The abbreviations are sometimes still used in note taking and text writing. PRINT: The state government has an executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch. Print the map for a handy reference sheet. Use the copy button or download buttons on the tool above to get this list in plain text. The twelve cases where USPS and USCG abbreviations differ are listed below and marked in bold red in the table above, and do include three inland states with a small Coast Guard contingent. Alphabetical order means the items are arranged in order, from A to Z. Each state has its own unique shortened name codes called state abbreviations used in written documents and mailing addresses. The records are of the format: FIPS State Code | Official United States Postal Service (USPS) Code | Name | Geographic Names Information System Identifier (GNISID) For example: 23|ME|Maine|01779787. Most state abbreviations follow a pattern for shortening state names. There are several US territories and associates, such as the Marshall Islands in the Pacific and Puerto Rico, which also have official abbreviations for use by the postal service. The judicial branch is made up of judges that interpret laws and hand out justice to criminals. They are used to identify states on maps, in postal addresses, and in other contexts. All USPS and traditional abbreviations begin with the first letter of the state's name. State Name Abbreviation Baden-Wrttemberg BW Bavaria BY Berlin BE Brandenburg BB Bremen HB Hamburg HH Hesse HE Lower Saxony NI Mecklenburg-Vorpommern MV North R ), Pennsylvania (PA and Pa.), Vermont (VT and Vt.), and Virginia (VA and Va.), States with two words in their names also share USPS and traditional abbreviations, with the exception of New Mexico (NM and N.Mex. The U.S. Armed Forces Americas include the, The U.S. Armed Forces Europe include the, The U.S. Armed Forces Pacific include the, U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 30th Edition, List of states and territories of the United States, Canadian subnational postal abbreviations, United States Postal Service address formatting information, "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands", "Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes Standard", "Philippine diplomats will now use PH or PHL instead of RP", "USPS Postal News, "It's Okay to Say 'I Don't Know,' So Long As You Find Out!" The 1963 changes standardized the two-letter abbreviations into codes, so Miss is now MS. Make sure that you use the standard codes, or else you might confuse AL (Alabama) with AK (Alaska)! Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. They also permit both reading and writing operations, which makes it easy to make edits without the need for converting the file first. However, on July 1, 1963, the Post Office Department began using five-digit zip codes. Check out all the free tutorials and VBA code snippets! Upload CSV to your App as a Data Source JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it is a lightweight data-interchange format. as well as put it into a valid CSV #!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 ignore_list = ('Search-Navigation','Tools-What links','Top-','Contents','Magyar') with . For convenience, each column is also provided in . If you are like most people, the chances are good that nowadays, you hardly ever write an address on an envelope and put it in the mail. The US comprises 4% of the worlds population and 6% of the worlds land area. I grew tired of searching for a well-formatted web page where I could easily grab all 50 states and drop them into Excel (mostly to make drop-down lists). Today, there is roughly one post office for each ZIP code, so you probably have a post office nearby. State abbreviations are useful if you live in the United States. Before that, most states had three to five letters in their abbreviations, such as FLA for Florida and CALIF for California similar to their traditional abbreviations. Search. Please click on the state you are interested in to view that state's information: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota They also permit both reading and writing operations, which makes it easy to make edits without the need for converting the file first. information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. like that so no api cause it might be not fast enough or has a limit like . Visualization Up until this point, the state abbreviations were usually more than two letters, such as Miss for Mississippi and W.Va. for West Virginia. Multiple Worksite Report (MWR) Respondents. Copy and paste or download a list of all US States in Excel, or many other formats. The Table of Post Offices encouraged people to spell out the entire name of the state, but who has time to do that? Click the button below to see a dropdown of list. An ordered HTML list is one where every item is numbered. Traditional abbreviations were used before the two-letter postal codes became standard. This site uses affiliate linksand does earn a commission from certain links. This does not affect your purchases or the price you may pay. Other areas, like rural regions of Alaska, are so sparsely populated that one ZIP code may cover hundreds of miles. Press the Z-A button to select this. Aguascalientes. The second letter of USPS abbreviations is found within the state's name (usually the second letter, but in some cases, further along in the word). It is used by millions of people each day for work, school, and personal needs. The