what happened to listverse

Unlikeother freelance writing websiteswhere you need to register to submit, in Listverse, this is not required. Thanks for sharing this review! The website seems like a scam. This list is missing that remarkability. The amount of time spent on an article to earn $100 is not worth it. In October, just a couple of months before the fire, a life insurance salesman threatened George that his house (would go) up in smoke and (his) children (would be) destroyed. George thought the salesman was angry as he couldnt make a sale but with the events that followed, it seems this would turn out to be eerily accurate. The competition is so high and only the fittest will survive. Great review. I am always trying tofind the best wayto make money online. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. She was declared legally dead in . Of course. Louis Sodder Its ridiculous how long it takes to look over a serial killer piece. This is clearly a fraudulent writing site and not worth waisting your time on. Anna 2. Only 3 accepted per day? One would probably need to spend tens of hours and submit a few articles just to get one approved to earn a hundred bucks. Please reply to this and let me know whether you received a rejection or acceptance. READ MORE 5. No signup is required to submit an article. I have made my career out of writing. I'm completely on your side on this. Once your article is approved, you get paid $100 via Paypal within 30 days. However, as you have read among these comments, I'm getting quite discouraged from all the hate Jamie Frater is taking. Listverse is asking way too much from writers. As I am not an English native writer, dont think my article will ever get published. Being rather bewildered at the reasons for rejection not lining up with my article, and still not understanding why my submission was not taken, I carefully re-read the rejection email and I found this sentence in the middle: We receive more than 150 submissions each day and can only choose three for publication. I was also looking forward to submit a list on Listverse as 100 bucks per list sounded legit to me but half of my mind gave up when I came to knew that the list should be minimun 1800 words long and now my complete mind gave up when I read here that they accept only 3 submissions out 150 submission on daily basis. I dont know of any website that will pay you so fast.. Instead, he keeps publishing articles and promising payment that never arrives, all the time hoping business will pick up before all the writers quit his site. Last week I receive an email saying that they would like to now reconsider the lists I submitted 4 years ago. Hi, I am Florence,a Small Business Marketer. Payment took much longer than my last payments, but I'm glad to see they are still good for paying. More than 75 years later, there are still many facts about the disappearance that dont add up. The hamburger. I have to say, based on the time spend on research, the strict guidelines and fierce competition, Im not sure Id invest time to create an article and wait for Listverse toaccept. Listverse is a highly popular website that publishes. Let me know after you try transcription. Is easier to be accepted as writer in this platform. We receive over 150 submissions every day and from that pool we are only able to accept 3 or 4 (because that is how many articles we publish). Jamie Fraters Instagram is private and has just 1 post, and his LinkedIn has no display picture and only 23 connections. The only surviving member of the family was Sylvia, the youngest of the Sodder children, who was only 2-years-old on the night of the fire. The content belong to you and you are free to do whatever you like as long as it is not accepted and paid by Listverse. Well after spending lots of time to compose my lists and submitting several to listverse, I've gotten no reply and no PayPal payment! I immediately received the same automated reply after the submission saying that they would review my list.. That said, the accusations people are making are, I think, out of frustration in the moment, so I figured that with my long tenure writing freelance for the company, I could give some insight. Despite personal opinion is not acceptable, but if you think your opinion can fit in perfectly on Listverse, you must back up with facts from reputable sources or face outright rejection. It is obvious that getting your list submitted is a big deal as too many people submit, but if somebody isnt getting paid even for the accepted lists, the intention seems fishy. Last week I receive an email saying that they would like to now reconsider the lists I submitted 4 years ago. Kind regards, 4. However, if anyone wanting immediate income, then I suggest its better to write for Textbroker than Listverse. I enjoyed creating lists and had lots of other ideas but it just doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. Florence, good work discussing this one. He then met Jennie Cipriani, who was also an Italian immigrant. This method has helped me quit my C-level job and become a full time work at home mom. Never heard of Listverse before but the articles inside this website are indeed very interesting. I am new to writing and I came across Listverse and was thinking it might be a good idea to get paid for each thing that I write. 