introduction to the devout life summary

The Necessity of Prayer Mental prayer the prayer of the heart based on the life and passion of our Lord is what St. Francis recommends the most. The Nature and Excellence of Devotion. For instance, if I have resolved to win those who annoy me by gentleness, I will seek the opportunity of addressing them kindly, but if the occasion does not present itself, I will speak well of them, and pray for them (75). Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his lifetime. Conversation When you speak of God, let it be done with reverence, devotion, gentleness, charity, and humility. CHAPTER XVI. Part III: The Practice of Virtue (patience, meekness, humility, Part IV: Some Ordinary Temptations and how to overcome them, Part V: Renewing and Confirming the Soul in Devotion, This page was last edited on 2 April 2023, at 16:04. (223). 5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star. Mark-Mary, CFR, the Director of Communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renew Sign up to get the first look at Ascension's newest programs and offerings! Realize to whom you made this pledge and in front of whom. He died in 1622 on December 28, and was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. $14.06 2 Used from $4.42. By the help of one virtue heartily practiced men may attain to all holiness ~ Gregory Nazianzen. Uploaded by St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. CHAPTER VII. There are some persons who dare not or will not think about the graces with which God has endowed them, fearing lest they should become self . A seminal work of faith. Some Useful Hints as to Meditation. CHAPTER III. He delves into the maintenance, practice, and perfection of various virtues. Concluding the meditation Make the following 3 acts with utmost humility: (1)Thanksgiving, (2) Oblation, (3) Intercession. St. Francis discusses the nature of temptation, what constitutes succumbing to temptation, how to fight off temptation, and how to strengthen oneself so that temptations never penetrate. How remedy Minor Temptations. Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1877, St. Francis is still helping to form saints through his many writings, of which Introduction to the Devout Life is the most famous. Always follow holy desires if your affections are greatly kindled towards God after your preparation, yield to them without heeding any formal method. Receive Jesus in Holy Communion. This newpaperback edition has the same great content as the ori "Praise God Melissa Overmyer allowed the Holy Spirit to inspire her to write From Worry to Wonder! CHAPTER XIV. CHAPTER XVIII. Francis saw the pursuit of holiness as something possible to each and every Christian, regardless of vocation, temperament or age. CHAPTER XXX. The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. How to select that which we should chiefly Practise. His feast is celebrated on January 24. Strive to extract holy thoughts and pious aspirations from all the varying circumstances of our mortal life. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. To which is prefix'd a summary of his life, and adjoyn'd a collection of his choicest maxims. If charity be milk, devotion is the cream; if charity be a plant, devotion is its flowers; if charity be a precious stone, devotion is its lustre; if charity be a rich balm, devotion is its odour: yea, the odour of sweetness, which comforts men and rejoices angels (8). * If the temptation continues, hasten in spirit to embrace Jesus crucified on the Cross and promise Him not to yield and ask His aid. The world We are crucified to the world and the world should be crucified to us. Been reading this every couple of years for Lent. PART I. Sketch of the Life of St. Francis of Sales v A Dedicatory Prayer xiii The Author's Preface xv PART THE FIRST CONTAINING THE COUNSELS AND EXERCISES NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM ITS FIRST DESIRE FOR THE DEVOUT LIFE TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE IT I. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. How the Saints are united to us. Of the Difference between True and False Friendship. For example, boldly acknowledge that you would rather die than commit amortal sin. He contends that devotion is not a state necessarily relegated to monks in cloisters, but can be a quality of life to which everyone can aspire. Be not surprised, then, replied the apostle, that I should sometimes remit somewhat of my close application and attention of spirit in order to enjoy a little recreation, that I may afterwards employ myself more fervently in divine contemplation (214). Society and Solitude As a general rule, we should always preserve a quiet cheerfulness of manner. INTRODUCTION To A DEVOUT LIFE. If you possess them preserve your heart from loving them. If during vocal prayer your heart is drawn to mental prayer, do not restrain it, but let your devotion take that channel (except if bound to recite the Office). i know this will be a bedside book for a long long time. Introduction to the Devout Life Saint Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622) First published in the early 17th century, it has proven its value as a daily spiritual guide and helpful reference for living an authentic Christian life. Be careful and diligent in work but never hurried or anxious. CHAPTER XXVI. