Okay, I hope you’re still with me. They just need to let it out and explore your creative juices. Standard business practices are not always applicable to startups. So they learned what customers value can be very different from what company managers, engineers or designers value. In ‘Vision' Ries defines what an entrepreneur and startup actually are and articulates a new way for startups to measure their progress called ‘validated learning'. At IMVU, they split-tested every little new change and feature they made. Warning: If they don’t like … Third, through customers buying from you repeatedly like with paid subscriptions. By stopping everything to fix the root causes of any defects right away, they got a lot fewer future defects. Pivoting means keeping your team the same, and usually your product the same, but trying a different business strategy. But Eric Ries was definitely NOT born a business wizard. The Lean Startup … On the other hand, actionable metrics measure how users behave within your product and these are critical to success. However, this gave them extra motivation to improve the product in response to customer feedback and metrics. Focus on actionable metrics, not misleading vanity metrics, 6. Then, if your actionable metrics begin improving again after the pivot, that is a good sign you’ve made a successful pivot. Best of all, right here on this page you’ll read a fast and fun overview of The Lean Startup. In a startup, your first goal is to find out what is valued from the eyes of your customer. That’s the uncomfortable truth. And The Lean Startup aims to minimize waste in startups. Lean thinking defines value as … This is about holding onto your existing customers longer. “We’re Like SparkNotes For Entrepreneurs”, 1. Entrepreneurs are everywhere; – This phrase means that anyone can launch a start-up no matter what age and where you are from everyone has it I’m them! At that time, most of their users were enthusiastic early adopters, which is really a small percentage of people that would dry up eventually. This is really a new way of management because even tech startups are ultimately groups of humans. So when should you pivot? For example, when Microsoft used to sell a new version of Microsoft Word annually, each new version contained dozens of new features and big changes. Most startups fail. Therefore, based on scientific techniques and … A new management approach is needed because startups face a situation of extreme uncertainty. For example, did they stay longer using the app or start more conversations than usual? In startups, this kind of “wasteful productivity” is the norm. By the way, if you want to learn how to make your social media content more viral, then a VERY useful book is Contagious by Jonah Berger, for which we have a summary too. Start Stage of Lean Startup. The big American car makers were taking advantage of mass production technique to make their cars more cheaply. Does that sound like a weird idea? This data should reveal insights, inform learning at every stage of the game, and pivot where needed. The Lean Startup: how today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses... by Eric Ries. The lean approach is not suitable for complex mature data driving processes about trying to make fractional improvement. This can happen when you learn a lot about a certain type of customers during the course of creating your first unsuccessful product. Early on, IMVU bought $5/day of Google ads to bring some initial visitors to their website. Using a lean startup approach is not suitable for everyone! You just have to follow the Vivek Kundra which summarized the startup process as “Think big. We also cover why the ‘V’ in MVP i.e. This is exactly what happened in Ries’s early startups and he was determined not to make the same mistake again with IMVU. For example, he saw that only 1% of their free users were becoming paid users, and all of his team’s hard work over the past several months had not improved this metric even a little. When most companies release a new version of their product, they really don’t know which of the changes will be good or bad, from the eyes of customers. Vanity metrics can sound impressive to outsiders, but they often hide the truth about a business. During the dot-com boom, start-ups often operated in “stealth mode” (to avoid alerting potential competitors to a market opportunity), exposing prototypes to customers only during highly orchestrated “beta” tests. As a side effect, methods like this earned Toyota an enviable reputation for quality. The lean start-up methodology makes those concepts obsolete because it holds that in most industries customer feedback matters more than secrecy and that constant feedback yields better results than cadenced un… T he Lean Startup provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and get a desired product to customers' hands faster. Waste in a startup is delivering a product or features that nobody wants. Why? ‘Steer' dives into the methodology of the build-measur… Changes or new features in the IMVU product were immediately released to small groups of users, picked at random. This is true whether you’re launching a small business with your own cash or depending on investors. How? By the way, Eric Ries says a lot of this book is heavily inspired by Steve Blank. by Spencer Johnson MD, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, his lessons from starting a successful startup, our summary of the book Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, our notes for The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, http://growthme-audio-2we.s3.amazonaws.com/The-Lean-Startup_Eric-Ries_GrowthMe.mp3. The Lean Startup is a method to develop and manage startups. The solution is The Lean Startup, which is really a process to help you FIND OUT what customers really want in the least amount of time possible through small experiments. Split testing began as a