1. After much debate about the wisdom of "giving in to terrorists," FBI Director . I would be interested to read them for reference. With only three articles being approved and published it seems as though its very much pot luck regardless if you submit a fantastic piece. However, if anyone wanted to have long-term and sustainable income from writing, itll be best to start a blog and write to get ranked on Google at the same time promote affiliate products. We receive between 50-150 articles per day. Rating: 50/100 Summary: While Listverse is a legitimate site to make . I highly recommend anyone who want to start blogging to try Wealthy Affiliate. It is kind of like TED talks, they are all different topics, present by different people but they all seem to follow a template and have a similar tone to them. A few weeks before the fire, the Sodder children had complained that a strange car was following them as they returned home from school. The childrens deaths were then declared accidental.[4]. So I build my blog and start writing for myself. It comes with the territory. If this is true, will this be a good platform for new writers to practice writing, like whatTextbrokeroffers. No replies to any of my emails. More About Us. They even paid me $1, 700 in lists when the lists were only accepted 14 days prior, even though Listverse's policy says that they will pay within 30 days, they still paid me two weeks early. Iprefer to start a blog, thenwrite once and get paid many times. The $100 reward sounds incredible but as you said, for the work you put in it almost doesnt add up especially since your article might be rejected. Jamie is engaging in fraud at this point by not paying writers, and I don't support any person, company, or website that deals in this way. No problem. Can either be found at house parties telling everyone Charles Manson was only 5ft 2" or at home reading true crime magazines. Some dating back to March! Thanks for pointing out this downside about Listverse. In 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing in the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they claimed they encountered a UFO. Collecting bizarre stories from around the world is not a problem to me at all. It is all very bizarre and disturbing. I too prefer to blog and earn money promoting affiliate products. In Fayetteville, many of the families were also Italian immigrants who disagreed strongly with Georges views. The list is too short, too long, or does not have ten items The Sichuan Massacre View of Anshun bridge on daytime and city and river panorama in Chengdu Sichuan China. With the aim to intrigue and educate their readers with a variety of rich content, the website focuses on six main topics in science, entertainment, lifestyle, society, general knowledge, and bizarre. By the second I knew that something was fishy. Check out his Instagram page @jamfrx. Ill let her know about your review on Listverse. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there the rest of the night. Sadly, I have to agree. FRAUD AND CONTENT THIEF! And some even make up to 6 and 7 digits income a year. We also accept pitches by email (to save you writing a list only to have it rejected for not being a good fit for the site). There will be more to come! The site looks interesting and they even have an inviting "submit" and "write for us" button at the top of every page where the description offers $100.00 for submitted and accepted top ten lists of over 1, 000 words, with an emphasis on odd or unusual articles, as they say, if we like it, you get the money in your PayPal account! No explanation is given by the company on this allegation. On Christmas Eve, five of the Sodder childrenMaurice, Martha, Louis, Jennie, and Bettyasked if they could stay up late. Still no reply whatsoever. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The payment never arrives, even after the list is published. Its not straightforward and their search feature doesnt seem to product the results accurately. I am a patient man, so I was OK with this. Waitwhat? I have tried to contact both their submission staff and the founder itself, in this case, Mr. Jamie at least twice. If you want to know more about this, I suggest that you get a copy of My FREE Guide to start a small business online. I thought this sounded like a fun way to make $100 by writing about topics I know and am interested in. Again, I agreewrite for yourself! Simple and easy to follow submission process. Every publication uses them, but the giant listverse does not? Above, on the Submission page, it says that the article shouldnot exceed 1500 words. At the stage of writing my second ebook. Based on my experience, the research itself can take up one whole day if you really want to create an article that has higher chance to get approved. Despite it is tough to get your article approved, there are things Listverse has made attractive for people to submit their work. I am definitely walking away because 1800 