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER II. Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his short lifetime. Humility Humility is found through reflecting on both (1) Gods mercies and favors towards us and (2) our ingratitude, imperfection, and sins against Him. All temptations are never permitted by God save to those whom He purposes to exalt in His pure and excellent love (259). St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. I place this book in the same league as that classic The Imitation of Christ by Thomas of Kempis. In this episode, Tom and Fr. Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy. Join the movement! Patience Patience in all trials is the key to possessing our souls. Introduction to the Devout Life (French: Introduction la vie dvote) is a book written by Saint Francis de Sales, the first edition being published in 1609. Written for Christians in every walk of life and for every age, St. Francis De Sales' classic work transcends secular lines and provides a unique handbook of spiritual reflection for people in every avenue of life. Actions We must be faithful in things great and small. "[7], According to Mark Plaushin O.S.F.S., Francis De Sales' approach is "Christian humanism", an optimism about the human potential for cooperation with God toward redemption. Have a quiet, calm, and persevering repentance. The First Purification, namely, from Mortal Sin. And first, the Presence of God, the First Point of Preparation. But it is the great perfection of heavenly love to make those who love God suffer and fight for his love, not knowing whether they possess the love for which and by which they fight (258). ive spent a long time asking and looking around for a solid devotional book. Of course, this book is not concerned with such politics and historical revisionismwhich have come after its completion. What true Devotion is. This masterpiece of Christian literature by a 16th-century priest explains how to live a holy life in the secular world. something w lots depth and wisdom that would challenge and shake me up a bit. I really just mean that it is one of those books that I will refer back to again and again for spiritual help. A continued habitual temperance is far better than occasional, rigid abstinence alternating with great relaxation. During his lifetime, St. Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. Meditation is an act of understanding consisting of one or more reflections made with the view of exciting our affections towards God and the things of Heaven (70). Of Dryness and Spiritual Barrenness. But I was no less comforted when I found her in her fathers kitchen, humbly turning the spit, blowing the fire, dressing the meat, kneading the bread, and doing the meanest offices of the house with a courage full of love and affection for her God; for I esteem no less the little and humble meditation she made amongst these mean and abject employments, than the ecstasies and raptures she so often had, which, perhaps, were given her only in recompense of her humility and abjection. An Answer to Two Objections which may be made to this Book. CHAPTER VI. "Introduction to the Devout Life". We can glorify God in a secular world, and be a testimony to the world of God's abounding grace and love. Consider what He is doing, and what you are doing. The "devout life is a lovely, a pleasant, and a happy life" (6). Renew the protestation given in Part I after the meditations on the 1st day of each month and when you feel any slackening in your soul. If we persevere, we shall gradually, by the help of His grace, learn to speak, to act and will like Him (61). 1st Part: Instructions and exercises for conducting the soul from her first desire for a devout life till she is brought to a full resolution of embracing it. Search the history of over 804 billion CHAPTER XIII. Privacy. External Mortification We must begin mortification from within. I've seen some translations online that honestly are hard to read and boring due to all the old expressions (they seem to just drag on and on - rather than crisply conveying what they are meant to convey). Topics catholic Collection opensource. Life of St. Francis de Sales Introduction was seen immediately as a classic in trying to describe a spirituality that is compatible with any walk of life. CHAPTER IX. Therefore, you must preserve both thoughts/desires and external senses. When to use such Amusements rightly. CHAPTER XVI. For you the price doesn't change Rating system:10/10 breathtaking, must read9/10 really good 8/10 good 7/10 good (maybe not for everyone)6/10 and less: I try to read