direct marketing technique. Adobe multiplied their gross profits by switching to a subscription business model. The author also defends that the traditional ways of analysis such as doing a business plan and doing forecasts don’t work in a startup environment because the uncertainty is so high. The method offers real potential but must understand exactly what an MVP is. So Phil Knight started out being just the US distributor for a Japanese shoe company called Onitsuka Tiger. “Startup success can be engineered by following the process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.”, Let’s start by defining what “lean start-up” is…. This means learning is a goal we begin with at the planning stage, not just a story or excuse told after the fact. At IMVU, Eric Ries didn’t want to spend a year working blindly on a hundred new features, only to find out half their work was unnecessary. Launch a minimum viable product as soon as possible, 4. The learning process must be validated— it must be demonstrated that learning, and therefore progress, is indeed occ… Using a lean approach reduces waste and can be flexible to suit many different businesses. The Lean Startup Summary - Book Summary Club Eric Ries: The Lean Startup Summary The lowdown: The Lean Startup is the most important book ever written for people starting businesses. Now back to The Lean Startup…. He sold their shoes in America for them and he was very successful at it. Corporates developing such products can adopt a modified approach that we cover in our guide. The Lean Startup is a process to avoid that happening to you, by showing a process you can follow to learn what customers really want through experiments, in the least time possible. Lean Startup works best when you have a business model based on a hypothesis that needs to be tested very quickly. Pivot to a new business strategy when your actionable metrics stop improving, Who Moved My Cheese? In technical terms, business people would say that your LTV (customer lifetime value) must be lower than your CPA (cost per acquisition). Because they assumed people wouldn’t want to sign up for a new app separately when all their friends were elsewhere. In order for the start-up to be at peak success, it needs to use a feedback loop to improve on working practices. Vanity metrics can easily mislead and cause overconfidence. On the other hand, their customers LOVED a stupidly simple “teleporting” feature. That’s why the business really struggled in the beginning. Vanity metrics are numbers which sound impressive on the surface, but often hide the truth about a business. One bad lesson they quickly learned was they had already WASTED months working on some features that nobody wanted to use! The Lean Startup Summary. They persevere and become billionaires because they had just the right idea and pure passion. Can you guess who these companies are? Support the channel by getting The Lean Startup by Eric Ries here: https://amzn.to/2IM6JLp As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Back then, he believed they failed because the engineering wasn’t perfect enough. Well, it was. These are your actionable metrics. What differentiates the success stories from the failures is that the successful entrepreneurs had the foresight, the ability, and the tools to discover which parts of their plans were working brilliantly and which were misguided, and adapt their strategies accordingly. First through viral spread like includes word of mouth or customer referrals. Lean startup plans, on the other hand, tend to be no longer than a page or two. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. For instance, If your employee works many weeks programming some new feature, they may believe they are being very productive. The Lean Startup method teaches you how to drive a startup-how … In The Lean Startup, Eric Ries goes through the process that you need to take to create a startup that is sustainable and successful. Nobody had ever done anything like that before successfully. Eventually Zappos became so successful that Amazon bought the company for almost $1 billion. I think that’s a good way to visualize a pivot. Finding a new group of customers for your existing product. At its core, Lean Startup is about innovation and experimentation than incremental improvements to products or business relationships. Eric Ries had the smarts, he had the ambition and he graduated from Princeton. … This technique later became known as split-testing or A/B testing. Lean is a customer-centric methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything you do; it is based on the ideas of “Continuous Incremental Improvement” and “Respect for People.” You’ll actually measure it with experiments, tests and metrics. He ordered several thousand pairs of custom shoes from an overseas factory. This is very different than the usual corporate structure that divides people into functional departments like sales, engineering, etc. Claude Hopkins was one of the inventors of split-testing.). You see, in the 1990s Japanese car makers found it difficult to compete. I highly highly recommend that book to any aspiring entrepreneur. In a rush, Phil started his own brand that would later be called Nike. The goal here should be to reduce your churn rate. Validated learning is a process to measure the value and quality of your product, from the perspective of your customers. Well, then in reality all those programming hours were wasted. For example, if you want to grow your business through viral spread, then get that viral coefficient number as high as possible. Your email address will not be published. The Lean Startup teaches entrepreneurs how to effectively bring products to market in a way that maximizes effort, time and ROI. Today, this is probably THE most recommended book for anyone wanting to launch their own startup. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries | Book Summary and PDF. Now, how can you find these actionable metrics in your own business? As Google Trend data will show the term Lean Startup was almost unknown a decade ago and suddenly became a massively trending topic from the middle of this decade. And when that rope was pulled, ALL production in the factory stopped so they could all focus on fixing the root cause of the defect. And because the actionable metrics inside IMVU were showing no improvement, the product development team became very open to user feedback. He often says that “the best competitive advantage your business can have is being able to pay more than anyone else to acquire a customer” (paraphrased) That means if your business can make a high profit per customer, then you’ll be able to afford most types of advertising easily. These entrepreneurs focus on how to measure the progress that is made, how to plan for the future, and how to balance and prioritize their workload. Advertising to these groups was very cheap because other companies couldn’t make money from them. Now they charge $10-50/month and they are far more successful. Lots of fascinating ideas in this book. For example, maybe you try to market your product to a new group of customers or you try a different sales channel. Eliminate waste and produce real value through validated learning, 3. It wasn’t until he found a whole new process for growing a startup that he could achieve significant success. The process that Eric Ries teaches in this book is more like driving a car. In just a few weeks, he pivoted from being a shoe distributor to selling his own brand of shoes. Across the globe, startups and corporates alike are using lean strategy, inspired by today’s technology start-up giants such as Uber and Amazon, companies big on the ‘Experiment-First’ model. The approach allows us to identify and focus on important parts of the development process. If you want to listen to the whole inspirational business story behind Nike, then go read our summary of the book Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. This topic is covered more elaborately in our Q&A guide attached. Eric Ries says you should try to launch a basic version of your BEFORE you think you’re ready. They actually called it better than the competition’s more technically advanced features. THE LEAN STARTUP BY ERIC RIES Summary - With Coach Paul October 12, 2017 at 4:47 pm […] ashishb.net […] Rahul Dhimole February 8, 2018 at 7:30 am. A pivot means you keep the same team and often the same product, but change your business strategy. In other words, your first job is to figure out what your job is! A big problem, to say the least. They went from $3 billion in 2013… to $9 billion in 2019! For example, a company can make a billion dollars in sales but still go bankrupt with no profit. Many businesses are always looking for the cheapest source of traffic, but this strategy totally flips that around. However, with validated learning you will measure the impact of every new product change with hard numbers. A minimum viable product can provide a much-needed ‘dose of reality’ but this is also why so many entrepreneurs hesitate to release one. By focusing hard on these actionable metrics, the IMVU team started making real improvements to the product. Minimum Viable Product is a valuable operative word. The 7 best lessons I learned from Eric Ries. You don’t want to spend $100 on advertising and then only make $50 in sales. A New York Times bestseller, the Lean Startup model is a global phenomenon, faithfully used by individual entrepreneurs and huge companies around the world – to astonishing results. But more so to learn how to build a sustainable business. It was stuck at 1%. The big downside of it was that customer feedback was only heard very late in the development process, when it was often too late to reverse a bad idea or poorly designed feature. First he visited local retail shoe stores and asked to take photos of the shoes. If there’s not, … For example, in IMVU Ries split his users into 5 groups/cohorts: people who registered, people who logged in at least one time, people who had one conversation, people who had five conversations and people who became paying customers. If people didn’t like a feature, the engineers tried to improve it or they scrapped it. Eric Ries says the solution to this kind of waste is validated learning. Startups usually fail not because of poor technical execution… but because they built something nobody wanted! The Lean Startup is organised into three key parts, this summary will summarise each section. Yet in spite of all that, his first two startup failed embarrassingly. The Lean Startup methodology has been used by Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Airbnb, YouTube, DropBox, TechCrunch, and MailChimp. And the moment you have a product for sale, you can begin gathering basic metrics like what percentage of your website visitors become customers. Toyota became the largest car maker in the world through lean manufacturing, a process that minimizes waste in factories. An MVP is different than a prototype because it’s actually for sale. Grow your startup through viral spread, paid advertising or repeat customers, 7. Lean manufacturing was a method pioneered by Toyota in the 1990s to minimize waste in their factories. 