words of great content cant be written quickly. True, I spend time searching for information and try as hard to complete the list. Listverse can sometimes be late; hey, it happens, if you write something, they accept it, and say they will pay you, they absolutely, positively, 100% WILL pay you--but they might be a few days or a week over the 30-day mark, which, if they're you're only source of income, I understand can be nerve-racking, but please take it from me, they're not going to stiff you on your cashand it's extremely rare that they're late. I have had two (out of three) articles published by Listverse. Its a good site with good content, but if you don't pay your writers, your content will plummet. Hopefully in the future, they can get their payments in on time, rather than having payments 32 days overdue. The last that this website will ever approve is common or ordinary topic. Discuvver 3. The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a military supply route running from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia to South Vietnam. Product Name: Listverse Product Type: Commission based article submission site. It would not seem like something that I would want to put a lot of effort into because of the low approval rate. It took me a lot of time to write those 17+ articles, time I'll never get back. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, the screenshot shows no payments were made between March and August. Listverse have always paid me what they owe. I am going to keep a close eye on Listverse in the next few weeks for my list. Could you please post the links to your 6 articles? Many people go to the website to read about unusual things that happen around the world. Listverse definitely sounds like an interesting concept. Our editors do not write for us - they edit only. Following a brief search amongst the rubble, the Sodder family had expected to find whole skeletons but only a few bone fragments were recovered. Once you are inside, Ill connect with you and help you with setting up your first business blog. Theres not even a list on there about Richard Ramirez and I use a published book for accurate information. On the first it took almost two months each time, but I was eventually paid. Kidnapped, Murdered, or Burned? They offered a reward of $5,000 (approx. This is true for so many authors that you should be ashamed of yourself and people know and talk about this fact. The city was still a manufacturing hub and the river, which empties into Lake Erie, had long been a dumping place for sewage and industrial waste. At least it has more writing jobs compared to the other 2 platforms. I wrote a few articles for them about 4 years ago and was paid for my work. How many people submit 1800 word articles. Long story short, they post garbage day after day. That is why there can be a delay. Forgetting the ladders, George decided to start one of his trucks, drive to the side of the house and use this to climb up to the window. Im so anxious and hope to not be rejected. My email is rhlbhgt8@gmail.com. I see it as legit to but only for the experienced writers. Sorry to use this site to tell you, it's just in case you miss the email. 3. 3 weren't published and so languished on their servers and were forgotten about. can anyone reallyearn money online writingfor Listverse? Hi! Thank you for letting us know about this opportunity. 10 Harrowing Christmas Accounts That Were Far From Festive, Jennie was then led to believe that her children had been kidnapped. Thanks for explaining that articles submitted to this platform rarely get approved. As long term measure, itll be better to start a blog as a business rather than writing for others. Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. The biggest complaints here seem to be from disgruntled people who were rejected once or twice. As with the previous comment, I agree that there seems to be no criterion for the listing order but only one's imagination and the possible approval as "likeable" by their editors! Unlike last time where articles get approved within days, now be prepared to wait for 2 to 4 weeks before they respond. Definitely NOT for New Writers!If you are a new writer, then I highly recommend you to get my free guide to start a small business online, WRITING! Louis Sodder was just 9-years-old when he was last seen alive. I suggest you get a free membership account and try it out yourself. Overall, great company, they've been amazing, and I'm extremely happy for having written for them for a couple of years now, and will continue to. $217,000 today) for any helpful information. There is no need, in reality, to go to sites like Listverse to find interesting list. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Authors who were paid still don't see much compared to the website's ad revenue. You have provided a lot of detail and you have a great site. They left early the next morning., The sighting either did not prove helpful for the investigation or they were unable to locate the group the witness had described.