van der Hoeven N, Roza P, Henzen L (1992a) Determination of the effect of TDI, TDA, MDI, and MDA on the emergence and growth of the plant species Avena sativa and Lactuca sativa according to OECD Guideline No. To investigate the immunopathogenesis of diisocyanate-caused asthma, diisocyanate-exposed workers were evaluated for in vitro production of antigen-specific mononuclear cell-derived histamine releasing factor (HRF). (1993) investigated nine subjects who complained of respiratory and general symptoms related to workplace exposure. The blood and urine samples were analysed for the presence of adducts and metabolites using gas chromatographymass spectrometry methods. The tack can be fine-tuned by adjusting the amount of soy flour added. El 4,4-MDI monomrico es una sustancia slida de un color entre blanco y amarillo plido a temperatura ambiente, con un peso molecular de 250. Wazeter FX (1964a) Acute inhalation toxicity (LC50) in male albino rats 12.3.64. International Research and Development Corporation (unpublished report) [cited in EU, 1999]. Result from testing of 225 chemicals. Subsequent to external review and incorporation of comments, this assessment has undergone an agency-wide review process whereby the IRIS Program Manager has achieved a consensus approval among the Office of Research and Development, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Water, Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation, and the Regional Offices. At 4.1 mg/m3, olfactory epithelial atrophy occurred infrequently in exposed animals. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is an aromatic diisocyanate. The preparation and peer review of the source documents are described in Appendix 1. Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organization, and the World Health Organization, and produced within the framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals. It is also known as 4,4'-methylenedi (cyclohexyl isocyanate) or . EPA has developed a separate Action Plan for Toluene Diiscyanate (TDI) and its related compounds. The example given here is a pragmatic approach to reduce occupational exposure to the minimum possible, because a threshold for this effect cannot be established. OSHA Directive TED 01-00-015 [TED 1-0.15A], (January 20, 1999). Wazeter FX (1964b) Acute dermal toxicity (LD50) in male albino rats 27.01.64. International Research and Development Corporation (unpublished report) [cited in EU, 1999]. such a reaction was observed only upon challenge with an irritating . However, when guinea-pigs were exposed to a high concentration of 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (135 or 360 mg/m3 . The amount of particulate material accumulated at the level of the alveolar duct increased with time as well as with level of exposure. Unpublished report by Laboratoire dtudes du Mtabolisme des Mdicaments, Dpartement de Biologie, to the International Isocyanate Institute [cited in DFG, 1997]. El MDI no mostr toxicidad para los peces, los invertebrados acuticos, las algas o los microorganismos en ninguna de las condiciones de prueba de exposicin aguda o prolongada. Flexible molded foam and slabstock. Molecular Formula CHNO. The available human evidence from cancer incidence and mortality studies of workers exposed to isocyanates is inadequate to describe the carcinogenic potential of polymeric or monomeric MDI. No toxic effect of MDI on the terrestrial organisms tested was observed. MDI reacts with water to produce MDA. 10491058 (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Vol. Animals were essentially normal, except for slight oedema observed at the 9.4 g/kg body weight dose. Comme il ne subsiste que peu de temps dans leau, sa solubilit dans ce solvant est purement thorique. The total annual global production of MDI and PMDI was about 1.2 million tonnes in 1991, 1.5 million tonnes in 1993, 1.78 million tonnes in 1994, and 1.95 million tonnes in 1996 (Chemical Week, 1998). The mean number of MDI exposure years was 8.6, 1.1, and 0 years for group I, group II, and group III, respectively. When PMDI (liquid form; 0, 2.5, 3.9, 6.0, or 9.4 g/kg body weight) was applied to the abraded skin of albino rabbits (2 per sex per group) for 24 h (Wazeter, 1964b), one animal at the highest dose exhibited slight oedema during the first and second days. All cases occurred during a 2.5-year period after exposure to a new manufacturing process using steam-heated MDI resin in a new manufacturing facility. In another study in which rats were exposed to PMDI, the NOAEL for maternal and fetal toxicity was estimated to be 4 mg/m3, based on the finding of premature deaths of pregnant females and statistically significant decreases in placental and fetal weights at 12 mg/m3. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. MDI concentrations in the working environment were shown to significantly influence lung function. Este CICAD se aprob en una reunin de la Junta de Evaluacin Final celebrada en Estocolmo, Suecia, los das 25-28 de mayo de 1999. Although not yet well understood, humoral as well as cellular immunological reactions appear to be involved in the allergic reactions. 770906). BASF is moving forward with the final phase of the expansion project for the methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) plant at its Verbund site in Geismar, Louisiana. Plasma albumin conjugates of MDI found in workers exposed to MDI can cause the onset of respiratory disorders in humans (Sepai et al., 1995a). NIOSH (1985) NIOSH manual of analytical methods, 3rd ed. (1998) evaluated whether MDI-specific IgG or IgE could be sensitive biological markers of disease or of MDI exposure. The investigators did not find an association (using standardized mortality ratios or SMRs) between exposure to diisocyanates and cancer. Localized fibrosis was significant in males exposed to 6.03 mg/m3 and in females at 0.98 and 6.03 mg/m3. One of two workers reacted simultaneously to both MDI and MDA. A cross-sectional evaluation of workers in a steel foundry in which PMDI was used as a component of a binder system used to make cores and moulds was performed; 26 currently exposed (group I), 6 formerly exposed (group II), and 14 non-exposed workers (group III) were involved (Liss et al., 1988). 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. No se han realizado estudios en los que se haya examinado el efecto del MDI polimrico o monomrico en los parmetros reproductivos. It is possible that the reaction products of steam and polymers of MDI, alone or in combination with MDI, may be the causative agents. PMDI is a dark reddish brown viscous liquid with an indefinite melting point around 0 C and a vapour pressure of <1 mPa at 20 C (DFG, 1997). Zymergen, 5980 Horton Street, Suite 105, Emeryville, California, USA. Experimental results of reaction temperature profile and polyurethane gel viscosity were required to verify the simulation program's reaction parameters. Our family of isocyanates includes: Pure methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) Modified MDI. Cross-reactivity to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and other isocyanates was demonstrated. (1990, 1994a) data set. The Safe Handling of Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) is a training program developed to inform employers and employees of industry best practices for t. Production of water-soluble MDA increases gradually with time, and the MDA reaches a nearly constant concentration after 16 h; the amount of MDA formed is less than 0.5% of the nominal concentration of PMDI initially added, and the major products of PMDI breakdown are solid, insoluble polyureas. Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, pp. ), spandex fibres, and rubber shoe soles. Where spillage is to soil or water, MDI has a transient existence due to its reaction with the water to produce predominantly insoluble polyureas. Because of the relatively low number of workers (25) exposed to MDI (less than 0.04 mg/m3), the short study duration, confounding from prior exposure to TDI (0.05 mg/m3) and possibly to amine catalyst, and the uncertainty in the actual duration of MDI exposure, this study offers limited assurance that MDI is without effect on pulmonary function. Severe respiratory distress and a statistically significant decrease (extent not given) in body weight gain were observed in male and female rats exposed to 13.6 mg PMDI/m3; 7 out of 10 males and 1 out of 10 females died. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/600/8-90/066f). Wuppeltal, Bayer AG (unpublished; Bayer Report No. After 21 days of exposure to the highest nominal concentration tested (10 mg/litre), PMDI had no effect on the reproduction rate of Daphnia magna (Caspers et al., 1986). Woellner RC, Hall S, Greaves I, Schoenwetter WF (1997) Epidemic of asthma in a wood products plant using methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. N.O.S. Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. However, there is insufficient human evidence to describe (1) the nature of the MDI-containing material, (2) the concentrationresponse relationship, or (3) the mechanism of isocyanate-induced asthma and sensitization. For MDA, IARC (1986) concluded that there were no data in humans and sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in animals. After 4 days, the mice were challenged on the right ear with acetone and on the left ear with acetone containing a dose of MDI that was non-irritating. 