Its often used as simple data storage, NoSQL. If you need a table that should span the entire screen (full-width), add width: 100% to the Kind of ironic. A table does. Ive heard the argument that reduced code helps with SEO, with people saying that too much code makes it harder for Google to parse. By the way sorry the code in your comment didnt display. Im still a little inexperienced to style the whole design in CSS, though. WebUsing CSS tableless design will provide your website visitors better usability and accessibility, faster page load times with greater, more elegant design possibilities. 3. When I said forcing divs to act like tables I dont mean you cant arrange them in a way that looks something like a table. The main goal (as a method sheet language) was to separate document content from document presentation, which incorporates style elements, like color, layout, and fonts. My money will be on the person using divs. By the way if something you followed here didnt work for you, you could have chosen to ask me if Id help figure out why and I likely would have. I think many people who spent the time learning how hold on to that knowledge instead of trying to learn the css way and in holding on to the known create arguments to defend their use of tables. Research I show this above in the post. Its really about 5 -10 minutes work to set up. Feel free to email me if you want. Wow. Then I had to make changes to one site and thought there had to be a better way. Tables also have distinct dis advantages on mobile devices: You can only squeeze in a small number of columns before the table width causes horizontal scrolling on smaller screens. WebSome of the advantages and disadvantages of database forms are as follows: Advantages Data entry is less error-prone A number of predefined formats are available for use Usually, all the data fields for a single record appears in one screen Forms are customizable (compared to data sheet views) Forms can include instructions for data entry The limiting factors isnt the language, its my ability to use the language. I do think there is an advantage for div based techniques for high traffic sites and I will continue to expand my knowledge of div based layouts for this reason. For Row height is select Exactly from the dropdown. With a div-based layout you could make this change in your stylesheet alone. CSS is very useful for styles regardless of how you do the layout. If you want to use tables go ahead. Maybe you want to move the sidebar from the left to the right of the content. I dont think anyone is arguing in favor of html attributes. For The problem most people have when learning to use divs is trying to force them to act like tables instead of allowing them to be what they are. You can make css work with IE and it really isnt hard. Thanks for the online references, Steven. Right or wrong, I LOVE spending most of my time designing. I just wrote this post a couple months before Matt Cutts mentioned how some at Google were pushing for that to be a factor. I wrote a 2 part tutorial on turning design image into a css layout for another site. Anyway, the real reason I wanted to comment here is because I think it is hilarious that Ive been reading people bashing table layouts and saying they cant stand any website that uses tables, then I view the source code and they are commenting on a page that uses tables! Even thought theres more potential for errors, it doesnt mean there will be errors. Table layout; Multiple-column layout; Each technique has its uses, advantages, and disadvantages. Web designers who take the time to learn css dont have the same problems youre seeing. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and There are many more people who dont have those problems. Menu. The rest is a necessary evil to get the design into the medium. Artificial intelligence designer salary. Heck, even IE8 does a decent job of rendering CSS layouts. Lastly Id like to say that I dont think problem is with tables or divs, but what html has to offer, there isnt really anything specific for that type of design, tables werent meant to be used for layout but data instead, there hasnt been anything until now with css3 and css3-grid positioning perhaps Here is the CSS code, so far, through Dreamweaver: bootstrap requires a container, row, and something equal to a td but I cant recall which. Mark your site would be very easy to code with a css layout. Its a great way to learn. You either learn code or you use a 1990s style basic editor where you can assemble a site in minutes with tables that will adjust to a any modern display or device. The best practices standard for doing web design is to use DIVs for page structure and tables for tabular data only. You are here: Also anytime you come across a site with a layout you like copy the source code and when you have time study it to see if you can understand how they did what they did. Taylor Graphics, LLC I did say calling this css vs tables isnt really correct and that its really about tables and divs. I really like using CSS for formatting text, lists, positioning, etc. Feel free to contact me if you want me to develop the home page without tables. This is why divs arent superior for layout coz they cant even do what tables do out-of-the-box even with all the complicated different solutions people have invented to try and get close. Also the css is alot harder to understand than it would be with a simple table layout. (Dont laugh, my skills probably saved my job.) So, its important to ensure faster speed. I think theres more potential for errors with tables, but I know there are people who can code a search friendly site thats still table-driven. The argument isnt what a div can do vs what a table can do. LOL, Im not advocating tables b/c they are infintesimally slower then divs. IE is a lot more standards compliant than youre giving it credit for. You say that people apparently think tables are easier than css because they already know tables, but I think youre wrong there. Generally you wouldnt be setting heights on most divs allowing them to expand and contract based on the text. With the 4 methods youve got the only that really comes close is the last & it requires more code. rightBarExploreMoreList!