white scars 1d4chan

Everyone who ever trusted him got burned. As the orb of Chondax fell rapidly away aft, it was mediated by the glowing corpses of a dozen burned-out Alpha Legion warships. Warriors remained in position, their weapons still poised. His warriors were fiercely loyal and Jaghatai promoted from the ranks based on merit and ability. Nearly four Terran years later, the White Scars had successfully waged a guerrilla war against the Traitors' supply lines deep in the void. When the snows cleared that year, an enraged Palatine gathered a massive army and determined to march west to wipe the tribes of the Empty Quarter from the face of the planet. After the battle, all the tribal elders of the Empty Quarter gathered and announced that Jaghatai Khan was now the Khagan, the "Khan of Khans," of the Empty Quarter, the rightful ruler of all its people. About White Tears/Brown Scars. Swift action and a joy for the rush of combat and clash of blades were the hallmarks of its battles, tempered by a quiet and hidden wisdom that few took the time to uncover. Such an order was not taken lightly -- the result would be ruinous for both sides, and only hotheads like Leman Russ or Angron enjoyed taking such risks. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2004, and currently has 22,437 articles. The Psychneuein came after them. They were merciless and sometimes cruel on the attack and often seen as insolent or fractious, but such rumours were founded on misunderstanding. Brothers of the Great Tribe! The Khan's battered body carried him to the heart of the storm. While cleansing the alien Laer, Fulgrim recovered a sword from its Slaanesh-worshipping population that contained a greater daemon, which subtly began to corrupt him. The White Scars most famously took part in the historic Ullanor Crusade, the vast Imperial assault on the Ork empire of the Overlord Urrlak Urruk. Similarly, the Thousand Sons were also known to be close to the Vth Legion for many reasons. Alpharius/Omegon is the least clear since no one knows what their intentions are. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. After years of bloodshed in the arena, Angron led his fellow slaves in a revolt, escaping to the mountains and throwing back repeated attempts to bring them to heel. In a fit of rage, Perturabo destroyed both statues out of spite. Jaghatai ordered his fleet to prepare for immediate departure from Chondax. He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. His health had been ravaged by the long sojourn on a dying world, and it took solar days for him to recover enough to speak of what he had seen. Fulgrim believed that his legion should embody the perfection of not just warfare but Imperial culture, and formed a strong friendship with both Ferrus Manus and Horus during the Great Crusade. Magnus understood, and looked at the Khan for a moment. The space was immense, and the upper reaches soared away into the darkness. A command was given, issued from the Vox-grill of one of the commanders. Where the enemy was weak or exposed, they enveloped and overran its positions without mercy, using speed and fury to overwhelm any defence. Jaghatai Khan, known as The Great Khan or The Warhawk was the primarch of the White Scars Space Marine Legion.Known for his secluded and fierce nature, the Khan was commonly overlooked and seen as a barbarian but in truth was a highly cultured individual. Feeling the dust stir around his feet, coils of marsh-green teleportation energy rippled down. At the end of the Great Crusade Warmaster Horus fell to Chaos, and eight of his fellow Primarchs followed him against the Emperor, resulting in a full-scale civil war known as the Horus Heresy. All along the front, White Scars ships probed the line and Alpha Legion ships resisted them. They all went quickly, decisively, as if the move had been long planned. And thus was the Emancipation of Drune achieved -- though not a single one of the world's populace would benefit from the defeat of their alien masters. Here, several thousand White Scars engaged the enclave's defenders, several hundred warriors clad in huge and ponderous battle-plate, studded with heavybore cannon and beam arrays, each more like a small tank than a normal warrior. This proved to be his downfall as they could not catch the lightly armored Talaskar tribesmen. As Sanguinius is recorded to have once said of the reborn Vth Legion, "they smile often and they laugh when they kill.". It's no surprise that the Imperium would like to bury all accounts of the Arch-Heretic, though it hasn't been successful. Assuming this can still be used, it allows you a bonus on turn 2, allowing you to deploy within 6 of any board edge, including your opponent's board edge, giving you greater tactical options to use this. Their father had tried to pretend that it was not there, the Warp, as if He were not already up to his elbows in its soul-sucking filth. Caught up in the maelstrom of blazing, purple-tinged fire, the creatures simply burst apart. As the Primarchs continued to fight, the Khan actually felt himself begin to tire. He also rode his own personalized Shadowsword tank, nicknamed the Tormentor by his men, which featured additional armor and weapons and whose superstructure and engine had been heavily modified to convert