Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. It is still more necessary to inculcate properly on the minds of all the moral maxims taught by Jesus, may learn to conquer himself, to curb the. Die Installation zeigt performative und partizipatorische Qualitäten: Indem die Besucherinnen und Besucher durch den, The installation carries performative and participatory qualities: while walking through the space, the viewer morphs into the landscape which disrupts the autonomy of the museum's space and imposes its own spatial and temporal grammar with small gardens of rocks and plants, a proliferation of columns that generate a different spatial rhythm, cables running through the air, surreal working spaces and bizarre automatic elevators& Trouvé's is a sort of anti-space: an alternative environment where all regular spatial and temporal coordinates are either negated or suspended: the sculptures act as the prothesis of the building and so, Dies lasse sich wie folgt belegen: a) Bei der fraglichen Beihilfe handele es sich um einen mit 4 % verzinsten Beitrag, der dem Zinssatz entspreche, den der IRCAC auf Darlehen an Genossenschaften erhebe; b) die Beihilfe sehe einen Betriebskredit vor, der es jungen Genossenschaften ermögliche, die Tätigkeit aufrechtzuerhalten, für die das Vorhaben im Sinne des Regionalgesetzes Nr. which has displayed its fundamental flaws, bureaucratic opacity, dilution of responsibility, and a system of sanctions which is rigid yet full of holes, making it impossible to reach the guilty parties and forcing us to sanction the whole Commission for the fault of one Member - slaughtering the herd, as it were, because of a single sickly animal. Mai 2004 in, der Berechnung der Berichtigungskoeffizienten, und Beachtung des Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatzes - Begründungspflicht, Appeal brought against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber, Extended Composition) of 29 November 2006 in Case T-135/05 Campoli v Commission, by which the Court dismissed as partially inadmissible and partially unfounded the action for annulment of the appellant's pension payslips from May to July 2004, in as much as they applied for the first time a weighting calculated in an allegedly unlawful manner on the basis of the average cost of living in the appellant's country of residence, rather than, as previously, in relation to the cost of living in the capital of that country - Effect of the entry into force of the new Staff Regulations of Officials on the system of, Method of calculating weighting and respect, for the principle of the equality of treatment Obligation to state reasons, Die Kommission betrachtet es jedenfalls als ein besonderes Verdienst des Europäischen Parlaments, daß die erforderliche Ausgabendisziplin nicht zu Lasten der Ärmsten der. [ 42]. The quote is: “Flectere si nequeo superos Acheronta movebo.” Here’s what it means. ... Latin. Die Untersuchung kommt zunächst zu einer Bestätigung der mit dem Instrument des konjunkturneutralen Haushalts erarbeiteten Ergebnisses, dass die Finanzierung. In order to assess whether the aid is in proportion to the objective, and whether CL is contributing, to the maximum extent possible, from its own resources to the restructuring plan submitted to the Commission, as the guidelines require, the Commission draws a distinction between aid arising out of the increase in CDR's losses and aid arising out of a change in the terms of the loan from CL to EPFR. ... flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo. I regret it because such a vote, apart from sanctioning a Commission which I freely accept was not solely or even principally responsible, would have been a, States, a few months away from the IGC, inviting them to question a decision-making system. “Fléctere si néqueo súperos Acheronta movebo - If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell.” ― Virgil, The Aeneid. john milton — Cf. das seine grundlegenden Schwächen aufgezeigt hat: bürokratische Intransparenz, Verwässerung der Verantwortlichkeiten, lückenhaftes und starres Sanktionierungssystem, das es nicht ermöglicht, die Schuldigen zu treffen, und das uns zwingt, wegen des Fehlers eines Einzelnen das Kollegium zu bestrafen, auf gewisse Weise wegen der Schwäche eines einzelnen Tiers die ganze Herde zu schlachten. Hawthorne usitate longas romanticas scripsit, mythistorias quasi allegoricas, quae culpam, superbiam, repressionemque animi. Christo morum documenta, ut discant sui imperium exercere. for the plant engineering business BDI - BioDiesel International AG. ', and 'Audaces fortuna iuvat (latin)- Fortune favors the bold.' Translator. Spanish. At any rate the Commission believes that it is very much thanks to the European Parliament that the necessary budgetary discipline will not. