Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. One of my biggest frustrations was seeing NCOERs and OERs with generic statements. Thank you. He is definitely a future senior Army leader. I dont know if that would be stepping over a line, but it seems it would go over well. This form replaces the DA Form 67-9 Series, which was an outdated rating form for all Army officer ranks. It somewhat surprised me that there are no sample OERs out there to study. The same applies to outstanding performance. Your email address will not be published. Thats exactly what the BCAP represents. Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) HHC XO Duties and Responsibilities. That was very much the norm, especially in TPU status but I think the new entry system makes that more dofficult since the rated soldier can't open their eval. Dont make generalized comments. But whatever you do, make sure you form your own judgment. Take into account that as an XO I worker past the duty day and weekends and my CO was rumored to be autistic. -Addressing the lack of a rated officer's signature on the OER. He will be greatly missed in our battalion and within his company. CPT Holmes improved APFT-qualified soldiers from 20 to 33, and graduated 10 soldiers from NCOES and MOSQ schools. And second, the Army needs to take steps like this to stay relevant. Going back to the Moneyball example, its not as clear cut as they get on base. We are still just analyzing the BCAP data and rank ordering candidates using the Armys assumptions about what makes a good commander. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. of all officers, the best among a select grade or group, promote below the zone). I think the most important thing is to be as specific as possible. They have a lot on their plate. The range of surveys solicited allowed assessors to eliminate significant outliers for any individuals with an ax to grind. Upon completion of this assignment, he should be afforded the opportunity to command at the company level as soon as possible in order to round out his experience at the junior officer level. A player that got on base more than another would generate more opportunities to score, which translated into more runs and more victories. For the most part, an officer's immediate advocates should be from his or her current chain of command. He shows acumen for complex logistical challenges that will serve him well in positions of greater responsibility. Often the people grading are the people who also stand to benefit from increases in unit physical performance stats. Ideally, when the time comes for my year group to take battalion command, the Army would also collect data on a wide range of aspects that define success for command of a unit, such as soldier retention, combat efficiency during rotations at the combat training centers, or how well a commanders subordinates end up scoring when theyre eventually eligible for the BCAP. Officers must routinely update their two-to-five year plans, incorporating changes to accurately project future accomplishments. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. Chuck8 years later but I was really admiring your content and counsel. MAJ Roscoe is a talented leader and logistician. Senior Rater gave high qualified and top 20% of 8 other officers. To improve his unit readiness, CPT Smith increased his unit strength from 85 to 101 a 20% increase. Comments on the OER are typically in paragraph form rather than bullet points like the NCOER. The Army must incorporate Information-Age capabilities such as data-driven decision making into the talent-management process. Assessment of past performance through the lens provided by OERs makes up the greatest share of the formula that calculates a candidates overall position on the battalion command order-of-merit list. The average comments, while not detrimental in themselves, do not present the impression that the employee "stands out" among his/her peers. In addition to his exceptional leadership skills, he is also a talented staff officer, planner and logistician. What are your thoughts? Initially, this format concerned me because it seemed to eliminate the evaluation of criteria I thought was important for battalion commandpresence, professional appearance, and use of nonverbal communication. This system allows officers the opportunity to market themselves by adding skills and experience that may enhance the gaining units' mission accomplishment. He as a very bright future ahead of him, promote ahead of peers. CPT Holmes improved his assigned strength by 7% and physically present for duty strength by 19%. Sample Army OER Rater Bullet # 3 Your email address will not be published. We need updated methods and tools to collect data about ourselves and each other, and then to further parse and analyze that data. I never had one class on how to write good OER bullets. Some highlights include 590.5 man hours of maintenance completed, 100+ vehicles repaired, and Operational Readiness Rate in excess of 94%, prepared 6,000 meals, issued 8,000 gallons of fuel, and issued 200,000 rounds of ammunition without incident. endstream endobj 172 0 obj <>/Outlines 6 0 R/Metadata 22 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 21 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/OCProperties<>/OCGs[173 0 R]>>/StructTreeRoot 24 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20080407013053)/PageLabels 19 0 R>> endobj 173 0 obj <. Unlimited potential. Moreover, he did not have one soldier on non-val pay during the entire rating period. My biggest issue with the OER is when someone is surprised. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. For his exceptional performance, he received 2 Army Commendation Medals and was promoted to Major at minimum time-in-grade. Promote ahead of peers. top 1%, 3%, 5%, etc. Lets just say that it was unpopular, double so as stock option bonus's were tied to your ranking. For the past seventy years, Army promotion and command selection boards have predominantly relied on OERs, particularly the senior raters comments, to assess the quality and potential of officers. You make sure your average officers get average OERs. They did enumerate, at least as most boards consider it. This series will be multi-faceted, featuring articles, videos, podcasts, and more. Just my two cents from studying writing over time. These comments will benefit someone writing an OER for someone else or for someone preparing their own OER and/or OER Support Form. Basically future Brigade CDRs not understanding that the ONLY reason you and fellow officers were even at BCAP was because leaders (BN but more BDE Commanders) chose you to be there through there evaluation. We should not expend all of our energy on the top 10 percent while the remaining 90 percent are the men and women operating the organization. MAJ James is a future Battalion Commander. Additionally, senior raters can only comment on officers under their command, making it very difficult to assess how officers from different units, rated by different commanders, compare to one another. This is the most important promotion statistic about going from major to lieutenant colonel. At all times, his company provided world-class combat service support to our battalion. It is a demonstration of trust in a selection methodology that carves out a space for data analysis. You are doing great job Mr. Holmes by sharing such important information about OER bullets and comments. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. The stakes are high for officers in consideration; many of them feel that selection for battalion command is the defining achievement of a career as an Army officer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The articles and other content which appear on the Modern War Institute website are unofficial expressions of opinion. If youre an Army Officer, I would love your help. The only way towrite an accurate OERis to be activelyinvolved with each officer throughout the entire OER process. These cookies do not store any personal information. Core Leader Competencies: Leads . If you dont you will always make poor choices. You should also have frequent talks with the officers rater to find out what they think about the person. I also recommend reading more of this blog. Image credit:Pvt. Hard work is only part of achieving your goal; developing a solid network is another. professional growth counseling and for the OER. The Military Is Not the Nations Emergency Room Doctor. My performance there will likely determine if I will continue to progress as a leader of soldiers in the United States Army. In many cases, there is a surprise with the OER, because the rater did not do their job with counseling and providing feedback. My best piece of advice is to edit your OER comments at least THREE times (over a period of several days) before you finalize it. **DISCLAIMER: The previous comment was a joke intended for humorous purposes with the goal of making someone - ANYONE - chuckle, smile, grin, or even, so help me, LOL. Organizational leaders must understand that the assignments process essentially starts at the unit level. Majors should approach future career goals logically and sequentially. Given those limited objectives, the blind setup made sense. Comments on Potential for Promotion: CPT Holmes is an intelligent, disciplined and professional leader, officer and logistician. Give him tough assignments; he will excel in any position. Senior raters can achieve this goal by crafting an evaluation philosophy for the officers and noncommissioned officers they lead. If the OER is a surprise then communication has broken down. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. For example, assuming there is nothing unusually good or bad to say about an officer, what have you put down for Character and Presence? The Army will also implement a rater profile for the company and field-grade officer plates; emphasize recommendations for future operational and career broadening opportunities on the field grade . This will really help the person stand out and get noticed. In the maintenance realm, he worked closely with the Motor Sergeant to reform our maintenance program. I just hope that this effort continues for the long term and longitudinal studies are produced as a result. When it comes to these types of evaluations, I will agree with Jeff Ferry at the top of these posts. Organizations should communicate routinely with their assigned account managers in order to effectively influence the process. Unlimited potential. When promotion boards review the persons evaluation reports, they will focus on the senior rater comments, not the raters comments. A joint assignment is a great opportunity, but if you do not get promoted to lieutenant colonel or selected for battalion command, it will not take you very far. The establishment of realistic career goals is paramount to successfully managing expectations. Instead of an OER tunnel vision process. Is the standard to "lock out your elbows" or "raise your entire body until your arms are fully extended"? In fact, you should put SERIOUS thought and consideration into each persons comments, whether you are their rater or senior rater, because their OER has a huge impact on their future promotions and assignments. Professional baseball teams realized some of the information driving acquisition decisions, like a players height or how fluid his pitching form was, werent directly tied to making the team win more. Its going to be a referred OER by default due to the officer not having an APFT (pre-COVID). and no one participated or wanted to, so I stopped offering it. The Modern War Institute does not screen articles to fit a particular editorial agenda, nor endorse or advocate material that is published. The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: - Character - Presence - Intellect - Leads - Develops - Achieves Some of these are more obvious than others, but some are not so much. Finally, CPT Tyson was selected to serve as the 58th Regiment S4 Officer, a position above his current pay-grade. The BCAP is one of the first cornerstones laid in a broader modernization strategy to accomplish that mission. Matthew Marcellus, US Army, I would like to think Lt. Col. Vincent Enriquez for a very in depth look into BCAP. Military Writer has a lot of good ones but they tend to be more NCO focused. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Comments on Potential for Promotion: CPT Holmes is a talented logistician and leader who has demonstrated the potential to serve in senior company grade and field-grade positions within the CSS field. It was brought up in the discussion that under the new regulation that all Majors must be senior rated by a COL (O6) or higher. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. Promote ahead of peers. It is imperative that officers communicate with their assignment officers early, especially if they are in the next movement cycle. Combat training center and joint assignments represent the next target. Feel free to use these as a template for doing your own. This is much better than creating a generic OER. Unlimited potential. You will learn more in 20-minutes that you could through 50 emails or 10 phone conversations. From our in-brief, we were told that the Army is seeking to transform itself from a force meant to dominate in the Industrial Age into one agile enough to win in the Information Age. Talk to them. During the 56th Presidential Inauguration, he led his Soldiers to man a key traffic control point without incident and ensured the security of his operational space. I was not privy to the exact criteria, but I suspected some indicatorslike toxic leadership traits, for examplemight have met that threshold. What are your thoughts? Several months later, his section received satisfactory results on both the COMET and the CSDP Inspection. She always did what was best to help the team and always placed the needs of her team and unit above those of her own. The takeaway here for the Army is that with a little trust, the right data can help us create a competitive advantage. I enjoy giving back and helping my peers become better leaders. Unit human resources professionals must have a firm grasp of their projected losses as depicted by officers' year and month of availability for assignment (YMAV) or date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS). Be specific, not vague. The first iterations of the Armys Battalion Commander Assessment Program (BCAP) took place in January, and I was one of the officers who took part. While that has worked well for the most part, that process has its shortcomings. It is a sign of lazy leadership if your leaders cant perform the duties expected of them, especially when properly evaluating and rating the soldiers/officers beneath them. Feel free to use these as a template for doing your own. If you could submit one or more of your Army OER Bullets and OER Comments, I would appreciate it. ACTIVE. 45- The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. Each officer has a specific YMAV or DEROS that identifies when they are eligible to move. I just visited West Point. Therefore, it is imperative that senior raters understand its purpose and use language that will accurately and effectively convey the employees leadership potential. Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for your military service. Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. As a result of his hard work, our unit received second place in the national Command Supply Discipline Program competition. He is the type of officer that could excel in any position, in any unit. The Army has plenty of assignment opportunities other than brigade combat teams, and these opportunities need solid performers. All the data were collected the same way, for each and every officer under consideration. Open communication will enhance the process immensely. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. Required fields are marked *, Copyright (c) 2022 / . 0000001753 00000 n The one aspect that I did not see evaluated was what did this officers battalion command sergeant major and other senior NCOs think about his leadership style and effectiveness. It takes time to evaluate/assess and the process exists. The bottom line is that 1LT Edwards was the most critical and influential person in our organization this year. Now that Ive given you my advice about managing your OER, here are some sample OER bullets and OER comments. Modernizing our Army for the Information Age is no small task. Very weak. Moreover, he promoted 17 Soldiers, graduated 52 Soldiers from military schools and extended 9 of 11 eligible Soldiers. He holds a master's degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies. What's outrageous is that we are still outraged and we pretend it shouldn't happen. Continue to give him the toughest assignments. What Id like to do in the rest of this page is give you some examples of Army OER senior rater bullets and sample senior rater comments. He was selected to become the S4 of a MACOM, an O4 position. 0000002176 00000 n Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The fundamental purpose of the MER is to give commanders and human resources professionals the ability to formally advocate for the skills, experience, and knowledge required to accomplish specific missions. Performed duties in the absence of a field grade officer in that billet; versatile officer capable of performing any mission. To develop your ability to learn appraisal comments, heres a comprehensive list of example phrases, comments, and constructive feedback examples as ideas and inspiration for your next performance review , performance self appraisal, 360 peer review, or just . It should not be taking seriously and should no way impart the notion that all Field Grade Officers are NOT humorless sticks in the mud. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. Do not use grades higher than the ratee holds-- you cannot say "Lt Smith performs like a field grade officer . Using proper counseling in conjunction with the -1A ensures the Soldier is well informed and knows exactly where they stand with their Rater and Senior Rater at all times. The SM should have provided information on his/her OER support . Warrant Officer Rating Scheme. The 360 assessment was aggregated into the psychological profile of the candidate. What is Russias Theory of Victory in Ukraine? To do so, you should prepare your own Army OER Support Form and even write the first draft of your own OER. Ask questions. He was previously a Wayne A. Also, as I've said before, you can write up most of the OER to help both your supervisor and yourself. The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets . This fine officer will succeed. Promote to 1LT immediately, ahead of her peers. These sample OER bullets can help you develop OERs in an accurate format. Some of his key accomplishments include 5 re-enlistments, 6 promotions, 19 Soldiers graduated from either MOSQ or NCOES, and a company Non-Val Pay of less than 1%. Writing an OER support form. As M-day/TPU officers, is it ever acceptable to include civilian work accomplishments on an OER? Leads by Example . You owe it to each person that you senior rate to do that. He has enrolled and was accepted into Intermediate-Level Education (ILE). When you are writing Army OER Rater & Senior Rater Bullets and Comments yourself, make sure you use the right words. 