subability score; the score can be up to 5 points higher Damage bonus (5): +1 damage bonus with one than the character's Fitness score. . .126r charactcrhanw VICharacter Points Character points are used to purchaseweapon proficien- Regardless of any reroll's success, any character U points spent are lost. This bonus is in addition to any thecharacters might receive for high Balance scores. Malfunc-tion checks apply to magical wands,rods, staves, rings, amulets, potions,horns, and jewels. Each ability score must have at least 5 74 173d6, but no more 6d6, devoted to it. . Only 5 points can be retained Balance bonus (10): +1 bonus to the character's Bal-for use later in the character creation process. The wizard could improve this score Generation acter's six ability scores. d20 rolls are a 14 and a 6-the characterwho rolledthe 14 More About One problemwith ability checks wins the contest and strikes the boulder first. The character's statistics now read:18 9th 18 - Strength 16 Intelligence 1219 9th All Stamina 15 Reason 11 1 Muscle 17 Knowledge 13 Dexterity 14 Wisdom 8 Aim 12 Balance 16 Intuition 10 Willpower 6 Constitution 12 Health 12 Charisma 11 Fitness 12II 25 . .. 84 Chapter 8: New Schools of Magic . The charac-ter's Fmess xore may be up to 5 points higher than his ter's fitmess score may be up to 5 points higherthan hisHealth subability score. The landlord could have foreclosed, or the landthe character is cast out from the society in which he was could have been confiscated by the crown for back taxes.raised. Skills Powers presents a new set of rules that further fleshes out character abilities, bringing these abilit plish a feat, or to rerolla failed attack, savingthrow, profi- ciency check, or even a low damage roll. Brian's character wins the arm- wrestling match despite havinglower Strength and M u d e This multiple d20 system does not eliminate the possi- scores. Gnomes large, hollow trees. always mindless killers. See the proficiencies section for Constitutionalso are desirable. A bullywug using itsdwarf/human crossbreeds, or feral halflings-allwith ability chameleon power inflia a -2 penalty to opponent's sur-stores rangingfrom 5 to 20 instead of 3 to 18. . . A character with a(1 d100) and consult the charts under Stamina and Muscle.A fighter with an 18 Strength score might decide to have c~ Muscle score higher than his Stamina score will look quite18s in both subabilities, at which point he would roll per-centile dice for both. Genre Role-playing. Leonchooses to place the points he rolled on the 7d6 as such: Strength 5,2,5,4 Dexterity 6, 5, 3, 1,3,4 Strength 8+5=13 Dexterity 8+4=12 Constitution 6,1,2 Constitution 8+3=11 Intelligence5,4, 3,3 Intelligence8+3=1 1 Wisdom 8+5+1=14 Wisdom 4, 4,2 Charisma 8+1=9 Charisma 6,4,2,4 Leon need not add any of his 7d6 results to an adlity Takingthe three highest resultsfrom each sscore if he is willing to accept an 8 in one or more abilities. All the pointsfrom a d6 must be appliedto one ability score. Thkse are from 1 1 to 12 by spending 1 character point. WebThe 2.0 version added for inclusion Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns, Player's Option: Combat & Tactics, Player's Option: Skills & Powers, and Player's Option: Spells & Magic . Character point cost: 40 The most common type of elf, thes Drow have jet black skin, the better to hide their move open, friendly, and cooperative. Muscle 17 Knowledge 13A character with a highWillpower would be difficult to harmwith mind-affectingmagic spells, could be quite stubborn,and would resist interrogation. If a flat percentage score ap-pears next to this ability, use this scoreinstead; for example, a satyr's abilities orc 115/17 ="7 8/18 3/16 3/16 5/1411include c(90%), which means that asatyr hasthis abilitywith a 90% successchance.d. Cec-of curiosity. c. Hide in natural settings: Thecreature can hide in natural settings, Hobgoblin K."'11just as a thief can hide in shadows. New weapon proficienciesusually cost 2 or 3 char- points as longas they declareso beforerollingany dice- acter points. This gives them a 60% Forest gnomes cannot have infravision. When the character reaches 4th the general skill list below, or they can be used to purchase level, he can add levitate, detect magic, and know a subrace's skill package. if any a b i l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie can be haughty, disdainingcontact with their cousinsthe elf dies. Marshall has a ranger with a Strength of The above reflects that sometimes a character with a 15 and subability scores of Stamina 13 and Muscle 17.high score will fail, only to have a character with a lower Brian has a fighter with a Strength of 13 and subabilityscore get lucky and succeed. and tans to help them blend into the woods. 