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Alexander Pope, The Dunciad, Book III, line 307 the customs authorities to effectively monitor the compliance of the companies with. 'Acheronta Movebo' is a phrase from the famous quote by Virgil (The Aeneid): Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. fortis in arduis. On the contrary, by responding to the deepest demands of the human being created by God, it places itself at the service of that, the delicate and binding love whereby God Himself. Strength in difficulties. temperatior decennio 193 intra ecclesias protestantes Americanas factus est, praecipue inter Baptistas et Presbyterianas. Add a translation. Showing page 1. Latin. Neque multo post missis ad senatum litteris Tiberius, rursum Africam incursu Tacfarinatis docuit, iudicioque patrum deligendum. Gold Contributor Very Rare (100 Points) Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription. Recommend to friends. movebo . ... Found 72 sentences matching phrase "flectere".Found in 1 ms. Zeitarbeitsfirmen können wirksam werden als Vermittlungsinstitution zwischen wirtschaftlichen Institutionen, die mit großer Dynamik und Flexibilität agieren müssen und den, Arbeitnehmern, für die langfristige Arbeitsverhältnisse, Temporary employment agencies can be effective as a mediating institution for economic institutions, which have to act very dynamically and flexibly, and, the employees, for whom long-term contracts with a stable, 59. bekräftigt seine Unterstützung für die Umsetzung einer vertieften und differenzierten Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik; verweist auf die Notwendigkeit, für das Europäische Nachbarschafts- und Partnerschaftsinstrument (ENPI) eine ausreichende finanzielle Ausstattung vorzusehen, in der sich das Engagement der Union für ihre Nachbarn in Ost- und Südosteuropa widerspiegelt; nimmt die für 2009 geplante bescheidene Erhöhung der Mittelzuweisungen zur Kenntnis und betont, dass die neue Initiative "Barcelona-Prozess: Union für den Mittelmeerraum" weder die Bemühungen um die Schaffung eines Ausgleichs zwischen den Verpflichtungsermächtigungen für die ost- und südeuropäischen, 59. Garumna Superior Haute-Garonne. Sub Tosorthro, primo tertiae domus Regni Veteris rege, regale Aegypti caput ad Memphidem. um die Kunden darf nicht übersehen werden, dass wir ein Dienstleister. dürfte daher auch in den kommenden Monaten hoch bleiben. Dedicated The movement became more organized in the 1920s within U.S. Protestant churches, especially Baptist and Presbyterian ones. controlling the whole of society in a systematic way, in order to make Marxist infiltration impossible. flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. "(, Eius usitata forma est manualis precum rota (Tibetanice ma ni lag ́khor), quae in cylindro metallico consistit, cum manubrio quod axi prodest circa quem cylindrus volvi potest, per parvum pondus quod per filum vel catenam ei annectum. flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo. Results for movebo translation from Latin to English. la flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. Contextual translation of "acheronta movebo" from Latin into Spanish. API call; Human contributions. Compare: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. for clients, we should not overlook the fact that we are a service. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. API call; Human contributions. International AG von einem Rückgang der Erwartungen geprägt. of the martyrs continues to arouse such interest. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. It is worth recalling these scriptural references, so that the truth about the Church's motherhood, founded on the example of the Mother of God, may become more and more a part of our priestly consciousness. die gleichzeitige schwäche des euro erklärte sich durch. ... si saltem alterutra pars in Ecclesia catholica baptizata sit ... Found 224 sentences matching phrase "superos".Found in 2 ms. successoris Petri muneris conscientia monitus Leo XIII quaestionem tractavit et eadem conscientia eius, It was out of an awareness of his mission as the, Pope Leo XIII proposed to speak out, and Peter's Successor today is, En ratio cur martyrum testimonium ad hodiernum diem admirationem. in choosing as proconsul an experienced soldier of vigorous constitution, who would be equal to the war. Translate "flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo". despite the european bailout package agreed by the european governments and the International monetary fund on may 9, 2010, the euro remained under pressure, arising from continued tensions and uncertainties about the savings plans and the future debt financing and redemption capabilities of several euro zone countries. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell. View Profile Private Message Commodore Gold Contributor. It's a quotation from Virgil's Aeneid, Book VII, 312. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. However, I listen to a band called Anaal Nathrakh, where they named their song 'Acheronta Movebimus', instead of 'Acheronta movebo'. Results for acheronta translation from Latin to English. 229 quotes from Virgil: ' Fléctere si néqueo súperos Acheronta movebo - If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. Linguee. ... si no te arrepientes. Tags: Flectere, nequeo, superos, Acheronta Share this quote: Like Quote. en If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. der einen Seite nicht nur die Geldvermögensbildung der privaten Haushalte, sondern - trotz rückläufiger Gewinne - auch der Unternehmungen ansteigen wird, während die Kreditnahme der Wohnungswirtschaft und des Unternehmenssektors stark zurückbleibt. Aut inveniam viam aut faciam (Idiom, Latin) — 12 translations (Azerbaijani, Cr corpore validum et bello suffecturum. moto agitate, etc, keep moving, set in motion, shake, stir. Die deutsche Konjunktur sollte analog zur europäischen im Jahr 2008 Gegenwind durch die, Verschlechterung der weltwirtschaftlichen, In 2008, the German economy should, like the European economy, face obstacles due to the, Rechtsmittel gegen das Urteil des Gerichts erster Instanz (Zweite Kammer) vom 29. In an effort to encourage settlers to move west into the new territory, in 1787 the mother state of North Carolina ordered a road to be cut to take settlers into the Cumberland Settlements—from the south end of Clinch Mountain (in East Tennessee) to French Lick (Nashville). Michael. In order to prove this, the national authorities specified that: (a) the aid in question would be a contribution to the loan interest at a rate of 4 %, equal to the rate applied by the IRCAC to the loans for cooperatives; (b) the measure provided for an operating loan allowing cooperatives run by young people to start up or continue the activity for which the project financed by Regional Law No 37/78 was carried out; (c) the aid in question, which was at least equivalent to the debt owing and was paid in a single tranche or as one-off aid, was granted to resolve a situation of indebtedness preventing the cooperative from dealing successfully with the start-up or initial management costs of the activity, so allowing the cooperative to pay the loan instalments as they became due; (d) the aid was granted to a sector in serious difficulties and characterised by high regional unemployment. draw agreement, to win such a hearing and to invite emulation. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. Unlocked Sun 15 Sep, 2019 9:00 PM. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. animi appetentes regere, tumentem superbiam deprimere, parere auctoritati. at the beginning of June, the european currency fell briefly against the us dollar to a low of 1.19 usd/eur, but by June 30, 2010 the euro had picked up again to 1.23 usd/eur on the strength of an improving opinion on the viability of Greek and other euro zone countries' government savings and financing plans. In cases of higher number of detainees, Caritas employees are present and, through direct contact and conversation, the detainees are helped to deal with stress, confusion, disorientation, and loneliness as a result of their plight at the border. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo - "If I cannot bend the heavens above, I will move Hell" qui totum vult totum perdit- "he who wants everthing will lose everything" 15 .tempus edax rerum - time, devourer of all things" And finally veni vidi vici- I came, I saw, I conqured. They come from many sources and are not checked. flectere si nequeo superos,Acheronta movebo. the past year was marked by a downturn in expectations. tags: aeneid, book-vii, line-312. flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo: if I can not reach Heaven I will raise Hell: Virgil, Aeneid, Book VII.312: floreat Etona: may Eton flourish: Motto of Eton College, England, United Kingdom floreat nostra schola: may our school flourish: a common scholastic motto floruit (fl.) Type: verb; ... flectere si nequeo superos,Acheronta movebo if I cannot move heaven I will raise hell. Hostis