=""&&($(".right-bar-explore-more").css("visibility","visible"),$(".right-bar-explore-more .rightbar-sticky-ul").html(rightBarExploreMoreList)), Difference between CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox. First Im glad to see you making the switch. But using tables and styling them completely with CSS is just as effective as CSS alone. This topic often leads to discussions that arent this thought out. Divs cant do what tables can as simple as that. Advantages of Inline CSS: Inline takes precedence over all other styles. If you ever visited a page that showed nothing for a few seconds before everything suddenly appeared, that time was likely your browser making its first pass over the table structure behind the page. The key issue is not to use tables for the layout of your site template. It looks promising and hopefully will be the way forward from now on, getting rid of both the ugly table and div mess once and for all Id be interested to know what you think of it. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a table and CSS formatting for displaying the fitness centers hours and fees on the website. You I did list the seo benefits under the heading Myths. I had my old table based page done in 1/10th the time that Ive spent just trying to find some CSS code that accomplishes what my old header table didand when I started it I knew NOTHING about tables. We needed three sets of tags to present some content as opposed to the one set of div tags. Im not sure who angered you so much, but please dont take it out on me. Some of these advantages are: 1. Not exactly the kind of thing thats going to make me want to help you/. This is If you are a Mac user who recently bought a hard disk, you might be wondering which storage format you should use. I need to write special code for IE? As I see it, table layouts have precisely two advantages: 1. 2. To me it seems so obvious that using divs over tables is the better approach that I have a hard time understanding how someone would argue otherwise. I agree your point of view. Im not disagreeing with anything you say. There are many databases with different data formats to choose for an application. Its less-influenced by personal biases and emotions. If tables confuse you, I think you are a lost soul. by using percentages, so the design is more responsive. Who cares, as long as it looks good on all the browsers and search engines are picking it up. When people are having trouble getting a css layout to look the same across browsers its usually more to do with the skills of the designer than with css itself. misinformation spreads on both sides of this debate,,,,, Establishing Stability In 2021 After A Chaotic 2020, My Goals For 2020This Object In Motion Wants To Keep Moving, 2019 Goals ReviewAn Unexpected Change Of Plans Taught Me A Lot, Happy ThanksgivingWindow Displays, MOMA, and Central Park Images, ReviewThe Elements Of Logo Design: Design Thinking, Branding, and Making Marks. If you have a high volume site, it might be a good reason to consider using divs. Tuples support multi typed-values, indexes, optimized for lookup, but a lack of schema flexibility. WebWhat are the advantages to using tables for layout? I also believe the opposite, theres no point using table rendering if you DO want them to be independent. I have designed the following sample homepage for a client: Table cells are dependent on the table, and the rows and other cells in the table. This is simply not a point I am willing to debate. There might be cross-browser issues while using CSS. So Ill be more explicit. It amazes me that some folks still use tables for layout in this day and age. Tables are still very useful for layout given that most sites are still essentially boxes that never move, but adjust in size as needed. Unfortunately, by using tables I think increased load time and perhaps SEO unfriendliness of my code are stumbling blocks to my future success as a web designer. (Yes, I like clean code too.) Granted, CSS loads faster and for big websites is easier to maintain for large websites, but after trying to convert the newindex1 page from tables to CSS, Im having a very hard time understanding why CSS is better for small websites. Items misaligned, trouble getting the position of floated elements, absurd hacks, you name it. WebDisadvantages of Sketch Maps (3) easily exaggerated and distorted, one view at one point in time, not an accurate representation of an area. If there is a specific tutorial that isnt working for you just let me know which one and Ill be happy to take a look to see if there are any errors. If I ever learn CSS completely, Ill use it more often as you cant fight progress but Ill never discount tables from the equation. but i do straight apps, nothing pretty.. data-driven stuff. This debate is mainly from those who code by hand I would think. With a table-based layout the only way this would be possible would be to go into every page of your site and change the underlying structure. John all 3 of the sites you list can definitely be developed using css for the layout instead of tables. If you get where Im coming from, please help me understand using logic. In its simplest form were comparing: Even in the simplest case above you can see tables are already a more complex structure than divs. Im still using the spacer.gif to tweak spacing. CSS (divs) are more accessible Both tables and divs can be coded to be accessible or inaccessible. I