1-Sentence-Summary: The Lean Startup offers both entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs a semi-scientific, real-world approach to building a business by using validation, … We use cookies to improve your experience using this site. Churn rate is the technical term for what percentage of your customers cancel every month in a subscription. And we all know how this story turns out. Now we’ll talk about the ‘three growth engines’ that Ries says drive sustainable growth in every successful startup. There are many ways a business can pivot, including: One company that has a fantastic story of successfully pivoting is Nike. When validated learning is the goal, then individual productivity of your employees is much less important. However, in the unstable environment that most startups face, this kind of plan does not work at all. Most startups fail, unlike what the Hollywood movies show. But Eric Ries had enough experience to know this wasn’t necessarily a great situation. For notes to be taken and lessons learned to be the best the business can be. © InnovateFromZero is a trading division of Connect In. We all know this. A few college kids build the next earth-shattering company in their garage with just a couple computers and pepperoni pizzas. So one smart copywriter had the idea to run scientific tests between different ads. They don’t want their ideas judged based on a half-finished rough product. Eric Ries believes that just as lean manufacturing revolutionized blue collar work, his Lean Startup methods could revolutionize white collar work, especially for new fast-growing companies. Similarly, The Lean Startup minimizes waste in startups by helping you learn what customers really want through experiments, tests and metrics. This means they first released every new feature to a small group of random users and then measured how those user’s behavior changed. You see, IMVU was getting more users every day, but their product itself was no longer improving. Next I recommend you look at our notes for The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. When Tony Hsieh started his company Zappos, he began with a fast experiment. For example, they could quickly see if a feature made users stay on their app longer or start more conversations. Build-measure-learn feedback loop:instead of making a lot of … This can include: There’s actually a number called the viral coefficient that measures how viral or contagious a product is. You must pivot when your actionable metrics are no longer improving despite your best efforts. This obviously goes against the romantic myth of entrepreneurship that is so common in our culture. Eric Ries’s first two startups failed, and he now knows it was because they built something nobody wanted! That’s why so many of them crash and burn. 1. Everything is planned out in careful detail years in advance. Lean Startup Summary – First Basic Requirement: It needs an EXPERIMENTATION mindset that will produce sufficiently useful DATA. You see, advertisers wanted to find out what kinds of ads were most effective. Eric Ries’ “The Lean Startup” is not just about starting a new business. Ries was so inspired that he carried a dog-eared copy of Steve Blank’s book The Four Steps to the Epiphany everywhere with him while building IMVU. This is important because startups that wait until their product is “finished” before opening it to the public often find out they have spent months or years creating something nobody wanted. Technology made it easy to measure the impact of the new feature on their user’s actions, in terms of concrete numbers and metrics. In fact, the first two startups he was involved with failed spectacularly. It’s about developing new products or services successfully under conditions of great uncertainty, reducing … By putting little codes in the coupons at the bottom of each flyer. Because fixing problems in the production line as they are found actually increases productivity in the long run. Here are some examples of famous pivots. This was a big shock to the team and caused them to dramatically change their plans for upcoming features. This was really a genius new development, allowing marketers to scientifically test which advertisements were most effective. The best concept which I learned from the Lean Startup … Ever heard the term ‘lean startup’ and been curious to understand exactly what it meant or how it is used with the innovation process? Since the vast majority of startups … BUT…. (By the way, a great classic book that can show you how to sell with words more effectively is Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins. With a car you can quickly change direction to a better road. They discovered their role-playing game site was actually a photo sharing … An Ultimate Lean Startup Summary and Guide. The Lean Startup Book Summary (PDF) by Eric Ries. For example, a viral coefficient of 2 means every user tells 2 of their friends about your product. Lean Startup Summary – First Basic Requirement: It needs an EXPERIMENTATION mindset that will produce sufficiently useful DATA… Taking photos of shoes himself and fulfilling shoe orders one-by-one at the full retail price. A minimum viable product will allow you to start learning from your customer’s feedback and metrics. Urgent Covid-19 Update: A new Remote Sprint program has replaced our in-person Sprints. Validated Learning; – The purpose of a startup is not to produce products, generate profits, or to provide a service. This was the secret that made Toyota go from being a small company to being the largest car manufacturer in the world by 2008. These metrics are invaluable for learning what your customers want. On a graph, this growth looked like a hockey stick. This is why Eric Ries says The Lean Startup is more like driving a car than launching a rocket. Eliminate waste and produce real value through validated learning. But as Peter Drucker said, “There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.”. What exactly is a lean startup and why it leads to a successful business; The most fundamental goal of a startup… Basically, actionable metrics are very important. So it lets you to measure how different groups of users behave within your product. Your email address will not be published. Firstly experimentation is more valuable than detailed planning. what if none of your customers actually want or will use that feature? In fact, Steve Blank was an early investor in IMVU and he insisted their team attend his entrepreneurship course at UC Berkeley. 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