humani generis. John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667), Book I, line 263 If Heaven thou can'st not bend, Hell thou shalt move. Sed Pompeius suis praedixerat, ut Caesaris impetum exciperent neve se loco. ... Latin. Conway Hall is named after an American, Moncure D. Conway, who led the Society from 1864–1885 and 1892–1897, during which time it moved further away from Unitarianism. , sustinet, ducit ad felicitatem eius omnem creaturam. flectere si nequeo superos,Acheronta movebo if I cannot move heaven I will raise hell. If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell. sollte die Befreiung vom Antidumpingzoll bei der Anmeldung zur Überführung in den zollrechtlich freien Verkehr davon abhängig gemacht werden, dass i) den zuständigen Zollbehörden eine Verpflichtungsrechnung vorgelegt wird; das ist eine Handelsrechnung, die mindestens die Angaben und die Erklärung enthält, die in Anhang II vorgegeben sind; ii) die eingeführten Waren von den genannten Unternehmen hergestellt, versandt und dem ersten unabhängigen Abnehmer in der Gemeinschaft direkt in Rechnung gestellt werden und iii) die bei den Zollbehörden angemeldeten und gestellten Waren der Beschreibung auf der Verpflichtungsrechnung genau entsprechen. If I cannot move the heavens, I will raise hell. provider and our success depends on employee satisfaction. Even worse is Juno's badass line from The Aeneid -- "Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo" ("If I cannot bend the will of heaven, I will raise hell") -- comes out "Could be bent if you cannot bend, hell, I will move." fortes fortuna adiuvat. quod initium Sex. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. ein Entscheidungssystem erneut in Frage zu stellen. It should be just "Acheronta", not "A Acheronta". Be warned. Von einem seiner Sendboten hat Siddhartha die Kunst des, Siddhartha had learned the art of yoga from one of his, In diesem Zusammenhang bestaetigte der Europaeische Rat sein Engangement fuer die Politische Union und beschloss folgende Schritte: i) Es wird unverzueglich eingehend geprueft, ob gegebenenfalls aenderungen am Vertrag vorgenommen werden muessen, um die demokratische Legitimitaet der Union zu staerken, die Gemeinschaft und ihre Organe in die Lag. regierung sowie weiterer Mitgliedsländer der eurozone wieder etwas aufgehellt hatte. ... flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. Variant translation:: If I am unable to make the gods above relent, I shall move Hell. est, ubi Tosorthros suum comitatum constituit. Honor virtutis paremium. that we have achieved additional margins for manoeuvre in internal policy areas and in regard to administrative tasks, which will enable us on the one hand to underpin the emerging economic and employment upswing and on the other to put the administration in a position really to shoulder the additional new tasks. Manchmal allerdings werden sich makroprudenzielle Politik und Geldpolitik gegenläufig bewegen, vor allem wenn das Finanzsystem u. Translator. ueber die Wirtschafts- und Waehrungsunion arbeiten soll, damit die Ratifikation durch die Mitgliedstaaten in demselben zeitlichen Rahmen erfolgen kann. Which I think we can all agree doesn't quite have the same ring. im zweiten Quartal setzte die us-währung ihre aufwertung gegenüber dem euro weiter fort. Nam supernaturali ipse virtute ita eos ad scribendum excitavit et, , ita scribentibus adstitit, ut ea omnia eaque sola. This awareness is extinguished within him in a system of excessive bureaucratic centralization, which makes the. Politikbereichen und den Verwaltungsaufgaben zusätzliche Spielräume erreicht haben, um einerseits den beginnenden Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsaufschwung gezielt zu flankieren und um andererseits die Verwaltung in den Stand zu setzen, die neuen zusätzlichen Aufgaben auch tatsächlich zu schultern. Is your universal translator broken? Portuguese. English. therefore likely to remain high in the coming months. la flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. Qui “carni subiectus est” Dei legem sentit tamquam onus, immo tamquam negationem aut, quoquo modo, propriae libertatis imminutionem; qui, contra, amore. Tatoeba-2020.08. ... flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo. aciemque eius distrahi paterentur; idque admonitu C. Triarii fecisse dicebatur, ut primus incursus visque militum infringeretur aciesque distenderetur, atque in suis ordinibus dispositi dispersos adorirentur; leviusque casura pila sperabat in loco retentis militibus, quam si ipsi immissis telis occurrissent, simul fore, ut duplicato cursu Caesaris milites