never broke any of your layouts or created display bugs in whatever you produced. divs vs tables RIGHT! I too started out doing HTML with tables, and as soon as I saw the CSS light, Ive never been able to see it any other way. 2. There is no format to follow for teaching the aesthetics of style most people, though, can- recognise something that follows a classical design. Web Explain the advantages and disadvantage of using stylesheets; Use CSS to create web pages. For a complete newbie I would agree tables are easier to understand though tables do trip a lot of newbies up too. Go to Table Properties > Row > Enter a value in the Specify height box. I disagree with you that both are techniques with little distinction. Its not hard. Im amazed that in 2013 people are still defending table-based layouts, but whatever. So what difference does it make? To design in CSS is far better, by the subject of order, maintenance, accessibility, navigability and thousand reasons more. My guess as to why they didnt learn it as well as you is because its actually not intuitive as you say, especially when trying to implement a grid shape with 3 independent blocks. My question to you is Why frame this debate in terms You can either explicitly set the values when browsers are behaving differently or use a css reset file like the ones from Eric Meyer or Yahoo. Regardless the table div comparison above is not accurate. Even a simple html site can utilize include files for repeating blocks of markup. But again, if I dont see the overwhelming benefits, I wont don my armor or sharpen my weapons. Let me apologize in advance because what Im about to say may come across as harsh. You can still develop an accessible site with tables. Tables can be part of your layout, but they shouldnt make up the entire layout. It would be very helpful to have someone redesign this entirely in CSS so the source code is more lean. True. Neither is true. IMO, performance claims made in the absence of benchmark testing are the definition of hype. The only time I ever use tables anymore is to quickly horizontally and -vertically- oppose an image or something else on a temporary coming soon type page. Both were done with tables. Personally I think until we get to the point where we can load a page before someone finishes clicking the link to that page theres room to improve. Even though I like tables I appreciate it when someone with a different opinion can use humble language to support his case. Believe me, Im not making the argument for convoluted nested tables with colspan settings, etc, nor am I arguing against semantically correct documents. I agree with what you are saying, however I think with the advancement of HTML 5, tables will start to disappear. The reason people are still defending table based layouts is because tables are the correct SHAPE for most client specifications, not independent blocks floated to the left, or independent blocks with absolute positioning or independent blocks using any other trick to make them seem like they cooperate. Id rather use the more forward thinking approach, but again to each their own. Thanks! Thats crazy. That you had a problems on a site you were developing doesnt mean my tutorials arent accurate. It doesnt once you know the one or two places where there could be an issue. Here are a couple of posts I wrote for another site to give you an idea my thought process on developing sites. The same isnt true if youre using divs. One example, is to have a banner across the top, a side banner down the left, with a background image that must align with the top banner in the corner, and then content within the area below the top banner and to the right of the side banner. @Dave I think were getting squished with the replies to each other so Im starting a new comment. However, you can build a great site using tables and a poor site using css. If you originally decide all your h1 tags should be blue and later want them to be red its certainly easier to have your h1 style sitting in a single css file. A horizontal list can go either way depending on what the client wants. I dont care what anybody says. My process doesnt involve spending hours resolving cross-browser compatibility issues by the way. No technique is designed to be used in isolation. According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for an AI designer in the US as of July 7, 2022, is $100,224. Yes, but you can get it done just as quickly with css. I guess Ive never been convinced of the seo benefits. Of course that depends on the developer more than the code itself. The separation of content and style makes it easier to adjust pages and styles. There is nothing wrong using CSS and Tables. The programing language world is complicated for non-developers and beginners. It sounds like Im being lumped in with other people who are making grand claims. As for formatting and style, you should use a clear and descriptive title that reflects the main topic and keywords of your paper. I wont restate all the reasons why since I said them in the post already. Youre welcome to send me an email of fill out the contact form and we can talk. WebW3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. CSS, CSS 2, CSS 3 are often quite confusing. Im thinking something in the way the code was set up is preventing that from happening. Thats not an apples to apples comparison. WebW3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Its the kind of thing that might move you from #8 to #7, but not from page 5 to the first page. Having developed and worked on sites both ways Im 100% certain structuring your layout with tables is not the way to go. It only suggests that the difference in load time isnt a lot per page. Unless you offer specifics Im going to assume youre just name calling, because you were unhappy with my previous comment. I have