good books lol so that rating should not occurRead online for free: English: online for free:English:\u0026t=1sGerman: can contact me here: On Gentleness towards Ourselves. PART III. Introduction to the Devout Life is a timeless gem and I was truly blessed by reading it. Introduction to the Devout Life is a compilation of letters and notes. This is not the first time I have read this classic of Christian spirituality. CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS AND EXERCISES FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM HER FIRST DESIRE TILL SHE BE BROUGHT TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE A DEVOUT LIFE. CHAPTER XIX. This book is indispensable for all Catholics looking to live a devout lifeand fruitful for all others interested in such matters. Live, Jesus! Saint Francis de Sales. We must not trifle with the Words of Worldly Wisdom. Desolation If you are the cause of your own desolation, thank God, for the evil is half cured when you have ascertained the cause (286). CHAPTER XIII. 4/5. Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America. Make anopen profession of your desire to be devout. Humility consists in really knowing and freely acknowledging our abasement. Invocation, the Second Point of Preparation. Since our possessions are not our own but rather gifts from God to cultivate them, we must take great care to render them useful and fruitful. That is the gist of this work; for those individuals (which would indeed, unfortunately, be a large numer) who are not destined for a religious vocation or a life of monastic contemplation, the lessons contained within the Introduction to the Devout Life (if at least minutely adhered to) can become a moral and religious compass for individuals who are frightfully lost as a result of the freewheeling sexualization of society, unrepentant, insolent amour propre, the rise of unceasing materialism and other debasing wounds that can cause spiritual deadness and thus can become none too quick to heal. CHAPTER XVI. CONTAINING SUNDRY COUNSELS AS TO UPLIFTING THE SOUL TO GOD IN PRAYER AND THE USE OF THE SACRAMENTS. CHAPTER II. Remedies against Evil Friendships. Concerning Dryness in Meditation. Examination as to the Affectations of the Soul. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord. How to resist temptations Immediately fly to God and seek His mercy and His help. Humans have always been human, who knew? An introduction to the devout life Franois de Sales (st.) 1885 2 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified Preview this book What. A notable literary man has said that a good way to learn is to study, a better to listen, and the best to teach. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. (LogOut/ Do not spend longer than an hour unless expressly desired to do so by your spiritual director. it's hard to move through this book fast. Without it you cannot follow the contemplative life well, nor the active life without danger. CHAPTER VI. Jenkins examine St. Francis de Sales' Philothea, or An Introduction to the Devout Life: How a double-minded man is also a double. Wherever we may be, we can and should aspire to the perfect life."[6]. Let your speech be gentle, frank, sincere, clear, simple, and truthful. ** Above all, you must be careful to retain the resolutions to which you have come through meditation, on your return to active duties. Advice and encouragement for lay Catholics pursuing a personal relationship with God from a Doctor of the Church. CHAPTER IX. In order to cure our faults, it is doubtless well to mortify the flesh, but above all we must purify our affections, and renew our hearts, and it is advisable never to adopt bodily mortifications without the direction of our spiritual guide (193). How to effect this Second Purification. We are not always able to banish the temptation but we can take no pleasure in the sin and refuse consent. 0 Ratings 10 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read CHAPTER XXI. Chastity has its origin in the heart and its substance in the body. Charity bids humility to > reveal thetruth. How to strengthen the Heart against Temptation. This early 17th century classic is a proven spiritual guide for living an authentic Christian life. Be open in all faithfulness and sincerity, laying bare both good and evil. Three Important and Final Counsels. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. We must (1) forsake, reject, and detest all sin, (2) dedicate our whole beings to serve and love God, (3) speedily rise again after any falls. Devotion is suitable to every Vocation and Profession. On Friendship: Evil and Frivolous Friendship. Of Temptations, and the difference between experiencing them and consenting to them. For a solid devotional book external senses and its substance in the sin and refuse consent patience patience all! 400 years ago, introduction to the devout life is a lovely, a pleasant, and persevering.... 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