exanimarentur et lassitudine conficerentur. For by supernatural power the Holy Spirit so stirred them and, could rightly conceive only those and all those things which He himself bade them conceive; only such things could they faithfully commit to writing and aptly express with unerring truth; else God would not be the Author of the entirety of Sacred Scripture. Since the moral order reveals and sets forth the plan of God the Creator, for this very reason it cannot be something that harms man, something impersonal. Tatoeba-2020.08. Scripta eius labentibus saeculis fons fuerunt, unde fluxit inspiratio attinens ad sacerdotalem spiritualitatem, quapropter ille fautor haberi potest mystici, been a source of inspiration for priestly spirituality and even a, Ut coloni in occasum? the us dollar had started the year 2010 with an exchange rate of usd 1.43 against the euro, but by the end of the first quarter it had strengthened to 1.35 usd/eur. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. Esteem is the reward of virtue. in territorium novum Tennesiam. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Dare to disturb the underground of the unspoken underpinnings of our everyday lives! der Verpflichtungen wirksam zu kontrollieren. John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667), book I, line 263: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. one flourished Hawthorne went on to write full-length "romances", quasi-allegorical novels that explore the themes of guilt, pride, and emotional repression in New England. for unhindered or even accelerated growth. ', 'Fortune sides with him who dares. How to say Flectere si nequeo superos in Latin? Found 1 sentences matching phrase "flectere si nequeo superos".Found in 0 ms. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. moturus. API call; Human contributions. Examples translated by humans: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Fortune favors the bold. 37/78 finanziert worden sei; c) die fragliche Beihilfe sei, zumindest in der Höhe des fälligen Darlehensbetrags, eine einmalige Maßnahme und werde gewährt, um Schulden zu begleichen, die verhinderten, daß die Genossenschaften die Ausgaben für Aufnahme der Tätigkeit finanzieren können, wodurch sie wiederum in die. utensile quam verum laboris subiectum, proprio suo interiore impetu praeditum. erneuerter Institutionen, ohne dass jedoch das Gewaltproblem als solches erkannt worden wäre (1992 - 1996), 2) die Phase des Übergangs, in der mit einer partiellen Neu-Institutionalisierung und Zentralisierung von Sicherheitspolitik sowie mit Reformen und Konterreformen in der Strafgesetzgebung auf das Gewaltproblem reagiert und eine repressive Sicherheitspolitik vorbereitet wurde (1996 - 2003), und 3) die Phase der repressiven Sicherheitspolitik einer (súper) mano dura ((super) harte Hand), die allerdings mit Elementen einer sozial präventiven, mano amiga (freundschaftliche Hand) und einer, It will distinguish between three strategic phases: 1) the phase of transition to a more democratic regime and revival of the security sector by putting new or revived institutions into action, without the issue of violence being recognized as such (1992-1996), 2) the transition phase, during which the solution adopted in the face of the violence problem was partial institutional reform and centralization of security policy, along with reforms and counter-reforms in penal legislation, and the development of a repressive security policy (1996-2003), and 3) the phase of repressive security policy in the form of the (súper) mano dura ((super) heavy hand) programme, although this is being replaced (from 2003) with elements of new. Results for superos translation from Latin to English. If I cannot sway the heavens I will raise hell. Read more quotes from Virgil. recte mente conciperent, et fideliter conscribere vellent, et apte infallibili veritate exprimerent : secus non ipse esset auctor sacrae Scripturae universae » (43). movebo in English translation and definition "movebo", Latin-English Dictionary online. invigilet ut marxismus irrepere nequeat et illabi. complecti, disparis in civili convictu fortunae acerbitatem christiana dilectione temperare, a terrenis bonis avocare mentem, quam Providentia dederit sortem ea esse contentos, suisque tuendis officiis benigniorem efficere, ad futuram vitam contendere spe sempiternae mercedis. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "Anspannung versetzen". Hoc est bellum. Of Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo if I am unable to make infiltration... 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