used table-based layouts for a few years and have started using css to mainly style text. What were you supposed to use? WebAdvantages of CSS3 CSS3 provides a consistent and precise positioning of navigable elements. They use less code. Thanks Rami and interesting analogy. In my scenario, I flip the first and second td elements in a .Net master page. John Taylor No one is going to stop you. External style sheets have some tremendous advantages: You can define the style sheet in one document and have all the HTML files refer to the CSS file. 2) Faster Load Times Because of Lighter Code I remember load times being a major issue when I first got started but it doesnt seem to be the case anymore with so few people on dialup. Same thing with the issue youre having with css. I agree that youve made a case for flexibility, but I dont think your post demonstrates that divs/css are the best way to attain this flexibility. With equal column heights, yes its easier to create them with tables than with divs alone, though if you look at the last of the 4 methods I described youll see its not hard to create them with divs and css and it still uses less code than using tables. Thats always going to be better done using css. I also think that more code means more work for a search engine spider. As far as the speed issues, Google didnt really talk about load times affecting ranking until after I wrote this post. Columns of equal height? My biggest concern is if I can design the following website designs in CSS. The whole semantics argument is nonsense. Advantages of CSS: Disadvantages of CSS: Helps in making creative web pages by making them simple to use. Nice article. 8.1 Introduction to Style Sheets . Everything else is really irrelevant. You can probably also wrap the code in a blockquote. Then you can use divs inside your table. Create a CSS Fireflies background using HTML/CSS, CSS pseudo elements every CSS developer should know. If youre so convinced tables are better than css then go ahead and use tables. Specifically, it would take more than one div to create a row cell structure so when you need to display data in that structure its actually exactly the same amount of html whether you use a table or nested divs. Could you send me a link to the page? Just because tables make one thing easier doesnt make them better than divs and css overall. A div is a more generic container that doesnt impose any structure on the content within. I hope I wasnt coming across as bashing tables. There are a lot of myths propagated by both sides in this debate, but once you cut through most of them the argument really boils down to a few things. Youll have more control over how your page displays with divs that can aid in how a screenreader sees your content, but again you can create equally accessible pages using either approach. Easy for the user to customize the online page. 3)Stop using Dreamweaver to code websites for Gods sake.Give .NET websites (Aspx) a try,you will be amazed.And,for what you want to be shown in all,you just do a master page.Plus,divs are NOT cross-resolution.You have to add fixed dimensions everywhere,and positions screw up in mobile resolutions. CSS (divs) are better for SEO Search engines dont care one bit if the code behind your page uses tables or divs. This is no small drawback!! And yes it is true that you dont much need extra code to get things to work for IE. This is rubbish. Theres really no reason in my opinion to use floats on a horizontal list when the goal is to have the list elements cooperate rather than be independent blocks whose widths are determined by content and padding. The post right after shows a 3 column layout. They seem to work quite well for many people who arent you. (801) 636-5158. Order in a document is semantically relevant to the document to begin with. I think youre asking legitimate questions and Ill do my best to answer. Im simply adding another piece to it. I think youre right about people reading do not use tables and missing the part about layouts. 3. I do think more code means more chances of making a show stopping kind of error. It certainly lags behind other browsers, but for the most part IE fro version 7 on is css2 compliant. Whats wrong with using css to make divs or other tags act like tables for layout if you want your layout to LOOK like a table (again, the holy grail look that most clients love). I fought this very same battle using tables back in the 90s. You cant break out of the rigid grid easily. And that, in my view, should be the only thing that qualifies you to comment on the number of passes the browser makes when rendering a page. I didnt create the overall frame to the conversation. Very interesting information. A few years ago I wrote a post on how to create a 2 column layout with css. A div is its own entity. WebJavaScript advantages Fast speed: JavaScript is executed on the client side thats why it is very fast. I dont think the choice is about shape though. Fair points and thanks for making this an intelligent conversation. The web developers need to test for compatibility, running the program across multiple browsers. My div test page was only 2285 bytes smaller then my table page which would save me 1.74 MB/month of data transfer. I dont want to use tables but Im finding it harder and harder to justify not using them. One debate Im honestly curious about is the best way to go about table type content with CSS, such as using the actual table properties, using display: inline, using float: left, etc wheres that write up? Research another option instead of a table for displaying the And now its 10 years later, 2019, WYSIWYG editors are no longer WYSIWYG but a complicated and incomprehensible hodgepodge, only one of which automatically adjusts for the many mobile device and display sizes, loading time is irrelevant and Im about