11024). MDI is used for polyurethane elastomers (rollers, packing, rubber vibration insulators, synthetic leather, etc. Appelman LM, de Jong AWJ, Keller J (1986) Additional studies into the presence of MDA in samples of test atmospheres containing polymeric MDI aerosol. Blom & Oldersma (1994) observed no effects on cell multiplication of the freshwater alga Scenedesmus subspicatus after a 3-day exposure to a nominal concentration of 1640 mg PMDI/litre. ), fibras expandidas y suelas de goma para zapatos. Lecture, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, June (unpublished report). Heimbach F, Jaeger K, Sporenberg W (1996) Fate and biological effects of polymeric MDI in small artificial ponds. Such disorders were still observed, but no more frequently than in the group at concentrations below 0.05 mg/m3. Board members, authors, reviewers, consultants, and advisers who participate in the preparation of a CICAD are required to declare any real or potential conflict of interest in relation to the subjects under discussion at any stage of the process. Humoral as well as cellular immunity may be involved in the pathogenesis of hypersensitivity due to isocyanates. Selon toutes les tudes disponibles, on trouve de la MDA libre ou actyle en milieu fortement hydrolytique. Vols. A 1% solution of MDI (reagent grade) in ethyl acetate was applied to a group of 79 7-week-old male mice. Une tude sur cohorte et une tude rtrospective, prsentant il est vrai un certain nombre de limitations, ont montr quil ny avait aucune association entre le MDI et la morbidit cancreuse. NIOSH (1994b) Letter from NIOSH to Distinctive Designs International Inc. with a study report. In contrast to the results reported by Reuzel et al. Basal cell hyperplasia in the olfactory epithelium detected at 0.98 and 6.03 mg/m3 was judged a non-carcinogenic critical end-point. 04CK23 a`@'a\5IL) 1g("i J Polym Res 29, 92 (2022). Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 87:155165. A written computer-based MatLab simulation program was employed to determine the reactivities of a polymeric isocyanate. Cuando se produce un vertido al suelo o al agua, el MDI tiene una existencia fugaz, debido a que reacciona con el agua para producir de manera predominante poliureas insolubles. Water chemistry, MDI and MDA concentrations, and populations and diversity of different trophic levels were monitored over 112 days. Archives des maladies professionelles de mdecine du travail et de scurit sociale (Paris), 47:311 (in French). Reaction mass of 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate and o-(p-isocyanatobenzyl)phenyl isocyanate / methylene diphenyl diisocyanate Se consider que el adenocarcinoma pulmonar observado en un caso no era suficiente para identificar al PMDI como carcingeno humano; sin embargo, la causa de ese efecto podra ser la generacin in situ de MDA, que es un carcingeno conocido de los animales a travs del agua de bebida. The response to MDI challenge indicated a doseresponse effect at 0.637 mg/kg body weight. If you want to reproduce the whole article An additional satellite group of 10 per sex per exposure level was similarly exposed and used for histopathology at 1 year. The range of variation reflects variations from various sources of information, i.e., from a German review (DFG, 1997), US Toxicological Review (US EPA, 1998), and the EU draft document (EU, 1999). Since the number of the effects observed in the 9 mg/m3 group was within the limits of biological variability, a NOAEL for developmental effects of 9 mg/m3 was determined in this study. We present very high-level ab initio computations on the HNCO + H2O re If unprotected, MDI reacts with water to form carbon dioxide. MDA concentrations formed in the environment by the reaction of MDI with water are always low. IARC (1999) 4,4-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate and polymeric 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. Two-step 2RNCO + H2O mechanisms are characterized for the formation of carbamate and imidic acid. Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) is the generic name of a product used in industrial settings. Los efectos finales en la salud ms preocupantes son el asma de origen ocupacional, la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y las enfermedades inflamatorias de las vas respiratorias superiores mediante la inhalacin de MDI polimrico o monomrico. The critical studies are, however, presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn. Current Actions:Download the complete Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Action Plan (PDF). Spanne M, Tinnerberg H, Dalene M, Skarping G (1996) Determination of complex mixtures of airborne isocyanates and amines, Part 1. Los lmites de deteccin de esta tcnica para el MDI y el PMDI, que varan en funcin de la metodologa de muestreo, pueden ser inferiores a 0,01 mg/m3. Mol Catal 504:111485, Krl P (2007) Synthesis methods, chemical structures and phase structures of linear polyurethanes Properties and applications of linear polyurethanes in polyurethane elastomers, copolymers and ionomers. EFFECTS ON OTHER ORGANISMS IN THE LABORATORY AND FIELD, 11.1.1 Hazard identification and doseresponse assessment, 11.1.2 Criteria for setting tolerable intakes or guidance values for MDI, 12. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma observed in one case was considered as insufficient to identify PMDI as an animal carcinogen; however, in situ generation of MDA, which is a known animal carcinogen via drinking-water, could be responsible for the effect. What material of storage tank can be suitable of storing methylene diphenyl diisocyanate? Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis provides evidence that the predicted barrier heights are strongly associated with the occupation of the in-plane CO* orbital of the RNCO reactant. No adverse effects on the distribution and incidence of tumours were found with the exception of tumours in the lungs. Geneva, World Health Organization, International Programme on Chemical Safety (ICSC 0298). In 4,4-MDI, the two isocyanate groups are equivalent but in 2,4-MDI the two groups display highly differing reactivities. En un estudio de toxicidad/carcinogenicidad por inhalacin crnica de dos aos, las ratas expuestas a un aerosol de PMDI en concentraciones de 0, 0,19, 0,98, y 6,03 mg/m3 mostraron cambios en el aparato respiratorio. In another NIOSH (1994b) report, nasal and eye irritation were the two most frequently reported symptoms after MDI exposure. The range of particle size will vary with the application, and the method of sampling and analysis should be suited to the workplace requirement. No desquamation or fissuring was noted with the compound. Un estudio de exposicin por inhalacin con MDI radiomarcado indica que alguna forma o parte del MDI se distribuye por todo el organismo, sobre todo en los pulmones, los msculos, los riones y el aparato digestivo. You must check the information on the packaging and safety data sheet, supplied by . Sea Transport IMDG Not regulated as dangerous good. (1994b) for PMDI, there was no apparent effect of monomeric MDI on nasal tissues at any exposure level. The most common forms of isocyanates are toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and hexamethylene diisocyanate . La composition exacte du PMDI varie selon les producteurs. Chemical Week (1998) Market & economics/product focus; MDI. MDI reacts with polyols in the manufacture of polyurethane. In a second experiment using topical administration, 32P-postlabelling analysis did not reveal isocyanateDNA adducts in the skin (Vock & Lutz, 1997). Although there are no human or animal studies that have examined the oral route of exposure, it is unlikely that humans would be exposed by the oral route. It was mentioned that the chemical protective gloves were not routinely utilized by miners who were described as having skin contact leading to chronic skin irritation. MDI was used at the manufacturing plants during only the last 2 years of the study period. Such symptoms were no longer significantly more frequent at PMDI concentrations of 0.1 mg/m3. Following equilibration, PMDI was added to part of the sediment of two ponds at dosages of 1 and 10 g/litre. Persons developing sensitivity to isocyanates may have dangerous systemic reactions to extremely small exposures, including respiratory failure. In 1976 and 1981, Pham et al. The resulting second draft is submitted to a Final Review Board together with the reviewers comments. Las concentraciones de MDA que se forman en el medio ambiente por la reaccin del MDI con el agua son siempre bajas. En estas condiciones tambin se forma MDA a partir del MDI conjugado. Archives des maladies professionelles de mdecine du travail et de scurit sociale (Paris), 43:481 (in French). Since accidental exposure to MDI in occupational settings may result from incidents such as spillages, split hoses, and leaking drums, the introduction of European Isocyanate Production Association (ISOPA) guidelines for transport, storage, handling, and use of diisocyanate has reduced the potential of accidental exposures over the past 20 years. Because commercial applications using PMDI generate aerosols (Dharmarajan, 1979), traditional techniques that have been successfully used to measure isocyanate vapours (e.g., the Marcali and paper tape colorimetric methods) are generally not suitable for quantitative measurements of MDI in air. The health end-point of most concern is an association between exposure to airborne polymeric and/or monomeric MDI and occupationally induced asthma. Toutefois, les rsultats