5596 I 60% Hit Point Adjustment: This modifier is appliedto the hit dice roll every time a character advances to a new experi- ence level. Many people- elf, kuo-toa, and the bizarre language of earth elementals.mostly gnomes-say that gnomes have elevated practicaljokes to an art form. Choose the not just during character creation or between adven- highest total of each pair of rolls and record the scores in tures. with equivalent stealth skills. They are ruthless, harsh, born, but they can be surprisingly intelligentand intr Hobgoblin society is built around war, with militaryorgani-zation, and they seek out conflict wherever they can find it. For example, itcosts 21 of the 76 character points togive a fighter an 18/30 Strength (1 8+34 1 ) . Or itNWR: Any. to life through magical resurrection or II If the roll is equal to or less than the listedchance, the character is brought back to lie. 20 Witnessed a crime Fled a disaster: The character's homeland suffered a Accused of a crime: The character is publicly accused of tremendous disaster-an earthquake, flood, plague, or war.a crime he did not commit. Ifwar machines and siege engines such as ballistae, cata- such an act is committed by the paladin under duresspults, rams, bores, and siege towers. If the character with the 14 result hadAbility C h e c k s "Leon, see if your 17 Muscle instead rolled a 15 or a 5, the other competitorwould have fighter can lift that iron chest." Sample opportuni- acter's force of will is challenged, such as when he isties to call for Stamina checks include a character holding a offered a bribe, is interrogated, or is blackmailed. 8 Found or stole a valuable item 9 Homeless Fell in h e : The character becomes attracted to some- 10 Ideologicaldifferences one, and their relationship propels the character toward an 11 Joined the circus adventuring career. .136Weapon Master . This is the book where it reached critical mass and sped up on an even steeper slope - the book where 2nd edition itself began to fall apart. Gnomes also love living things and Deep Gnomes' SpecialAbfkiesfinely wrought items of all types. character's family sent him away to avoid retribution. cc are a monastic raceof travel- 3rc ers and traders who can be found in almost all the infi- 1C is the creatures natural Armor Class. New proficiencies and detailed information about wizard and priest equipment adds depth and variety to any campaign. to this cost quest for the cause of good. . players-option-skills-powers. Hit point bonus (10): One additional hit point when-Mining Detection Abilities (5): A character with thisskill is familiar with mining,tunneling and stonework By ever new hit points (for advancing to a new level) areconcentratingfor one round the character can: rolled. The other generation methods give vary-- magic and character points. Using Psionics .. 13Acquiring Character Traits 88Selecting Character Disadvantages . Get help and learn more about the design. In many ways, dark ekes are the High Elvestwisted,corrupt versions of their abovegroundrelatives. Spear bonus (5): +1 attack roll bonus when using a spear. Racial abilities cost 5 to 10 charac- usingthe same method. Limited magical item use (5+): A fighter with thisrestriction distrusts magic and refuses to use certain cate-gories of magical items. The updates they made did help to improve character versitility which AD&D was lacking. In a questionable case, the DM should y. Claustrophobia: Aarakocra are extremely claustro- decide if a character can use a piece of equipment or notphobic and are uncomfortable indoors or underground. . Abilities cost to natice a concealed door.either 5 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions Tough hide (10): A few rare human characters have abelow. For The Stamma subability score determines muscle e m example, if Leon's fighter wanted to lift a large piece of ciency. It also provides some new choices for Player's Option wizards. Syl- Magic identification (10): A 5% chance per experiencevan elves rarely leam the common tongue, as they wish to level of idenhfying the general purpose and function ofhave as l i e to do with the outside world as possible. Less sleep (5): The half-elf requires only four hoursling must open a door'or move aside some other ob-Tstaruucnttio(n5,)t:hOisnpceenaaltdyaiys reduced to -2. worth of sleep to be rested. It is likely such a character will carry a how a 1st-level rogue gained his abilities. They patrol the shal-lows and depths and rule from theircourts of living coral. were a dek Wo levels k w x F a example, a 6th level#gl- Healing (5): The abilityto heal himselfor another by the adin would turn undead as a 4th level deric. His Paladins Historical Reference book for the AD&D game. Consultingthe chart, Leon notesthat he has 72 points to work with, and no ability scores can exceed 17 (excepting racial bonuses, etc.) Player's Option Combat and Tactics: 5049. So ifLeon's fighter wants to force open a trap door, Leon rolls The next check (and all subsequent checks) would be3d20. Detect sliding or shifting walls: Goblin Hobgoblin -1 CharismaThe creature can detect walls that move -1 Strength, -1 Constitutionor shift with the percentage score Kobold Lizard man Nonenoted. No longer must all halves have exactly the sameRace AdjustmentsDwarf +l Con,-1 Cha abilities, &lk,and bonuses. The halflingcan move so quietlythat oppo- ceptible to extreme temperatures.nents suffer a -4 Denahto their sumrise rolls. . fully rolls the highest result-if that result is equal to or under the ability score in question. Players who choose half-ogres for their charactershave 15 character points to spend on racial abilities. bodies of water and boats.Their homes are well-furnished burrows, and most of theirwork is done out in the sunshine. Chapter Nine (pages 142-175) details psionics in the Player's Option system. Normal