the tank into a transport for Perturabo and his soldiers. The glowing exoskeleton of one of the creatures hardened, solidifying like freezing ice, allowing Qin Xa to strike the vile creature with his Power Sword. But the Death Lord explained that this was why Mortarion had come to find Jaghatai. Kicking the retros at the last moment, the voidbikes skidded around in zero-gravity then powered into the Swordstorm's inertia bubble. Then the Thousand Sons Sergeant Arvida cried out, as he conjured lightning that slammed into the insectoid bodies of the creatures. The Alpha Legion formation reacted just as a blockade ought to react, maintaining a rigid web across the widest area of space, each node backed up by a second rank of warships held in reserve. On that long-isolated world, Jaghatai had prospered, binding together the fractured tribes of the hinterlands to conquer empires and subjugate the entire world to his will. In the heavens above, a churning vortex of unnatural energies was forming, its eye directly above the centre of the city. Or did he also plan to keep the Khagan away until the fleet was secure in his hands? After the battle was clearly lost, he took the time to bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them. The stakes were too high to leave things hanging unresolved -- the invaders were going to charge again. History recorded little else of the Great Khan's actions during the Battle of Terra, but it is known that his Legion ranged the once-proud thoroughfares of Terra during the campaign, engaging the Traitors in punishing hit-and-run strikes. The Khan informed Hasik that they had all been lied to by Horus. The war for Drune would rage for almost six Terran months, the Great Khan utilizing each element of his command as best suited its nature. He kept going, gritting his teeth through the agony. The Noyan-Khan replied that he had only wished for his Primarch and Horus to be reunited once more. None of them did, and that was why the White Scars had the eyes of the galaxy on them at last. Take everything they have and burn it for the mere pleasure of seeing the ash crackle between your fingers, and call it nothing more than a beginning.". Jaghatai Khan adorned his tent with his greatest conquest's head, just as he had with his first enemy two solar decades before. No time was set for the gathering, but all the Brotherhood khans knew it would be soon. The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. He lowered the shields on his flagship, daring the Emperor to teleport over and face him in battle. There were many victories claimed by the Great Crusade that would not have been possible without the depredations caused by these warriors. What, if anything, happened to Omegon is still not known. Three entire Legions made planetfall as one, but what transpired when they came to stand before the gates of the world's capital was quite unprecedented in the decades of the Great Crusade. The Unofficial White Wolf Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia project where you can find out about the worlds and systems created by White Wolf, producer of many roleplaying games, board games, card games, novels and more. He volunteered to do the dirty jobs when he got his legion, to prove how tough he was. There was no benefit to it whatsoever, he just wanted to spite Dorn for being picked over him to build the Palace by proving he could break whatever Dorn built. The Orkish hordes of Sengr Mar and Vorgheist were cut to pieces in a series of hit and run campaigns that bore the tell-tale hallmarks of the Chogorian plains tribes' tactics. The infant Konrad Curze crashed into the night world of Nostramo, an industrial hell wracked with pollution and lawlessness where an affluent ruling class exploited and repressed the rest of the population. For a moment he said nothing, but faint clicks from his helm gave away the attempts he was making to contact the White Scars warships in orbit. The Khan explained that their brother Horus had purposely sent him away, for there were no accidents. As they pushed their bikes close to the flagship, scanning for an entry point, the Khan finally saw a single docking port, un-shielded and unbarred. In truth, there may be no single cause of the bad blood between the two present-day Chapters, but the mere mentioning of several battles are sure to raise the ire of Raven Guard and White Scar alike. Somehow the Warp Storms around Chondax had been orchestrated by some mysterious outside force. Beneath the archway was a void pulsing with the raw power of the Warp, and from it was emerging a vast and bloated form, a distended central sac replete with thrashing pseudopods and dozens of too-knowing eyes. Caught up in the maelstrom of the two opposing factions of White Scars aboard the bridge of their Legion's flagship, Shiban Khan had to make a decision -- fight and most likely die alongside his brothers or listen to the pleas of a mortal woman. When the Emperor reached Prospero to collect his lost son, there was such familiarity between the two that it is suspected that they had been in psychic contact for some time prior to meeting in the flesh. The tale of the Pale Emperor is known to very few. The White Scars kept fighting, hacking their way towards their intended goal. The White Scars believe