[6]. I started my business blog with a program called Wealthy Affiliate. The letter also came with a picture that is believed to be Louis. Ok I'm finished ranting, as you were. Don't fall for their game. Its really an odd game for any article to get approved. They are a scam that cheats you out of grocery money. Perhaps if writers study what Listverse is currently posting then they might be able to pick up on the trends and get possibly make more money out of it. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. I pray I dont lose my mind. These are mostly reviews or comments more than five years ago. The company has strict rules and guidelines when it comes to the kind of article they would accept. Its nice to know that no signup is required, but spending tons of time on research to make sure your article is fully original and has not be talked about already can be tough. I sent in a list on March 3, 2017. Hi Scott, thanks for reading my Listverse review. Eerily, when a maintenance worker arrived to the house after the fire, it was discovered the phone lines had been cut rather than burned out in the fire as they originally assumed.[3]. $100 bucks sounds great to make for writing one article until I read what you have to go through to get there. Their social media is not popular, which is strange. Listverse is a scam/Listverse doesn't pay; Admins don't respond to readers who submit lists; Writing for Listverse is something anyone should be able to do; The site is filled with pseudo-scientific facts; And, generally, Listverse is a bad place to be; Let's tackle one review at a time. I was broke and i had a family to fend for so I spent close to 40 hours and a lot of cash on internet subscription trying to write a perfect list for listverse only to have it turned down. Personally, I wouldn't waste time on a site that can't even bother to acknowledge your submission. Press J to jump to the feed. As stated above, I'm pretty sure they just ask for submissions to steal ideas from readers. Listverse has been a Godsend for my income no matter what I was doing, they've contributed to my life in a great way over the years for articles/lists they've purchased, which have I think totaled over 100 lists now, and they're really a great company to work for. I love writing and have what I consider a good mastery of the English language. I've seen one comment claiming to have been paid and it was very suspect, likely a shill. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). But this sounds way too tough. Yet the other day I'm reading a list that states "scientists have no proof that evolution exists". OP you should repost this to r/YouTube or something so it can get more attention. George told the Charleston Gazette-Mail it was like hitting a rock wall we cant go any further. Despite never being able to confirm if the photo really was Louis, the parents still had this framed and placed above the fireplace.[8]. In short, all they need is unique yet mysterious or bizarre content. The Sodder family home is located in a small Appalachian town, two miles north of Fayetteville, West Virginia. Oh and the real kicker: I'm a professional freelance writer. Thanks for sharing your review of Listverse and what its about. I've been writing for you for over a year and would love to continue, but I'm not going to do it for free, especially under the premise that I will get $100 per article. Ive tried to search their site for existing list. The $100 offer is simply a bait to make you do your best essay which they can alter over time to make it their own. YouTube also doesn't need to reject videos either. Were they murdered or kidnapped? For me $100 is only about 2-3 hours of my time. However, this would mean even more research time like you mentioned. That as beginners, there may be better ways of earning money writing. I have been exploring a handful of opportunities and come across the recommendation of Listverse. But I won't recommend this platform to anyone, especially non-native English writers or new writers. In October of the same year, Dodd abducted four-year-old Lee Isley, brought the child to his home, raped him, choked him, and left his lifeless body hanging by a rope from the rod in his closet. And don't even THINK about KnowledgeNuts, a pet project of Listverse. The owner Jamie Frater also sent an email asking for Facebook connection with previous Listverse contributors. Listverse.comthe original top 10 sitefocuses on lists that intrigue and educate, specializing in the bizarre or lesser- known facts. I'd love to see Listverse get solvent again and repair their reputation. But there are some, mostly writers who go to the website to research nature of its content and read article submission guidelines with the hope that this can increase the chances of their article being approved. The same topics are repeated time and time again. Nothing! Writers, keep writing! It was about Citizen Science, by the way. I heard there are people who make money from blogging. In 1947, George and Jennie made an appeal directly to J. Edgar Hoover hoping he would help. Or is it only for experienced writers who are already writing to earn money online? Did the children die in the fire? Listverse pays you $100 per each list based article that is