postal abbreviation is the same as the ISO 3166-2 subdivision code for each of the fifty states. Useful fields: From latitude and longitude to household income. Each state has its own legislature, executive branch, and judicial branch just as the federal government does. Some places, like Manhattan in New York City, have such dense populations that one ZIP code may consist of only one or two city blocks. As early as October 1831, the United States Post Office recognized common abbreviations for states and territories. States with five or fewer letters, plus Alaska and Hawaii, are never abbreviated. Note that with the exception of the country csv file, the cities and the states and United States only. As of October 2018, the population of the United States is 326,526,000. Abbreviation. You must have a CSV (spreadsheet) of all the items you want to include in your dropdown. In the United States, a state is defined as a political subdivision of a country. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Open office is a free, open-source office suite. From this list I will generate a mysql database with the following fields: states: - id (int, auto_increment, primary) - name (varchar 255) cities: - id (int, auto_increment, primary) - stateId (id of the state from . dantonnoriega / us-state-ansi-fips.csv Last active 3 days ago Star 8 Fork 5 Code Revisions 2 Stars 8 Forks 5 Embed Download ZIP csv file of us state ansi fips codes that follows the us census variable names Raw Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Microsoft Excel files are a popular way to store, manage, and manipulate data. I want a .csv list, mysql database, or any other list of all U.S states and cities, including which cities are in which state. List of U.S. state and territory abbreviations, (bold red text shows differences between ANSI and USCG), (bold red text shows differences between GPO and AP). To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Useful fields: From latitude and longitude to household income to zip codes. Show hidden characters TimeZone UTC offset . Let me know in the comments section if there are other common listings youd like me to generate for ease of use. The 1963 changes standardized the two-letter abbreviations into codes, so Miss is now MS. Make sure that you use the standard codes, or else you might confuse AL (Alabama) with AK (Alaska)! A tag already exists with the provided branch name. States that use the same letters in both USPS and traditional abbreviations are: Georgia (GA and Ga.), Kentucky (KY and Ky.), Louisiana (LA and La. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has established a set of uppercase abbreviations to help process mail with optical character recognition and other automated equipment. It was designed to be easy to read and write in both human-readable forms, as well as in a compact, machine-readable form. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Codes for States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States . JSON is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over network connections or storing it in databases. Copy and paste or download a list of all US States in Excel, or many other formats. A dropdown or a select box is an HTML element that allows the user of your site or app to select a single item. Of these states, only two follow the first-and-second-letter rule: Massachusetts (MA) and Michigan (MI). By default, the first item in the list is selected and every subsequent selection will deselect the previous selection. The United States is a fascinating and diverse country, with each state very different from the next. For example, apples, beans, carrots. 1997; 2 = a year in the 21st century, ie. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) uses a set of two-letter prefixes for vessel numbers;[16] 39 states and the District of Columbia have the same USPS and USCG abbreviations. The US Postal Service came up with a system known as Zoning Improvement Plan codes, or ZIP codes. These states are Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, and Utah. [10], Modern two-letter abbreviated codes for the states and territories originated in October 1963, with the issuance of Publication 59: Abbreviations for Use with ZIP Code, three months after the Post Office introduced ZIP codes in July 1963. Giving either state the abbreviation of TE would be confusing; therefore, Tennessee is TN and Texas is TX. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. These two-letter codes are distinguished from traditional abbreviations such as Calif., Fla., or Tex. It is a competitor to Microsoft Office and Google Docs. It had a listing of every post office in the country so that people could know where to go to drop off their mail and pick something up. This is because the majority of the work I do is . Microsoft Excel files are a popular way to store, manage, and manipulate data. BC. The first worksheet shows the 50 state names and provides space for students. ), South Dakota (SD and S.Dak. What are the USPS abbreviations for U.S. states and territories? us_cities_states_counties.csv. For example, apples, beans, carrots. Next, you can quickly throw this data into an Excel Table object using shortcut ctrl + t. Make sure you check the box stating My table has headers before clicking OK in the Create Table dialog box. This list is available in word format. Guru Solutions, LLC | 2015-2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDExcel, PowerPoint, Word, & the rest of the Office Suite are registered trademarks of the Microsoft CorporationThis site is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation. Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. BestPrice, Chn ngi hp tui xng t, m hng u nm 2018, Nhng l hi ln ni ting nht min Bc dp u nm, Cch xem ngy tt khai trng u nm 2023 theo tui chnh xc nht. In 1831, at the time that the Table of Post Offices was published, Abraham Lincoln was the postmaster in New Salem, Illinois. Alaska and Hawaii are also never abbreviated in traditional abbreviations, although they are abbreviated in USPS abbreviations (AK and HI). A plain and clean list of all 50 states in the United States, the states two-character abbreviations, and the capital city names. when naming states in a list or table in AP style If the situation isn't listed here, you should use the entire capitalized state name. The Table gave a list of accepted abbreviations to prevent this confusion. If you are in search of a specific file format with the 50 United States, their two-letter abbreviations, and their corresponding capital city, below Ive compiled a variety of file formats you can click and instantly download. Source: If there are other file formats you are wanting to see, please let me know in the comments section at towards the end of this article. The CSV is a simple table with two columns: (a) names of each state; and (b) their abbreviations: Download this CSV How it works Step 1. Much of the confusion around state abbreviations comes from the eight states that begin with "M" (Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, and Montana). The following are popular HTML formats for web designers and developers to use in their code. Each house is made up of members who are voted in by residents in their district. The system consisted of numbers for zones in each major city so that the mail could be more quickly sorted by people who did not have extensive knowledge of the postal service. One exception is Nebraska, which changed its abbreviation from NB to NE in 1967 to avoid confusion with the Canadian province New Brunswick. For example, Hawaiians are so friendly that they always say "HI!". Download this list in pdf format so you can share and print it. Even if you dont regularly send snail mail, you are probably so familiar with the whole system of state abbreviations and postal codes that you dont even think about it. Expand your knowledge with these famous American symbols and their histories. The system consisted of numbers for zones in each major city so that the mail could be more quickly sorted by people who did not have extensive knowledge of the postal service. However, there are a few states that break the rules or are especially confusing. It is a competitor to Microsoft Office and Google Docs. Baja California Norte. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Thats it! For example zoo, yak, x-ray. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Privacy Policy. Last two numbers represent the year. Become an expert in Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and the rest of the Microsoft Office Suite. Deciphering data group names Data groups names have four components: 3-letter abbreviation/acronymn 3-digit subgroup-code 3-digit year code First number represents the century (1 = a year in the 20th century, ie. states.csv | Dataset Publishing Language | Google Developers Home Products Dataset Publishing Language Guides states.csv bookmark_border Recommended for you Overview Import your data into. The executive branch consists of the Governor and their cabinet. These are used to store list data, to be loaded by such languages as javaScript or Php. Arizona and New Mexico were both admitted in 1912. Alternate Abbreviation. State two-letter abbreviation. The names of states should be always spelled out when they are written in sentences. If you are like most people, the chances are good that nowadays, you hardly ever write an address on an envelope and put it in the mail. Here is a list of all US States in alphabetical order to use however you wish! Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. A plain and clean list of all countries in the world, the countrys three-character abbreviations, and the capital city names. As president, Lincoln expanded the postal service during the Civil War to include personal mail delivery to peoples homes. An ordered HTML list is one where every item is numbered. In 1963, the US Postal Service officially adopted the use of five-digit ZIP codes for every piece of mail. Microsoft word is one of the most popular word-processing programs on the market today. Why is the abbreviation for Missouri MO when the word starts with "Mi?" Lin h nhn bo gi, List of State Abbreviations (Download CSV, JSON), Top 3 nome alaska weather by month in 2023, Top 7 nols alaska instructor course in 2023, Hng dn lp t bnh nng lnh trc tip v gin tip ng cch, an ton ngay ti nh, Top 3 Bnh un Bn Chy Nht Thng 06/2018 Ti in My Ch Ln, Bnh gi nhit inox 500 ml DMX YNQE-3011 hng, ng Cht lng tt, Mu s yu l lch hc sinh, sinh vin 2023 chun B Gio dc, u Nm Tm Vic Kh C Chefjob Lo, Du lch Sapa thng no, ma no p nht? No reformatting, no weird spacing, no removing hyperlinks, notta! Are you sure you want to create this branch? Click the link below to download the JSON file. For the most part, though, the system that evolved in the early 1800s is the same system that we use today. Web list of state abbreviations for all the us states, us territories and the united states military. For the most part, these state abbreviations have stayed the same since 1963. They offer a high level of security and can be accessed on multiple devices. Many postal abbreviations are from older sets of abbreviations, and they never repeat between states. One example is when you're writing about a state in running text, such as "I went to Wyoming over the summer." Within the 50 state shapes Excel tutorial there is a free spreadsheet download where you can get all the state shapes and reformat them any way youd like (size, color, etc). Up-to-date: Data updated as of February 15, 2023. Chuyn trang chia s thng tin in my, nh gi cc mt hng in my, in t, gia dng, Vit Nam, tng hp thng tin mi nht. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Click the 3 dots on the left of the player to download the mp3 file or change the speed of the playback. A blog focused primarily on Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, & Word with articles aimed to take your data analysis and spreadsheet skills to the next level. When the United States entered World War II, thousands of postal employees left their jobs to join the military. Copy and Paste or Download a list of state abbreviations. Depending on why you need the states, it is worth keeping in mind that there are more than 50 valid state codes. Finally, if you're writing about the U.S., check out a list of words that describe the United States. You can download or copy this by selecting the buttons above. In 1831, The United States Postal Service (USPS) issued a directory called the Table of Post Offices. Download list in Excel format. India is divided into 29 states and 7 union territories.States and territories are further subdivided into Districts (zilla), of which there are 655. . It was designed with a specific goal in mind facilitating the sending of mail as the country was expanding westward in the 1800s. State. A plain and clean list of the top 50 largest cities in the United States, the states two-character abbreviations, and the population size. The purpose, rather than to standardize state abbreviations per se, was to make room in a line of no more than 23 characters for the city, the state, and the ZIP code. The full name or abbreviation is accepted. The system was so helpful that it continued after the war ended in 1945. In fact, they've only existed since 1963, just four years after the 50th state (Hawaii) was added to the union. State name in title case. Some states, such as Tennessee and Texas, begin with the same letters. CVS files are good for making spreadsheets. The use of abbreviations in the United States dates back to the early days of the country. The Associated Press Stylebook states that in contexts other than mailing addresses, the traditional state abbreviations should be used. A dropdown or a select box is an HTML element that allows the user of your site or app to select a single item. For example, Birmingham, Alabama was divided into several different zones, and an addressed envelope might say Birmingham 7, Alabama, to indicate the zone in which the address was. The open office software has been downloaded over 300 million times and is widely used. However, they accepted these abbreviations only because of their popularity, preferring that patrons spell names out in full to avoid confusion. The state abbreviations are always in the same format: two letter abbreviations where both letters are uppercase and no periods or spaces between each letter. Click the print button on the list tool above. Source: standardized by the United States Postal Service, interesting facts about U.S. state capitals, famous American symbols and their histories, list of words that describe the United States, when addressing a letter or item through the United States mail, when writing bibliographies or tables in Chicago style, in parentheses after writing the full name of a state, when naming the location of a news story in the, when naming states in a list or table in AP style. [3], Prior to 1987, when the U.S. Secretary of Commerce approved the two-letter codes for use in government documents,[11] the United States Government Printing Office (GPO) suggested its own set of abbreviations, with some states left unabbreviated. Today, some places have nine-digit ZIP codes to help the postal worker more easily identify the location. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established alphabetic and numeric codes for each state and outlying areas in ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009. Click the button below to see a dropdown of list. Its easy to remember that rule. Today, the GPO supports United States Postal Service standard.[12]. By printing out this quiz. So I took matters into my own hands and have painstakingly listed out of the States in the U.S, their two-letter abbreviations, and their capital cities. Yes! ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009 replaced the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) standards FIPS 5-2, FIPS 6-4, and FIPS 10-4. Each state in the United States is listed below alphabetically. I am searching an list of abbreviations,acronyms which should be downloadable as a sql table or json or sth. Unicode characters select a single item check out a list of state abbreviations have the... The federal Information Processing standard ( FIPS ) Standards FIPS 5-2, FIPS 6-4, and they never repeat states... Called state abbreviations follow a pattern for shortening state names and provides for! 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