to do a site with tables. It sounds like youre using tables the same way Im suggesting is fine. No matter how many times I see this question or people making an argument on behalf of their opinion, the technical answer remains the same. I look forward to the day when a page renders the same way in all browsers for specific CSS statements. Time is money. Advantages of Inline CSS: You can easily and quickly insert CSS rules to an HTML page. Learn more about Teams The only time I get nosy is if someone did something mind blowing that I want to learn how to do also. Its not going to bother me at all. As a web designer I spend the vast majority of my css time finding work around for IE and sometimes other browsers. It separates style from content (editable/un-editable). Itll probably be a week or two before I have the time to really look, but if you email me the code I will look. Why css layout over table layout? Home / Blog / CSS / CSS vs Tables: The Debate That Wont Die. You make good points. Outlook 2007 has a brain-dead rendering engine, so if youre producing HTML e-mails, you need to use tables. plays an important role, by using CSS you simply got to specify a repeated style for element once & use it Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): CSS is defined as a method sheet language that provides web designers control over how an internet site communicates with web browsers including the formatting and display of their HTML documents. Your tutorials are really only half-done and stop at the parts where css begins breaks down. This style will be applied across all web pages and changes will only be made to one line of code. CSS handles the design and feel a part of an internet page. Learning at write CSS layouts can be tricky, especially if you become familiar with usage tables, but here's why CSS is your best programming bet. Learning to layout an entire site with divs and css is the hardest part, but I promise itll be worth it. Tables are simply not faster to create. How to override the CSS properties of a class using another CSS class ? CSS changes are device friendly. Theres really not a lot of css needed for layout. Divs are more flexible. If youre constantly having to fix old code though, I would recommend looking into the feasibility of redeveloping the site. Let me also add Im talking about using tables and nested tables for the entire layout of a site. To each their own in regards to tables. The key is understanding that you dont really have to do as much as you think. Notepad is for pros. 3. Just change the template file. Id rather switch my page to tables, than screw around with IE. 7. point: tables I find it hard to believe that anyone who honestly knows how to develop a site well with both tables and divs would ever choose to use tables. I totally thought this debate was long dead, but hid a road block and was procrastinating so I thought I would google random stuff and found this. With a simple table structure the extra time might not be noticeable, but as the structure becomes more complex with more and more tables nested inside each other it is noticeable. How to use CSS in different dimension (CSS-in-JS) ? Browser support for most of css is as consistent as it is for tables. Just for the entirety of your layout. How to check which tab is active using Material UI ? CSS is not hard to learn.The argument is made by people comparing learning something new to learning something they already know well. Whats the deal? I am about to take on a new website project, first one in 8 years. Your layout is really one thats pretty easy to code. Thats why this method is useful for testing or previewing the changes, and And, if anything, those advantages are more pronounced now than ever. IE and Opera supports CSS as different logic. Space on the server for all of my clients sites is generally 1/16 of capacity. Better Website Speed For a website to function efficiently, it should have a faster load time. Over the past few years Ive been slowly converting them to divs and CSS. Eventually it works, but at what cost? Which CSS framework is better Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap ? Dont worry Im not taking your questions as a need to defend css. Im surprised this debate continues, though admittedly Im continuing it right now after the question was raised on my small business forum. As far as it being easier for you to code it with a table now, thats probably true. Tables will self adjust to keep the lines aligned. Those arguments alone should be enough to tip the scales in the argument. There are SOME layouts that to use entirely CSS requires an inordinate amount of extremely messy code to represent. The spiders are highly efficient at discerning code from content. I came to web design by way of VB. If you read the post youll see I never once said you couldnt use tables. If they want to tweak something in the design, again, piece of cake to do. I dont think search engines really care if you use tables or css for the layout. html. These bandwidth savings are substantial figures of insignificant tags that are indistinct from a mess of pages. If you develop to standards at most youll need to tweak a few things for Internet Explorer and usually only older versions of IE. WebUsing tables for layout means that changing the corporate layout will in fact mean changing every single page. After making the changes we need to confirm the compatibility if they appear. and how painful it is just to align a freakin div on the middle of a page, align text with a image? Tables confuse you, I wont restate all the major languages of the rigid grid.! In advance because what Im about to take on a new comment fro version 7 is! Are some layouts that to be independent looking into the medium corporate layout will in fact changing! 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