the Khan is still alive somewhere within the Webway and will one day return to the Chapter in a time of great need. The Alpha Legion relished the chance to prove their superiority against the arrogant Space Wolves of Fenris by delaying them long enough to keep them from contributing to the Imperial defence of Terra. The spectres kept materialising, bursting into ghoulish life from all directions, spilling out of the air. The gap between the fleets slowly closed. Such a title, Master of the Vth Legion, held little meaning at that time in history, for the Vth was scattered to the far corners of the galaxy, absorbed in a thousand separate wars. Skulls dangled from chains around his belt, some human, some xenos. There were bodies buried beneath the ash and metal: human bodies, mortal in stature. The VIth Legion's fleet had mustered at the Alaxxes Nebula to lick its wounds after the recent campaign, when it was beset by the forces of the Alpha Legion. It was at Chondax that they first received the news of the Space Wolves Legion's actions during the Burning of Prospero. At the head of this assault was the Great Khan, the Primarch a match in size and power for these towering war machines and his blade far quicker than the sensor-augurs that guided their weapons. It was Horus who saved Jaghatai from being sucked into the now collapsing vortex, Lupercal hauling his brother clear. The planet was entirely dark. Far out into the void, silent bursts of light flashed out. With fighting across the galaxy reaching a fevered intensity, the forces of the Emperor could ill spare any Primarch for lengthy training in the etiquette of the Terran Court or the intricacies of Imperial history. The Thousand Sons Astartes Arvida remained with the White Scars Legion and was given quarters on board the Swordstorm. No longer were they a shadow that haunted the fringes of the Great Crusade -- the Great Khan had brought them into the light and he intended The First Blooding to stand at the forefront of the Emperor's Great Crusade, shoulder to shoulder with the other Legions. Suddenly, the bridge detected signs of a boarding party making their way towards the bridge. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. To seek out the answers they sought, the Khagan ordered his Legion to head for the source, to find the architect of the chaos engulfing the Imperium. The greatest example of this was his actions after capturing Vulkan in the wake of the Dropsite Massacre. These reports said Russ had turned rebel, and driven by his hatred for Magnus, his Legion had utterly decimated the Thousand Sons Legion and their Primarch Magnus had died at the Wolf King's own hand. Mortarion counselled Horus to press onwards, discounting the Stormseer's warning, and press onwards Horus did, striking the gates such a resounding blow with his mace that it caused them to buckle inwards and collapse with a billowing cloud of dust. They would spend time together discussing philosophy after their first meeting. Shiban urged his brothers onwards, trying to instill the virtues of greater speed, greater power. The Khan's armour sensors told him the surfaces around him were still warm from the afterglow of whatever apocalypse had overtaken Prospero. His was the quiet competence of a master, seeking no acclaim from others, but only the satisfaction to found in a perfect stroke of the sword or a well-placed diplomatic word. That being said, with the Fall of Cadia and the close of the 41st Millennium, it has been rumored that Lorgar has ended his retirement and is now leading armies of Word Bearers himself. When a master painter produced a painting of the campaign that prominently featured the Imperial Fists, while the Iron Warriors only appeared in the background, Perturabo requested the painting and, as soon as the artist handed it over, burned it to cinders while explaining that if his legion was not properly honoured in the aftermath of a victory, he would prefer they not be remembered at all. Exhaustive plans and interminable preparations were not their ways, often leaving them at odds with more deliberate warriors like the sons of Rogal Dorn or Roboute Guilliman. Search. You will remain here and let others know of the price of pride, that we shall not have to sully our blades again.". They surged back across the heaving terrain, lumbering away from the Psychneuein attacks as best they could, trying to reach the crumbling maw of the fissure that had swallowed their Primarch. Eventually he made his way to a large chamber. In an instant, the Death Lord and his retinue were snatched away, sucked into the vortex of the Warp. It's also said that Horus wanted this and welcomed it. There they awaited judgement, guarded by the Khagan's own retinue. The Death Guard Primarch attempted to sway the Khan to Horus' cause, to imagine for himself a galaxy of warriors, of hunters, where the strong were given their freedom to act as they would, unbound by the Emperor's demands. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He had never felt the bone-deep drag that Mortarion inspired. Russ is exasperated by him. He now knew more than anyone what awaited those on the other side. Following on the heels of the Jetbike-mounted vanguard, the remaining White Scars warriors deployed heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to cripple individual enemy war engines as they were isolated from the main body. Those worlds had served to bind his Legion together in blood and war, and now they would serve to rebuild it. Some of the Warp-translated messages bore chrono-marks from many solar months previously; some had been sent, it seemed, only solar hours previously. They went from world to world and brought only death and destruction, scorching a path of ashes to the Pale Emperor's throneworld. Konrad Curze destroying his own planet after its rebellion convinced him he wasted his time bringing it peace. But there were those who thought that Librarians were witches, ripe for burning, and those who thought they were still-forming gods. The Emperor sent a command to the Space Wolves to capture Magnus, but Horus changed the message to "destroy Prospero". In truth, such a fate was a mercy for the people of Drune and for the Imperium, for one way or another, they could not have been allowed to live. Impressed with the child's ferocity, the slaver implanted Angron's cerebral cortex with archeotech devices that enhanced his aggression, and raised him as a gladiator. As the two vanguards closed to within Lance-range, for the first time the White Scars noticed incoming Vox-requests from the enemy on the sensorium array, and ignored them. As a result of their Primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those sadistic aliens. of the Alpha Legion. Who had been captured by Lion El'Jonson and jettisoned into space in a stasis coffin by Sanguinius. Unable to fight such fell creatures, the Khagan ordered his warriors to fall back. With the enemy driven from Prospero, the Vth Legion halted its pursuit. Turns out Dorn killed Omegon and Alpharius is still very much alive. Neither side relished the carnage. His improvements in technology and efficiency reversed Chemos' decline so that it finally produced more than it consumed, allowing a renaissance of arts and culture. Where it's hinted that the White Scars Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, is being held captive, and that the Ultramarines will be going to provide aid. Frankfurt is generally a safe city. By the time the White Scars arrived, they found the Warp Gate was in ruins and that it was teeming with the forces of the enemy. That was when Shiban realised they had been drawn into a trap. Mortarion informed Jaghatai that their respective starships were at war. The Great Khan fighting against Orks on Chondax. On each of the dozens of feral and hellish worlds that made up the Circle, a long and vicious struggle awaited the White Scars, with few obvious gains in terms of strategic resource or value. Once free of the broken earth they swayed through the air jerkily, lurching as though blind and famished. The Khan had seen the overall picture perfectly. One thrust, one perfect thrust, angled precisely -- he had the strength for that. Rather than fighting back, the Night Haunter seems to have accepted his fate, and is the only Primarch to have been assassinated. The new Primarch was given command of the XV Legion, whose numbers had been depleted following outbreaks of mutation and psyker abilities. His faceplate was that of a suit of gold-crested Mark III Power Armour, archaic and festooned with Thousand Sons iconography. Their sudden burst of speed and concentrated Lance-strikes wrong-footed the Alpha Legion vessels in their path, and three bronze-prowed Destroyers were overwhelmed almost immediately, lost amidst a whirlwind of plasma and exploding torpedo trails. All except one. The Khan found that the truth, now that it was before him, was a bitter draught indeed. Their father's time was over -- the Khan could either be a part of the new order that replaced him or be swept aside in its wake. From their . Many tales of their exploits speak equally of their ferocious skill-at-arms and the strategic insight of their commanders, different in style to that of other Legions, wilder and more direct, but no less effective. Jaghatai Khan directing his fleet from his flagship, the Swordstorm, during the Great Crusade. The Khan prepared to settle their argument once and for all. A hard bang shot out, radiating across the entire bridge. Though the Warmaster had ordered the White Scars to bring judgement upon the Space Wolves, the Khan would not unleash his vengeance upon Leman Russ and his get until he had more detailed information. A cold and solitary child, he rejected all attempts by Dammekos to bond with him while devouring all manner of scholarly learning. Magnus argued that it had kept his brother away. The White Scars are a formerly Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion of Heretic Astartes who are wholly dedicated to the service of the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure, though they were originally the proud V th Legion of the Legiones Astartes. Bind his Legion, to prove how tough he was had served to bind Legion. That was why the White Wolf Wiki started in May 2004, and looked at the Khan Hasik! Flashed out Jaghatai Khan adorned his tent with his greatest conquest 's head, just as he lightning. Around Chondax had been long planned actions during the Burning of Prospero halted pursuit... 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