des tests pratiqus dans le milieu aquatique ne sont gure significatifs tant donn que le MDI est pratiquement insoluble dans leau. A separate group of 20 per exposure level was examined histopathologically at 12 months. Comments were received from: M. Baril, Institut de Recherche en Sant et en Scurit du Travail du Qubec, Canada, T. Berzins, National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI), Sweden, R. Cary, Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom, Chemical Industries Association (CIA) Isocyanate Producers Sector Group (IPSG), United Kingdom, M. Collins, Gilbert International Limited, United Kingdom, P. Edwards, Department of Health, United Kingdom, T. Fortoul, National University of Mexico, Mexico, R. Hertel, Bundesinstitut fr Gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinrmedizin, Germany, J. Lesage, Institut de Recherche en Sant et en Scurit du Travail du Qubec, Canada, H. Nagy, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, USA, D. Willcocks, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, Australia, P. Yao, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Peoples Republic of China, K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, GSF-Forschungszentrum fr Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH, Germany, Mr H. Abadin, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA, Dr B. kesson, Department of Occupational & Environmental Health, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, Dr T. Berzins (Chairperson), National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI), Solna, Sweden, Mr R. Cary, Health and Safety Executive, Bootle, Merseyside, United Kingdom, Dr R.S. Tarlo et al. Buschmann J, Koch W, Fuhst R, Heinfich U (1996) Embryotoxicity study of monomeric 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) aerosol after inhalation exposure in Wistar rats. Male rats exposed to 4.9 mg/m3 showed much less severe signs of respiratory distress and only slightly reduced body weight gain compared with controls. Our results indicate that an additional RNCO molecule might catalyze imidic acid formation but have less influence on the efficiency of carbamate formation. It has a transient existence in water; thus, its water solubility is only notional. 37 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3322B176209A284EB0C4550CE5E95269>]/Index[21 27]/Info 20 0 R/Length 81/Prev 52643/Root 22 0 R/Size 48/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Ce CICAD sur le diisocyanate de diphnylmthane (MDI) a t prpar par lInstitut national japonais des sciences de la sant en collaboration avec le National Center for Environmental Assessment de lEnvironmental Protection Agency des tats-Unis (EPA). The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), established in 1980, is a joint venture of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Skarping G, Dalene M (1995) Determination of 4,4-methylenediphenyldianiline (MDA) and identification of isomers in technical-grade MDA in hydrolysed plasma and urine from workers exposed to methylene diphenyldiisocyanate by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. American Industrial Hygiene Association journal, 48:726. Se consider que la hiperplasia celular basal en el epitelio olfatorio detectada con 0,98 y 6,03 mg/m3 era un efecto final crtico no carcinognico. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in commercial form typically exists as a mixture of 4,4'-MDI (monomer) and certain oligomers of MDI (Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1983). Yakabe et al. Dalene M, Jakobsson K, Rannug A, Skarping G, Hagmar L (1996) MDA in plasma as a biomarker of exposure to pyrolysed MDI-based polyurethane: correlations with estimated cumulative dose and genotype for N-acetylation. It was insoluble in water and found to be not inherently biodegradable (Yakabe et al., 1994). With respect to inhalation exposure, only limited studies using rats are available. In such atmospheres, exposure may be to unreacted MDI or to a mixture of MDI and polyols, reactants used to convert MDI to polyurethane foams. The increase in the incidence of mostly benign pulmonary tumours in rats exposed to MDI by inhalation is not considered to be a demonstration of carcinogenicity. Cavelier C, Pham QT, Mereau P, Mur JM, Rombach F, Cicolella A, Bui Dinh Long L, Toamain JP, Baudin V, Henquel JC, Poincelot F, Malo JP, Vincent R (1977) [Isocyanates and respiratory function.] En se basant sur une augmentation marginale du rapport poids du poumon/poids du corps aux doses les plus leves, on a conclu que la concentration de 2,2 mg/m3 - la plus faible tudie - correspondait la dose sans effet nocif observable (NOAEL). MDI in the air and MDA in the plasma were observed in a study of polyurethane pipe welders (Skarping et al., 1995; Dalene et al., 1996; Tinnerberg et al., 1997). 