mucus build-up around the larynx. Multiple sclerosis is unpredictable and varies in severity. The examination revealed she had paraparesis of the left lower extremity that was more affected than the right. During the initial consultation, David and his wife asked many questions because they were doubtful that scalp acupuncture could help him. Studying its results in clinical practice can also add clarity to ambiguities found in the practice of neurophysiology and pathology. She could stand on either leg alone and had to look down to check if it was true. Scalp acupuncture is more easily accessible, less expensive, entails less risk, can yield quicker responses, and causes fewer side effects than many Western treatments. Always put one needle in the ear point Shen Men to help a depressed and angry patient relax and to reduce the sensitivity of needle insertion and stimulation of the scalp. Paralysis is also divided into four types in neurological practice, namely upper motor neuron paralysis, lower motor neuron paralysis, paralysis due to neuromuscular transmission diseases, and the paralysis caused by muscular diseases. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart attack and cancer and it is a leading cause of adult disability. Always put one needle in the ear point Shen Men to help nervous patients relax and reduce the sensitivity of needle insertion and stimulation of the scalp. A local hospital diagnosed stroke caused by cerebral hemorrhage in his left hemisphere. After two needles were inserted on the right side of his scalp, David immediately noticed tingling sensations in his right arm and hand. Patients with some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. Regular exercise helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, and this also accelerates the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. Propranolol may cause fatigue, stuffy nose, or slow heartbeat, and it may make asthma worse. The first of these principles is the location of scalp acupuncture areas based on the reflex somatotopic system organized on the surface of the scalp in Western medicine. Barbara was in a wheelchair when she was brought to our 2006 scalp acupuncture seminar in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Halpern: There are a few differences between MR-guided focused ultrasound and deep brain stimulation. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. Existing pharmaceutical treatments offer alleviation of symptoms but cannot delay disease progression and are often associated with significant side effects. Many of these same patterns will be present in cases involving post-stroke symptomology discussed in this book such as paralysis, dysphagia, and aphasia. Those areas should be stimulated unilaterally or bilaterally, according to the patient's manifestations. 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