0000000821 00000 n #1) Keep a running log of your significant contributions and accomplishments throughout the rating period #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests. Please keep in mind that OER Comments are different from NCOER Comments. 0000003602 00000 n If you arent proactive throughout the entire OER process, you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. I imagine that in the future this system will be refined, but the idea of soliciting subordinate and peer feedback resonated with me and with many other candidates. The Army needs to continue honestly and realistically assessing its many programs and systems in order to stay competitive in the contemporary operating environmentand make bold changes when change is required. ~ Mentor Military. He completed a successful Company Command where his company continued to improve and excel in all aspects of support operations: OR rating, Maintenance Readiness and Recruiting and Retention. The human element still plays the biggest role in deciding if and where an officer will command a battalion. Often officers place a high priority on joint assignments; however, there are risks associated with receiving jobs for which only "the best" are assigned. He also served on ADOS for six months as the Vigilant Guard Project Officer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Just looking for a way to put it where it gets it attention but doesnt destroy his career. Officers must understand how their assignment officers assess them in relation to their peers. You really shared some good insights about it. Did you get selected for Bn Commander position? As an officer's performance changes, so does the five-year plan. These roles are reflected in the outcomes for the CGSOC. Assuming that you are the rater and not senior rater keep in mind that you are charged with only rating the officers performance during the last rated period. In the interest of helping all you young officers out there, (who will eventually spend the best years of your life in uniform, only to get passed over just before you have enough time to retire (seen it . 0000002906 00000 n Networking at the field-grade level is integral to continuing career progression. CPT Snuffy is a well rounded, competent officer who is a proficient and dedicated professional that executes all assigned missions to a high standard of excellence. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. Is there anyway you could possibly offer online classes thru a webinar or something of that sort. Additionally, senior raters can only comment on officers under their . Promote ahead of peers; unlimited potential. CPT James performed all tasks assigned to him during this period under very stressful and contentious conditions. This is an important task you should not take lightly. The BCAP collects universal data, providing an Army-wide view of candidates to better conduct a fair comparison of officers from vastly different professional backgrounds. Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. During this short rating period, MAJ Roscoe did an exceptional job managing the S4 section. To write proper comments for each block you fill out as a rater you have to do three things. Senior Rater Bullet Comments; what is best for promotion boards? The new OER Support form is a little different than this. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. And you ensure your studs and superstars get a superstar type of OER. Our mission there wasnt to get selected for a battalion command; it was: to help the Army find the best possible battalion commanders. You can use this information as a reference when you are preparing your senior rater comments. However, if someone strives to become a battalion commander, previous senior rater comments will carry enormous weight during the selection process. Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. His maintenance section maintained an OR rate of 97% and issued 12,000 meals during Annual Training without incident or injury. One thing you address but not directly is the consistent commentary I hear on social media and in the last Pre-command Course of the fear that senior rater evals clearly dont mean anything anymore. In regards to administration, 1LT Edwards created an Awards Program for our company which resulted in 42 Soldiers receiving some type of achievement award during the past calendar year. SUPERSEDED DA FORM 67-10-2, 11/01/2015. I like how specific examples were identified in these rating bullet points. . 1 The focus of this article is on how field grade officers draw their "organizational power," or influence, in order to solve those problems, build those teams, and develop other leaders after their CGSOC graduation. Especially when it's out of 4, either you're number 1 or it's not worth mentioning. 0000003358 00000 n CPT Snuffy accomplished a high level of individual and company readiness which resulted in the achievement of overall unit mission readiness, measured through the aggregate readiness metrics and accurate METL assessments. Its great to see other officers to give some words of wisdom and knowledge to some of us that may know less and need some guidance. He demonstrated his stewardship through 100% property accountability of equipment valued at $4,690,115.82. Not privy to the officer not having an APFT ( pre-COVID ) my issue. Copyright ( c ) 2022 / up for failure and disappointment a grade. Reflected in the absence of a field grade officer in that billet ; versatile officer capable of performing mission! ' mission accomplishment is paramount to successfully managing expectations OER are typically in paragraph form rather than points! 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