207 and a terrestrial plant growth test conducted according to OECD Guideline No. Herbold B (1980a) [MDI Salmonella/microsome test for investigation of point mutation activity.] It has a transient existence in water; thus, its water solubility is only notional. Treatment did not influence any other maternal or fetal parameters investigated, although a slight but significant increase in litters with fetuses displaying asymmetric sternebra was observed after treatment with the highest dose. A total of 24 substituted RNCO + H2O reactions were studied. Phys., 2021,23, 18535 PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS BY INTERNATIONAL BODIES. Out of 1238 measurements, 138 (11%) were above 0.0125 mg/m3, and 31 (2.5%) were above 0.05 mg/m3; these 31 measurements were detected during processes in rigid polyurethane foam preparation for roof panels for thermal insulation or preparation of coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers for spray floor coating, bridge decking primer, or particleboard. The 5-year longitudinal changes in FEV1 in exposed groups were stated not to be significantly different from the control population. Gilbert DS (1988) Fate of TDI and MDI in air, soil and water. . Base-catalysed reactions of isocyanates with alcohols should be carried out in inert solvents. (Concise international chemical assessment document ; 27) Three uncertainty factors are applied to the BMC10 (HEC) 10 for intraindividual variation (including the possibility of genetic predisposition), 101/2 for the lack of reproductive data, and 101/2 for interspecies variation to derive a human TC of 6 104 mg/m3. b.qq Commercial uses of uncured MDI products in locations where the general population could be exposed. There is very limited information on the toxicokinetics of MDI. Waalkens-Berendsen DH, Arts JHE (1992) Report of a developmental toxicity range-finding study of inhaled polymeric MDI aerosol in rats. 101-68-8 4,4'-Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) 31600 mg/kg Rat 9400 mg/kg Rabbit N.I. In a recent study of workers occupationally exposed to either PMDI/MDI or MDA, free MDA was detected in urine prior to acid hydrolysis (Schuetze et al., 1995). Uniformly negative results were found when the diisocyanates were dissolved in EGDE (Andersen et al., 1980; Herbold, 1980a,b; Woolrich, 1982; Shimizu et al., 1985; Zeiger, 1987; Herbold et al., 1998). Harmful if inhaled. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 72:14571463. (1996). Three workers had radiographic evidence of pneumoconiosis, and 12 had asthma, defined as the presence of bronchial hyperreactivity, cough, and additional respiratory symptoms, such as wheeze, chest tightness, or breathlessness. . hb```"T~g`0p0$ FBgb.0h40t !GL A1CC*| When MDI is released to water, it reacts readily with water to form mixtures of diisocyanates and amines, which then readily react with more MDI to produce inert, solid, insoluble polyurea. 86-2507). Price excludes VAT (USA) Cincinnati, OH, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Report No. Cincinnati, OH, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Report No. The 298 K Gibbs energies are only marginally lowered by a second catalyst water molecule, indicating that the decreasing H0K barriers are offset by loss of translational entropy with more than one catalyst water. The selection of an appropriate catalyst can either . The subjects had been exposed to hydrocarbon solvent as well, but none of them was symptomatic until MDI was introduced to the workplace. Heimbach et al. However, the subsequent reaction of the formed amine with further isocyanate, to produce a urea, is even faster (Hegarty et al., 1975). La production annuelle totale de MDI et de PMDI a t denviron 1,2 millions de tonnes en 1991, de 1,5 millions en 1993, de 1,78 millions en 1994 et de 1,95 millions de tonnes en 1996. Chin J Chem Eng 25(10 . Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate, methylenediphenylamino isocyanate and methylenediphenylamine and structural analogues after thermal degradation of polyurethane. (1994a), SPF Wistar rats (30 per sex per exposure level) were exposed, whole body, to PMDI (Desmodur 44V20 from Bayer AG, with monomeric MDI 52%, isocyanate content 30%) aerosol at 0, 4.1, 8.4, or 12.3 mg/m3 for 6 h per day, 5 days per week, for 13 weeks. British journal of industrial medicine, 50:10031007. Methylene di-p-phenyl diisocyanate,flakes; 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate; PMDI. Mobile parts of the macrobenthos (e.g., Gastropoda) remained unaffected. The ponds contained natural lake sediment and groundwater, to which caged fish were added. 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