accepted by Listverse. Later, an investigation found the ladders had been thrown in a ditch. It is unfortunate that people who come to this site to complain about us never return when they discover their fears were unwarranted. Regards, I even went as far as emailing them inquiring about the status of my list and nothing. Listverse is an interesting beast. The website hosts lists they never paid for. Does one need advance computer skills in order to start a business online? What's going on there? just go to YouTube or any other video hosting site. http://listverse.com/authors/listverse-author-guide.pdf r/rant is a tiny subreddit. In light of this, there is no reason ALL of my submissions should have been rejected in favor of these absolutely inferior pieces. My composition was informative and relevant, yet I got the same copy-pasted response as the person above (and as a lot of people seem to get). Man Listverse has some steep competition for just $100. Otherwise, people are going to just think you're ripping them off, and as of now, you are. I am in the exact same boat and I don't understand why the payments have stopped. Hope this helps. I never even got an email back after I submitted my articles. IN THIS EPISODE: Most crimes are pretty ordinary - assault, robbery, the occasional murder, but once in a while a crime is committed in a strange, shocking way - to the point it's almost hard to believe what you are hearing is a true story. I really like everything about Listverse especially that it is free for anyone and you can earn almost $100 per article which is what everyone works for everyday in ther 9 -5 job. Once outside, the horrified parents saw the house was now fully up in flames. What websites do you recommend? Its only been 7-8 hours but I received a submission reply from the editors there. The Sodder family was well-respected and middle-class but George had strong anti-Mussolini views and was against the Fascist government in his Italian homeland. The good news is that there are still StumbleUpon alternatives that are worth checking out. Its ridiculous that other people received a response much quicker. Considering how long it took for the house to collapse, there should, in theory, still be the skeletons of the five children amongst the debris. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. On September 4, 1989, he bound, raped, and stabbed two brothers, Cole and William Neer, in a park. Born in 1895, in Sardinia, he was born Georgio Soddu before immigrating to America at the age of 13. Tried again, got the same results. So before taking the time to write for listverse, send them your subject title so that they can give you heads up, before any giving any effort working for them! you guessed it list! Pinterest 5. Listverse Seemed rather interesting and then a shame to see its very much like pot luck if your article will be approved. I will be emailing you a list (no pun intended) of ideas I have for your site. I have submitted a list to the Listverse on august 14, 2017. If you find this article useful, please help to share via Facebook or Twitter so your fellow writer's community can also know the downside of writing for this website. Regardless it is Listverse or the simpler Textbroker, writing for others is not me too. Unfortunately, the detective was at another dead end. They make it sound like it is fun and easy to Write & Get Paid.. If shes a new writer, I suggest that she write for Textbroker. There are very few sites offering $100 for freelance writers with no national or educational requirements. As stated only 3 articles are approved daily out of potentially hundreds submitted. Hi Jorluer - my paypal account is a New Zealand account - the payments you are seeing are all in the same month (August - 08). Is that if readers get to read the posts for free, then where does the money come from for such a huge payment. I had a look at the site and noticed that they no longer pay for single submissions, only frequent contributors. For a while, a rumor was going around that somebody had $75,000 worth of insurance on the children but we didnt have any insurance, she revealed.[5]. You are absolutely right Henry. Writers earn $100 for every article publishedBest For: Native English writers who have 10 items of original bizarre stories to shareSummary:Listverse is not a scam but neither will it be worth your time, especially if you are new to writing. Ranging from scientific, to entertainment, to topics about lifestyle, Listverse is anything but "ordinary". I don't know work for listverse and only recently started writing for the site because it helps to pay for bits of my student loans. And he was clearly hating every pai I do not hold back any content so you absolutely must have heard by now. All content is user-contributed and paid for. Anyway, $100 for an unique article is not really worth my time to do it. plus if your English isnt spot on you are definitely disqualified. So in conclusion, at one time Listverse was a fun and profitable place to get published, it is now indeed a scam. Tough competition. Here are the reasons why. Pay up! 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