modifiers for old or confused ily crafted and have no magical properties: it's the satyr'strails may apply. Rock gnomes love gems, especially dia- Determine the approximate depth underground, 1 - 4monds bigger than their noses. Psionics Design: Bill Slavicsek and Dale A. Donovan. Chapter Four (pages 4663) presents details on how the various character classes work in the Player's Option system. . Perhaps because they live so long,elves find it difficult to make friendswith the shorter-lived races. Kobold PCs are unusual examplesstrong (and generally well-justified) prejudices they will of the race, but even the most pleasant kobolds are stillencounter in the world outside their band. from rods, wands, and spells based on their Constitu-Determine age (5): By examining a building or ruins, tion/Health scores. The paladin gains no experi- ence points for this quest, but if successfully completed,Optional Restrictions he regains the status and powers of his paladinhood. better on a d20. 12 85% 0 13 0 Pick Pockets:This modifier applies only to rogue charac- 18ters who have the ability to pick another character's pockets 19 99% ' 0(see chapter four). Comes from a SMOKE-FREE environment. A character with leftover character points A typical hill dwarf stands 4' tall and weighs about 150pounds. Found or stole a valuable item: The character uncov-Apprenticeships need not be limited to mundane trades; ered or stole something of value or interest to others. The thinnest of the subraces, gray dwarves almost Hill dwarves are not accustomed to traveling over water.appear emaciated. Then, in the early O OS, the UnearfhedArcana book, the first major evo-ion of the AD&D game, was published. 120' Stealth Trident BonuL Penalties Gray Elws' Special Abilities Bow bonus Secret doon an be out of water only for a number of lnfravision, 90' Stealth Resistance Sword bonus eaual to their fitness scores. Business impact [ edit] The original 1996 release of the Core Rules resulted in unhappiness with TSR from retail stores that stocked the product. A dwar-ven character might choose to be afighter, cleric, or thief. WebPlayer's Option: Skills & Powers is a sourcebook for the 2nd-edition ruleset of Dungeons & Dragons . dancing, and disguise. Inhuman form: Some monstrous characters arecloak, ring, or similar item) to perform her transformation,and if she loses it she can no longer transform until she remicted from wearing armor or some magical items bygets it back. Players who choose dwarves fortheir characters have 45 characterpoints to spend on racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizea dwarf from the general skill list below, or they can be usedto purchase a subrace's skill package. Weapon specialization (10): This paladin can specializeHealth (5): immunity to all forms of disease. questions have been subsequently answered in accessories ntly, in the AD&D 2nd Edition game rules. Proficiencies: This score serves as the base number for ch proficiencies as animal handling, animal training, rid- (-land-based, and riding-airborne.19 1st 3rd 0% f 'Spell Table 11:Willpower Willpower Magic Def.24 5th, 6th oorb25 6th,7thNote that the extra spells are cumulative, and the priest can 18 1 7cast only those spells allowed by his experience level. Points can be spent to improve a character's rollfor addi- tional hit points when advancing a level. The player has an additional 7d6 to divide among those scores. strong and ready for action.b- They are fascinated by Race Natural Attacks Characteristics weapons (the more complii cated, the better) and the 1d6/1 d6 (hooves) I trappings of military life, such as regimental histones, Hobgoblin 10 +O 9 - parades, and other forms of spit and polish. concentratingfor one round the character can:All gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes sport thebiggest noses of all. Any unspent points can Ised to acquire nonweapon proficiencies or saved 1 Ise during the game. Humans have no racialabilitiesand can spend HaTndhebosoixk systems of character creation from the Player's their points in other ways. TheirThese points can be spent to customize a half-elf from the skin ranges from peach to olive to deep tan, and their hairgeneral skill list below, or they can be used to purchasethe can be blond, red, brown, black, gray, and shades in be-subrace's skill package. DMs should take care high ability scores-requiring two or not to let nonrogue characters steal the spotlight awaymore successes on the characters' multiple d20 rolls. Abilities mav select additional racial abilities afte? . Hairfoots aredistinguished from other halflings by their lack of facial with small caps. Playerswbo choose elves for theircharacters have 45 character pointsto spend on other racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizean elf from the general skill list below,or they can be used to purchase a sub-race's skill package. Their beards are white. or adventuring io the forest, high elves typically cover them- Languages: Dark elves begin play with: drow, elf, gray selves in a doak of forest green in the spring and summerdwarf, illiiid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish. Abilities cost either 5 or 10character points; refer to the descriptions below. 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